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Bethel Census Area



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The Bethel Census Area encompasses a 41,087 square mile area in western Alaska, nearly the size of the state of Ohio.  The population at the time of the 2000 census was 16,006.  On the map, the Bethel Census Area with its 34 communities appears to be a well-populated place, by rural Alaska standards.  Its 16,280 (in 2001) residents do make it by far the most populous remote rural area.  But is acreage is so vast that the population density is a mere 4/10 person per square mile!

Two types of landscapes predominate this area.  In the southwest lies the vast Yukon-Kuskokwim delta region, commonly referred to as the Y-K delta.  In this lower section the Kuskokwim River flows southwest and effectively divides the Y-K delta region into a western and eastern half.  Few people live east of the river in the area of the Kilbuck Mountains.  The northeast part of the census area is a long rectangular stretch of land bordering the Kuskokwim River. 

The Y-K delta is a large coastal plain with approximately 900 miles of shoreline along the Bering Sea.  Two near shore islands, Nunivak and Nelson, belong to the area.  The coastal villages are home to nearly 28% of the area's population.



Communities [population in brackets]:

Akiachak [585] Akiak [309]
Aniak [572] Atmautluak [294]
Bethel [5,471] Chefornak [394]
Crooked Creek [137] Eek [280]
Goodnews Bay [230] Kasigluk [543]
Kipnuk [644] Kongiganak [359]
Kwethluk [713] Kwigillingok [338]
Lime Village [46] Lower Kalskag [267]
Mekoryuk [210] Napaimute
Napakiak [353] Napaskiak [390]
Newtok [321] Nighmute [208]
Nunapitchuk [466] Oscarville [61]
Platinum [41] Quinhagak [555]
Sleetmute[100] Stony River [61]
Toksook Bay [532] Tuluksak [428]
Tuntutuliak [370] Tununak [325]
Tununak [325] Upper Kalskag [230]



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