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Circle Hot Springs


The community is northeast of Fairbanks, and 29 miles southwest of Circle, on the Steese Highway. It lies at approximately 65° 29' N Latitude, 144° 38' W Longitude (Sec. 34, T008N, R015E, Fairbanks Meridian). The community is located in the Fairbanks Recording District. The area encompasses 53 sq. miles of land and 1 sq. miles of water.

The hot springs were used by area Athabascans prior to the gold rush. The first non-Native to discover the springs was William Greats, in 1893, and the springs were probably used by local miners. In 1905, Cassius Monohan homesteaded 106 acres around the springs, and sold it to Franklin Leach in 1909, who developed a resort. The Circle Springs post office was established in 1924.




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