The list below represents the materials
that are available for Alaska. All of the titles listed here have information
about the people or places of Alaska. Most of these books can be borrowed from
your local library through their Inter-Library Loan (ILL) program. Contact
your local librarian for more information.
Many of the current publications are still
available from the publisher of the work or other indicated source. The last
page of this publication notes some bookstores in the state that may have the
more obscure current Alaskan titles. Also, visit their websites, which often
offer titles at discount prices. Kindly note that this web site does not
offer books for sale.

Adney, Tappan. The Klondike stampede / Vancouver :
University of British Columbia Press, 1994. 471p. Reprint
edition of 1899 classic with new introduction by Ken Coates.
Journalist Adney spent one year in the North at the beginning of
the Gold Rush of 1897, and chronicled the peoples, events,
places, routes. ISBN0774804904. LC95-100641.
Adventures through Time : Readings in the
Anthropology of Cook Inlet, Alaska : Proceedings of a Symposium/ compiled and edited by Nancy Yaw
Davis and William E. Davis (Anchorage, AK : Cook Inlet Historical
Society, 1996), 284 p., cloth, $40.00, ISBN1878462024 (121 West
7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501-3696). LC96-85078.
Affleck, Edward L. A Century of Paddlewheelers in the
Pacific Northwest, the Yukon and Alaska (Vancouver :
Alexander Nicolls Press, 2000), 98 pp., paper, $20.00 postpaid,
ISBN 092003408X, #208, 2250 S.E. Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V5P
2S2. Brief technical descriptions and summaries of the careers of
hundreds of sidewheel and sternwheel steamboats.
Akrigg, G. P. V. and Helen B. Akrigg. British
Columbia Place Names, 3rd edition (Vancouver, B.C.
: UBC Press, 1997), 304 pp., cloth, $49.95, ISBN0774806362,
University of British Columbia, 6344 Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z2. A new edition of the BC classic to which the authors
have dedicated over 40 years. Fascinating for browsers and an
invaluable source for historians.
Alaska : a Great Past, a Rich Future (Kirkland, WA : Wyndham Publications, 1995),
320 p., cloth, $49.95, ISBN0963410032 (PO Box 45, Kirkland, WA
98083-0045). LC94-062215. "This book is intended to offer an
overview of the past, the present, and the potential of Alaska,
in an eclectic mix of chapters by various authors, covering
almost every aspect of life in what has come to be known as the
Great Land."
Alaska Ascents : World Class Mountaineers Tell their
Stories, compiled by Bill
Sherwonit (Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1996), 289 p.,
paper, $16.95, ISBN0882404792 (PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97210).
LC96-3021. Denali and other peaks in Alaska challenge the best of
the mountain climbers.
Alaska at War Symposium (1993: Anchorage, Alaska).
Alaska At War, 1941-1945: The Forgotten Front Remembered:
Papers from the Alaska at War Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska,
November 11-13, 1993
/ edited by Fern Chandonnet (Anchorage: Alaska at War
Committee, 1995), 455 p., cloth, ISBN: 0964698005, $39.95 plus
$3.95 postage, Alaska Humanities Forum, 421 West lst Avenue,
Suite 210, Anchorage, AK 99501. Text, illustrations,
and maps for over sixty papers given at the November 1993 "Alaska
at War" conference in Anchorage. wln95173564.
Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs.
Community information summaries / Juneau, AK : DCRA (Laura
Walters, POB 112100, Juneau AK 99811-2100).
Provides a brief overview of each community, including
descriptions of the location, history, culture, climate,
transpiration, economy, unemployment, income, poverty, schools
and local contacts in each town. The information in also
available on on-line on SLED.. wln94-382379. $25.00.
Alaska Geographic / Penny
Rennick, ed. (Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1996). A
periodical, but each issue is usually cataloged as a separate
Four issues published yearly, paper, non-member price is
$21.95 per issue (PO Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509-3370). Each
issue is on a single topic that is described with colorful photos
and articles that explore the subject's historical, cultural,
social, economic, and physical geography. 1996 (vol. 23)
- Anchorage, Volume 23,
Number 1, ISBN1566610303, wln96-144475.
