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Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area



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Communities [populations in brackets]:

Angoon [572] Chilkat [139]
Cube Cove [72] Elfin Cove [32]
Game Creek [35] Gustavus [429]
Hobart Bay[3] Hoonah [860]
Klukwan [139] Pelican [163]
Skagway [862] Tenakee Springs [104]
Whitestone Logging Camp [116]

The Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area is made up of scattered coastal communities in northern Southeast Alaska. Commercial fishing remains the primary focus in most of these. Logging also played an important role in the economies of Hoonah and Angoon. Both industries have suffered setbacks in recent years, with reduced timber cuts eliminating many logging jobs and low ex-vessel prices impacting fisheries earnings and participation.

Klukwan is a Tlingit village located on the Chilkat River near Haines. While commercial fishing continues to be important to the community, subsistence also plays a major role.

Tenakee Springs, on Chichagof Island, was once the site of a salmon cannery.

Though not formally organized, the Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area was created in 1992.  Total population at the time of the 2000 census was 3,436.



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