is located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River, 42 air miles
northeast of Bethel, on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. It lies at
approximately 60° 55' N Latitude, 161° 13' W Longitude (Sec. 32, T010N,
R067W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Bethel
Recording District. The area encompasses 2 sq. miles of land and 1 sq.
miles of water.
In 1880, the village of "Ackiagmute"
had a population of 175. The name Akiak means "the other side," since
this place was a crossing to the Yukon River basin during the winter for
area Eskimos. The Akiak post office was established in 1916. A U.S.
Public Health Service hospital was built in the 1920s.
