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Ketchikan Gateway Borough



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The Ketchikan Gateway Borough is comprised of the cities of Ketchikan [population 7,922] and Saxman [population 431]. 

This Borough is located near the southernmost boundary of Alaska, in the Southeast Panhandle.  It covers 1,754 square miles - 1,233 of which is land and 521 water.  Unusual about this Borough is the fact that it is sprawled over three islands - Gravina, Pennock and Revillagigedo.  Residence is only on one, Revillagigedo Island where the 1,233 square mile Ketchikan Gateway Borough is located at the southern tip of the Alaska panhandle. 

Tongass and Cape Fox Tlingits have lived in the area historically. Ketchikan was originally called "kitschk-kin," meaning creek of the thundering wings of an eagle. This name was given to a creek (now called Ketchikan Creek) by the Cape Fox and Tongass Tlingit tribes they had been using as a fish camp.




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AKWEB: Alaska Genealogy & History -
This is a statewide list intended for the exchange of genealogical, historical and cultural information about the state of Alaska and the ancestors who lived here. Newbies to genealogical research and/or computer researching in Alaska are welcome. 
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SOUTHEAST is a regional mailing list intended for Alaska's Southeast Region, also known as the Inside Passage. This encompasses Haines Borough, Juneau Borough, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Borough, Sitka Borough, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, and Yakutat Borough. Newbies to genealogical research and/or computer researching in Alaska are welcome.
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AKNAT: NATIVES OF ALASKA is a statewide list intended for the exchange of genealogical, historical, and cultural information of Alaska Natives.

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