- Native Cultures of Alaska,
Volume 23, Number 2, ISBN1566610311, wln96-328424.
- The Brooks Range, Volume 23,
Number 3, ISBN156661032X, wln97-062121.
- Moose, Caribou and Muskox,
Volume 23, Number 4, ISBN1566610338, wln97-123785.
Alaska Gold Rush Pioneers of Juneau-Douglas
Area, 1880-1921 (Juneau : Juneau Pioneers of Alaska Igloo
& Auxiliary No. 6, 1998), 70 pp., paper, $10.00 plus postage,
order from Marie Darlin, 415 Willoughby #506, Juneau, AK 99801.
An illustrated brief history of early Juneau mining, followed by
fifty single-page biographies of Juneau pioneers.
Alaska Gold Rush Trails Time Line: Ghost Towns, Routes
to the Gold Fields, Stories of the Past
(Juneau, AK : Alaska Division of Tourism and Alaska
Office of History and Archaeology, 1995), 1 folded sheet printed
on both sides, $3.00, Alaska Division of Tourism, P.O. Box
110801, Juneau, AK 99801-0801. This colorful poster
commemorates the centennial of the 1890s gold rushes to the Yukon
and Alaska. Routes to the gold fields and lists of historic
buildings and relics appear on one side of this poster, while a
timeline and snapshot stories of people, places, and events
appear on the verso. sln95-92386.
Alaska Goldrush National Historic Landmarks :
the Stampede North prepared by the National Park Service
Alaska System Support Team (Anchorage : National Park Service,
Alaska System Support Office, 1998), 16 pp., paperback, 2525
Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. An overview
of the five sites of gold-rush-related National Historic
Landmarks in Alaska, including information on accessing each and
its historic background.
Alaska in Maps : A Thematic Atlas /
edited by Roger W. Pearson and Marjorie Hermans (Fairbanks :
University of Alaska Fairbanks ; Alaska Department of Education ;
Alaska Geographic Alliance, 1998), 99 pp., spiral bound, $35.00.
ISBN1887419020, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West
Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Over fifty maps focus on the
geographic characteristics of Alaska. Many charts and graphs with
explanatory text are also available in this informative book for
students from upper elementary grades through college. (Also
listed in the Juvenile section.)
Alaska Newspapers on Microfilm,
compiled by Mary C. Nicolson with Mary Anne Slemmons (Juneau :
Alaska Newspaper Project, Alaska State Library, 1998), 301 pp.,
paperback, $25.00, Alaska Historical Collections, Alaska State
Library, P.O. Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99811-0571. Exhaustive
listing giving holdings, history, and publication information.
Extremely useful charts show Alaskan and regional newspapers
published for each location chronologically for easy
identification of titles covering a specific time.
Alaska on My Mind. (Helena, Mont. : Falcon
Publishing Inc., 1998), 120 pp., cloth, $29.95, ISBN1560443820,
P.O. Box 1718, Helena, MT 59624, 1-800-582-2665. With photographs
and classic quotes, provides a visit with Alaska's many faces,
landscapes, creatures, and social life.
Alaska Passages : Voices from Above the 54th, edited by Susan Fox Rogers (Seattle,
WA : Sasquatch Books, 1996), 238 p., paper, $15.95,
ISBN1570610460 (615 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104).
LC96-019611. "Contemporary writers tell original, true stories of
adventure, work, life and place in the last frontier."
