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Bill Moore's Slough


The site is located on the left bank of Apoon Pass, southwest of Kotlik, in the Yukon Delta. It lies at approximately 62° 57' N Latitude, 163° 46' W Longitude (Sec. 06, T033N, R078W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Bethel Recording District. The area encompasses 2 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

This was a landing and riverboat woodyard, first reported in 1899 by R.L. Faris of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey as "Konogkelyokamiut." The name "Bill Moore's Slough" was first noted in the 1961 Census. At that time, there were 32 persons living in the community.




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