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Hollis is located on the east side of Prince of Wales Island, 19 miles east of Craig by road, and 35 miles west of Ketchikan by water. It lies at approximately 55° 29' N Latitude, 132° 40' W Longitude (Sec. 04, T074S, R084E, Copper River Meridian). The community is located in the Ketchikan Recording District. The area encompasses 48 sq. miles of land and 13 sq. miles of water.

Hollis was a mining town at the turn of the century, with a population of over 1,000. Gold and silver were mined until about 1915. In 1953, it became a logging camp when a long-term timber contract was enacted with Ketchikan Pulp Co. It served as the base for timber operations on Prince of Wales Island until 1962, when the camp was moved 45 miles north to Thorne Bay. The area was permanently settled by in recent years through a state land disposal sale.




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