Alaska Roadhouse Recipes : Memorable Recipes
from Roadhouses, Lodges, Bed and Breakfasts, Cafes, Restaurants
and Campgrounds Along the Highways and Byways of Alaska and
Canada (Bellevue, Wash. : Vernon Publications, Inc., 1997),
224 pp., paperback, $16.95, ISBN1878425595, 3000 Northup Way,
Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004-1446, 1-800-726-4707. Recipes (and
some stories) from a vast assortment of traditional Alaskan
Alaska State Museum. Search for the Northwest Passage : a
bicentennial exhibition on the voyages of George Vancouver /
Juneau, AK : Alaska State Museum, Division of Libraries, Archives
and Museums, Department of Education (395 Whittier St., Juneau,
AK 99801-1718), 1994-. 15p. Catalog of the
Vancouver exhibit held in 1994. wln94-297095. $6.00.
Alaska Stories : Tales from the Wild Frontier, edited by John and Kirsten Miller (San
Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1995), 182 p., paper, $11.95,
ISBN0811806760 (275 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103).
LC94-015574. Introduced by Michael Doogan, columnist for the
Anchorage Daily News, this volume gathers great fiction and
non-fiction by authors such as John McPhee, Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, Jack London, and Margaret Murie.
The Alaskan, November 1885-March 1887 :
Newspaper Excerpts of Genealogical and Historical Interest,
edited by Elizabeth Richardson (Ward Cove, Alaska : E.S.
Richardson, 1997), 150 pp., paperback, ISBN0966039602, P.O. Box
662, Ward Cove, AK 99928. The editor has transcribed articles in
their entirety from The Alaskan, at one time Alaska's only
newspaper, and selected them primarily for their inclusion of
Alaskan Wilderness, edited by Tricia Brown (Bethesda,
Md. : Discovery Communications, 1999) pp., paper, $19.95 +
postage, ISBN: 1563318377, 1-800-889-9950. An overview of the
natural history and geographic information about the Alaskan
wilderness, enhanced with photographs, expert advice, and travel
Alaska's ghosts, enigmas, outlaws and things that go bump!
: folklore of the last frontier / compiled and edited by Mary
J. Barry / Anchorage, AK : MJP Barry (323 West Harvard Ave.,
Anchorage, AK 99501), 1994. 136p. Legends and tales. Includes
bibliographical references. ISBN0961700939. LC94-94998.
Alaska's Southern Panhandle . Volume 24, Number
1ofAlaska Geographic (Anchorage : Alaska Geographic
Society, c1997), 96p., $19.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN
1566610354, P.O. Box 93370PR, Anchorage, AK 99509-3370.
Wln97212115. Geography and cultural history of this region,
including Ketchikan, Prince of Wales Island, Metlakatla, and
All That Glitters: A Centennial Exhibition on the
Alaska-Yukon Gold Rushes Kenneth
DeRoux, guest curator (Juneau, AK : Alaska State Museum, 1996),
35 p., paper, , $10.00 (Alaska State Museum Store, 395
Whittier Street, Juneau, AK 99801). LC96-9622419 Exhibit catalog
with colorful illustrations with information on the journey to
the Klondike, supplies needed, helpful hints, maps, mining
methods, and a timeline on the major gold discoveries in the
Yukon and Alaska.
Allen, David K. Kenai pathways : a guide to the outstanding
wildland trails of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula / Anchorage, AK :
Alaska Natural History Association (605 W. 4th Ave. Suite 85,
Anchorage, 99501), 1994. 37p. Notes access, trail conditions,
recreation and special considerations along the trail, wildlife
to see, and USGS quad map number. ISBN0930931149. wln9516934.
Anchorage pioneer family album / Cook Inlet Historical
Society / Anchorage, AK : The Society (121 West 7th Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501-3676), 1994. Loose-leaf collection of
photographs and historical information about 72 Anchorage pioneer
families. "At least one member of each family lived in Anchorage
before 1925 and at least one descendent member of the family
continues to reside in the city." wln95-10121. $50.00.
