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Lime Village


Lime Village is located on the south bank of the Stony River, 50 miles southeast of its junction with the Kuskokwim River. The village is 111 air miles south of McGrath, 137 miles east of Aniak, and 185 miles west of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 61° 21' N Latitude, 155° 28' W Longitude (Sec. 30, T015N, R034W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Kuskokwim Recording District. The area encompasses 53 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

Lime Village was named for the nearby limestone hills. The earliest recorded settlement was in 1907, when Paul, Evan and Zacar Constantinoff were year-round residents. People from nearby Lake Clark used the area for a summer fish camp. The 1939 U.S. Census called the settlement "Hungry Village." A Russian Orthodox chapel, Saints Constantine and Helen, was built in 1960. A state school was constructed in 1974.




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