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Point Baker


Located on the northern tip of Prince of Wales Island, Point Baker is 142 miles south of Juneau and 101 miles northwest of Ketchikan. It lies at approximately 56° 21' N Latitude, 133° 37' W Longitude (Sec. 06, T064S, R076E, Copper River Meridian). The community is located in the Juneau Recording District. The area encompasses 1 sq. miles of land and 1 sq. miles of water.

Point Baker was named in 1793 by Capt. George Vancouver, who named it after the Second Lieutenant on his ship Discovery. The first floating fish packer came to Point Baker to buy fish in 1919, and trade continued in this fashion until the 1930s, when the Forest Service opened the area for homesites. During the 1920s and 1930s, up to 100 tents lined the harbor, occupied by hand-trollers. The first store was built in 1941, and a post office opened in 1942. In 1955, Point Baker was withdrawn from the Tongass National Forest. A floating dock was built by the State in 1961; larger docks replaced it in 1968.




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