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Deering is located on Kotzebue Sound at the mouth of the Inmachuk River, 57 miles southwest of Kotzebue. It is built on a flat sand and gravel spit 300 feet wide and a half-mile long. It lies at approximately 66° 04' N Latitude, 162° 42' W Longitude (Sec. 20, T008N, R019W, Kateel River Meridian). The community is located in the Cape Nome Recording District. The area encompasses 5 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

The village was established in 1901 as a supply station for Interior gold mining near the historic Malemiut Eskimo village of "Inmachukmiut." The name Deering was probably taken from the 90-ton schooner Abbey Deering, which was in nearby waters around 1900.




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