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Aleutians East Borough



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Located in Southwestern Alaska, the Aleutians East Borough is a thin stretch of land sandwiched between the Bering Sea to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the south.  Aleutians East Borough is in southwestern Alaska between the Bering Sea to its north and the Pacific Ocean to its south. It includes the westernmost portion of the Alaska Peninsula and part of the eastern Aleutian islands, encompassing 6,988.1 sq. miles of land and 8,023.5 sq. miles of water.

The Aleutians East Borough is a municipal government spanning over 15,000 square miles of some of the most wild, remote and beautiful country on earth. Archaeological evidence indicates the area has been inhabited by the Unanga — called "Aleut" by Russian traders — since the last ice age.  The Borough was formed in 1987 with the seat of Aleutians East Borough at Sand Point. In 2003, it had an estimated resident population of 2,700.


Communities [population in brackets]:

 Akutan [389]  Belkofski
 Cold Bay [128]  Dutch Harbor
 False Pass [59]  King Cove [780]
 Nelson Lagoon  Pauloff Harbor
 Sand Point [810]  Squaw Harbor



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AKSWEST: A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding genealogy and history in Alaska's Southwest Region, encompassing Aleutians East Borough, Aleutians West Census Area, Bethel Census Area, Bristol Bay Borough, Dillingham Census Area, Kodiak Island Borough, and Lake and Peninsula Borough. Newbies to genealogical research and/or computer researching in Alaska are welcome.

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AKNAT: NATIVES OF ALASKA is a statewide list intended for the exchange of genealogical, historical, and cultural information of Alaska Natives.

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