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Coldfoot is located at the mouth of Slate Creek on the east bank of the Middle Fork Koyukuk River. It lies at Milepost 175 of the Dalton Highway, formerly known as the North Slope Haul Road. It lies at approximately 67° 15' N Latitude, 150° 11' W Longitude. The community is located in the Fairbanks Recording District. The area encompasses 0 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

Originally named Slate Creek, Coldfoot reportedly got its name in 1900 when gold prospectors traveled up the Koyukuk to this point, then got "cold feet," turned around, and departed. In 1902, Coldfoot had two roadhouses, two stores, seven saloons and a gambling house. A post office was established in 1902 and was discontinued in 1912, when the mine and town was abandoned for other mines in Nolan and Wiseman Creeks to the north.




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