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Atqasuk is located on the Meade River, 60 miles south of Barrow. It lies at approximately 70° 28' N Latitude, 157° 24' W Longitude (Sec. 19, T013N, R021W, Umiat Meridian). The community is located in the Barrow Recording District. The area encompasses 41 square miles of land and 4 sqare miles of water.

The area has traditionally been hunted and fished by Inupiat Eskimos. The name means "the place to dig the rock that burns." During World War II, bituminous coal was mined in Atqasuk and freighted to Barrow for use by government and private facilities. The village had a post office from 1951 to 1957 under the name Meade River. There were no people in Atqasuk in 1970, but the community was re-established around 1977, primarily by former residents of Barrow.




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