Ancient Aleut Personal Names = Kadaangim Asangin
/ Asangis : Materials from the BillingsEexpedition 1790-1792,
edited and interpreted by Knut Bergsland (Fairbanks : Alaska
Native Language Center, 1998), 202 pp., paperback, $16.00,
ISBN1555000657,Alaska Native Language Center, University of
Alaska, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680. A linguist
interprets 1,140 names from a census taken by the expedition,
giving a glimpse of Aleut culture and values otherwise lost
through the introduction of Christian names at about the same
Anders, Joyce J., as told to Rosalie E. L'Ecuyer. Anders of
Two Rivers : A California Family Homesteads in Alaska
(Fairbanks, AK : Jenny M. Publishers, 1997), 121 pp., paper,
$9.95 plus $4.00 postage and handling, ISBN0965584402, PO Box
10901, Fairbanks, AK 99710. wln97-248007. Story of Anders family
who, beginning in 1959, homesteaded in Two Rivers, a small
community outside of Fairbanks.
Anderson, Douglas. Gold in Trib 1 Flying, Hiking and Gold
Prospecting Adventure in Wild, Present - Day Alaska
(Anchorage, AK : Publication Consultants, 1997), 195 pp., $12.95,
ISBN188812511X, PO Box 221974. Anchorage, AK 99522-1974.
wln97-12031. Two modern adventurers prospect for gold in the
Ladue River region of interior Alaska.
Anderson, James "Andy," as told to Jim Rearden. Arctic Bush
Pilot : From Navy Combat to Flying Alaska's Northern
Wilderness (Kenmore, WA : Epicenter Press, 2000), 255 pp.,
paper, $16.95 plus postage, ISBN 0945397836, P.O. Box 82368,
Kenmore, WA 98028. Memoirs of a former Navy pilot who pioneered
bush plane service in the Koyukuk River area in the 1950s and
Andresen, Decema Kimball. Memories of Latouche
(Anchorage: Publication Consultants, 1997), 38 pp., paper, $8.95
plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 1-888125-17-9, order from Cook Inlet
Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.
wln98-011484. The author grew up at the Prince William Sound
copper mine on Latouche Island.
Andrews, Susan B. and John Creed.
Authentic Alaska : Voices of its Native Writers (Lincoln :
University of Nebraska Press, 1998), 177 pp., cloth, $35.00,
ISBN0803210418, 312 North 14th Street, Lincoln, NE
68588-0484. Anthology of writing by over 40 contemporary Natives
attesting to a spirit of survival despite the turmoil of cultural
upheaval, bearing witness to significant change among their
Annabel, Russell. Alaskan Adventures: Volume I -The Early
Years (Huntington Beach CA: Safari
Press, 1996), 280 p., cloth, $50.00 plus postage (15621 Chemical
Lane, Bldg. B, Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1506). First of a
projected four-volume series which will collect the noted outdoor
writer's hunting stories, from the 1930s to 1970s. [Already out
of print, per call to publisher in October 1996.]
Arctic Information and Data : a Guide to Selected
Resources compiled and edited by
Martha Andrews and members of the US Polar Information Working
Group. 2nd edition (Fairbanks, AK : Arctic Research
Consortium of the United States, 1996), 56 p., paper,
(ARCUS, 600 University Avenue, Suite 1, Fairbanks, AK 99709)..
wln96-145821. Lists libraries, resource people and basic
bibliographic sources for the study of the Arctic.
Armstrong, Robert H., and Marge Hermans. Alaska's Natural
Wonders : a Guide to the Phenomena of the Far North (Portland
: Alaska Northwest Books, 2000), 94 pp., paper, $12.95 plus
postage, ISBN 0882405268, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company,
P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306. Natural history and
folklore of glaciers, aurora borealis, earthquakes, volcanoes,
bore tides and more.
Arts and Architecture in Alaska's Past: Papers Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Sitka, Alaska, November 9-12, 1989 (Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society,
1996), 150 p., comb-bound, ISBN 0-940521-075, $16.00 for members,
$19.00 for non-members, plus $2.00 postage (PO Box 100299,
Anchorage, AK 99510-0299). wln97-057178.
