False Pass
False Pass is located on the eastern shore
of Unimak Island on a strait connecting the Pacific Gulf of Alaska to
the Bering Sea. It is 646 air miles southwest of Anchorage. It lies at
approximately 54° 51' N Latitude, 163° 24' W Longitude (Sec. 34, T061S,
R094W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Aleutian
Islands Recording District. The area encompasses 15 sq. miles of land
and 2 sq. miles of water.
name False Pass is derived from the fact that the Bering Sea side of the
strait is extremely shallow and cannot accommodate large vessels. The
area was originally settled by a homesteader in the early 1900s, and
grew with the establishment of a cannery in 1917. Natives immigrated
from Morzhovoi, Sanak Island and Ikatan when the cannery was built. A
post office was established in 1921. The cannery operated continuously,
except for 1973 - 1976, when two hard winters depleted the fish
resources. The cannery was subsequently purchased by Peter Pan Seafoods.
It was destroyed by fire in 1984, and was not rebuilt.