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Juneau Borough



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Located on the mainland of Southeast Alaska, opposite Douglas Island, Juneau was built at the heart of the Inside Passage along the Gastineau Channel.  Juneau Borough is the largest city in Southeast Alaska and the third largest in the state. The Borough encompasses a population of 30,711 inside 2,717 square miles of land. 

The area was a fish camp for the indigenous Auke and Taku People who lived here for thousands of years. They are Tlingit, with rich artistic traditions including carving, weaving, orating, singing and dancing.

In 1880, nearly 20 years before the gold rushes to the Klondike and Nome, Joe Juneau and Richard Harris were lead to Gold Creek by Chief Kowee of the Auk Tribe. They found mother lode deposits upstream, staked their mining claims, and developed a 160 acre incorporated city they called Harrisburg, bringing many prospectors to the area.

The City of Juneau was formed in 1900. The state capital was transferred from Sitka to Juneau in 1906 while Alaska was a U.S. Territory. The Treadwell and Ready Bullion mines across the channel on Douglas Island became world-scale mines, operating from 1882 to 1917. In 1916, the Alaska-Juneau gold mine was built on the mainland, and became the largest operation of its kind in the world. In 1917, a cave-in and flood closed the Treadwell mine on Douglas. It produced $66 million in gold in its 35 years of operation. Fishing, canneries, transportation and trading services, and a sawmill contributed to Juneau's growth through the early 1900s. The A-J Mine closed in 1944, after producing over $80 million in gold.

In 1970, the City of Juneau and City of Douglas were unified into the City & Borough of Juneau.  The only community recognized in Census 2000 is Douglas, population 5,297.



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AKWEB: Alaska Genealogy & History -
This is a statewide list intended for the exchange of genealogical, historical and cultural information about the state of Alaska and the ancestors who lived here. Newbies to genealogical research and/or computer researching in Alaska are welcome. 
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SOUTHEAST is a regional mailing list intended for Alaska's Southeast Region, also known as the Inside Passage. This encompasses Haines Borough, Juneau Borough, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Borough, Sitka Borough, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, and Yakutat Borough. Newbies to genealogical research and/or computer researching in Alaska are welcome.
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AKNAT: NATIVES OF ALASKA is a statewide list intended for the exchange of genealogical, historical, and cultural information of Alaska Natives.

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