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Lake & Peninsula Borough


Lake & Peninsula Borough is located on the Alaska Peninsula, southwest of Anchorage. It is comprised of 17 communities, including 5 incorporated cities. It lies at approximately 59° 43' N Latitude, 154° 54' W Longitude . The community is located in the Kvichak, Aleutian Islands Recording District. The area encompasses 23,632 sq. miles of land and 5,376 sq. miles of water.

Yup'ik Eskimos and Athabascan Indians have jointly occupied the area for the past 6,000 years. The late 1800s first brought an influx of non-Native fishermen and cannery operations. A flu epidemic in 1918 was tragic to the Native population. Reindeer were introduced to assist the survivors, but the experiment eventually failed. During World War II Fort Morrow was built at Port Heiden. The Borough was incorporated in 1989.




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