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Kiana is located on the north bank of the Kobuk River, 57 air miles east of Kotzebue. It lies at approximately 66° 58' N Latitude, 160° 26' W Longitude (Sec. 09, T018N, R008W, Kateel River Meridian). The community is located in the Kotzebue Recording District. The area encompasses 0 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

Kiana means "a place where three rivers meet." It was established long ago as the central village of the Kobuk River Kowagmiut Inupiat Eskimos. In 1909, it became a supply center for the Squirrel River placer mines. A post office was established in 1915. Prior to the formation of the Northwest Arctic Borough in 1976, the BIA high school taught students from Noatak, Shungnak and Ambler, who boarded with local residents.




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