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Chenega Bay


Chenega Bay is located on Evans Island in Crab Bay, 42 miles southeast of Whittier in the Prince William Sound. It is 104 air miles southeast of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 60° 06' N Latitude, 147° 57' W Longitude (Sec. 24, T001S, R008E, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Valdez Recording District. The area encompasses 29 sq. miles of land and 25 sq. miles of water.

The name of this Alutiiq village was first reported by Ivan Petroff in the 1880 census. At that time, the village was located on the southern tip of Chenega Island. A post office was established in 1946. The village was destroyed and over half of all residents perished by tsunamis in the Sound after the 1964 earthquake. The village was reestablished in the mid-1980s on Evans Island, although it is still named Chenega.





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