Southeast Fairbanks Census Area

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Communities [populations in brackets]: |
Alcan Border [21] |
Big Delta [749] |
Chicken [17] |
Delta Junction [840] |
Deltana [1,570] |
Dot Lake [19] |
Dot Lake Village [38] |
Dry Creek [128] |
Eagle [129] |
Eagle Village [68] |
Fort Greely [461] |
Healy Lake [37] |
Northway [95] |
Northway Junction [72] |
Northway Village [107] |
Tanacross [140] |
Tetlin [117] |
Tok [1,393] |
The Southeast Fairbanks Census Area lies in eastern
Interior Alaska. The Tanana River, following a northwesterly course,
bisects the area. This census area covers a total area of 25,061 square
miles. As of 2000, the population is 6,174.
In 1994, the Sumitomo Company found substantial deposits of gold at its Pogo
prospect 40 miles northeast of Delta Junction. These reserves, estimated at 5.5
million ounces may soon be developed by a joint venture between Teck/Cominco and
Sumitomo. The company, Teck-Pogo, planned to finalize the permitting process for
both the underground mine and surface mill in 2003.
In addition to the anticipated growth in mining operations and military support
activities, this region is Alaska's second most productive agricultural region.
In 2001, farm production in the Tanana area yielded a value of more than $7.5
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AKINT: INTERIOR is a regional mailing list
encompassing Denali Borough, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Nome Census
Area, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, Wade Hampton Census Area, and
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area. Newbies to genealogical research
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