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Anvik is located in Interior Alaska on the Anvik River, west of the Yukon River, 34 miles north of Holy Cross. It lies at approximately 62° 39' N Latitude, 160° 12' W Longitude (Sec. 29, T030N, R058W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Kuskokwim Recording District. The area encompasses 11 sq. miles of land and 3 sq. miles of water.

Anvik has historically been an Ingalik Indian village. It has been known as American Station, Anvic, Anvick, Anvig, Anvig Station, and Anwig. The Russian Glazanov reported it having 100 people in 1834. Originally it was on other side of the river, to the northeast, at a place called the point. Residents gradually moved across the river with the establishment of an Episcopal mission and school in 1887. A post office opened in 1897. After the flu epidemic of 1918-19, and another in 1927, many orphans became wards of the mission. Some children came from as far away as Fort Yukon. Sternwheelers carried supplies to the village in the early 1920s. Some residents had contracts to cut wood for the sternwheeler's fuel, and fish and furs were sold to traders. The early 1930s brought the first arrival of a plane on skis.





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