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Chevak is located on the north bank of the Niglikfak River, 17 miles east of Hooper Bay in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. It lies at approximately 61° 31' N Latitude, 165° 35' W Longitude (Sec. 34, T017N, R090W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Bethel Recording District. The area encompasses 2 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

Eskimos have inhabited the region for thousands of years. Chevak is also known as New Chevak because residents inhabited another village called Chevak before 1950. "Old" Chevak, on the north bank of the Keoklevik River, 9 miles east of Hooper Bay, was abandoned because of flooding from high storm tides. The name Chevak refers to "a connecting slough," on which "Old" Chevak was situated. The new site was first reported by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1948. A post office was established in 1951.




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