Auke Village
The site of the former village of the Auke
Indians on the open bight just east of Point Louisa, 13 miles northwest of
Juneau. The site, adjacent to Glacier Highway, has been reserved by the U.S.
Forest Service as a recreation area. The 1880 census of Alaska listed the Auk
population as 640, of whom 300 were on Admiralty Island, 50 on Douglas Island,
and 290 on Stephens Passage, the latter presumably including those at the Point
Louisa village. In 1890 the Census Bureau gives the population of "The Auk
settlements" as 324 and in 1900 as 261, without specifying the number or
location of the settlements. The village at point Louisa was known as Aukan,
although in 1904 J. R. Swanton, the anthropologist, reported its name as
Antogaltsu, meaning abandoned town. This may have been a recent name, given it
after the population had moved to Juneau. Almost immediately after the founding
of Juneau, Auk, Taku, and other Indians began moving to the new camp. The Auks
were established on the beach just north of town and this became locally known
as the Auk Village to distinguish it from the Taku Village, which was on the
beach just south of town. Thereafter, the village at Point Louisa was usually
called Old Auke Village.