Aspen, Jean. Arctic son : Fulfilling the Dream
(Birmingham, AL : Menasha Ridge Press, 1995), ISBN
0897321731, $19.95, 3169 Cahaba Heights Road, Birmingham, AL.
Living in the Brooks Range, the author passes wilderness values
on to the next generation; complements her 1988 book, Arctic
Daughter: a Wilderness Journey. LC 94-43621
Associated General Contractors of Alaska.
Alaska's Builders: 50 Years of Construction in the
49th State (Anchorage : Publication Consultants,
1998), 239 pp., paper, $29.95 plus postage, ISBN188812539X, P.O.
Box 221974, Anchorage, AK 99522-1974. An illustrated tribute to
"the proud tradition and contributions of the builders of
Averill, Lloyd J., and Daphne K. Morris. Northwest Coast
Native and Native-style Art : a Guidebook for Western
Washington (Seattle, WA :
University of Washington Press, 1995), 215 p., paper, $19.95,
ISBN0295974680 (PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096).
LC95-21962. Includes Washington dealers who carry Alaska native
arts and crafts.
Backhouse, Frances, and Adrian Dorst. Hiking with Ghosts :
the Chilkoot Trail, Then and Now (Vancouver : Raincoast
Books, 1999), 129 pp., paper, $18.95 plus postage, ISBN
1551922762, 9050 Shaughnessy Street, Vancouver, BC V6P 6E5.
Overview of favorite hiking trail then and now.
Backhouse, Frances. Women of the Klondike
(Vancouver : Whitecap Books,1995), 212 p., paper, ISBN
1551103753, $16.95, 351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, B.C. V7J
2C4. Account of women who joined the gold rush to the Klondike at
the turn of the century. wln95-214022.
Bader, Chris. Strange Northwest : Weird Encounters in Alaska, British
Columbia, Idaho, Oregon and Washington
(Surrey, B.C.; Blaine, WA: Hancock
House, 1995), 144 p., ISBN 0888393598, paper, $11.95, 1431
Harrison Avenue, Blaine, WA 98230-5005. Bizarre tales from
newspapers that feature Bigfoot, aliens, UFOs among others.
Bailey, Ronald T. Frozen in Silver: The Life and
Frontier Photography of P. E. Larson (Athens, OH : Swallow
Press, 1998), 287 pp., cloth, ISBN0804009996, $44.95 plus
postage, or paper, ISBN0804010005, $24.95 plus postage, Scott
Quadrangle, Athens, OH 45701. Swedish immigrant, P. E. Larss
(later Larson), became a frontier photographer, working his way
West through Minnesota, California, and British Columbia before
joining the Klondike Gold Rush and making his fortune. He later
set up his studio in Nevada and eventually settled in Oregon.
Balzar, John. Yukon Alone : the World's Toughest Adventure
Race (New York : Henry Holt, 2000), 304 pp., cloth, $25.00,
ISBN 0805059490. "An inside look at the world's most grueling
contest follows participants in the Yukon Quest International
Sled Dog Race on a 1,023-mile race across frozen rivers, icy
mountain passes, and state-sized tracts of uninhabited land to
complete the course."
Barer, Burl, Murder in the Family (New York :
Kensington Pub. Corp., 2000), 319 pp., paper, $6.50, ISBN
0786011351, 850 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Recounts 1987
killings of mother and two children in Anchorage and subsequent
arrest and trial of killer, a relative of the Newman family.
Barney, Amy Lou. Amy Lou's Alaska : An Intimate Portrait by
Photographer and Pilot Amy Lou Barney/ photographs by Amy Lou
Barney; text by Renee Guerin (Juneau AK: A .L. Barney, 1997), 73
pp., paper, $ , PO Box 20886, Juneau, AK 99802. Wln97075790.
Selection of over a hundred black and white images the reflect
the rich diversity of Alaskan life from Ketchikan to Goodnews
Bay, 1937-1951.
Barry, Mary J. A History of Mining on the Kenai Peninsula,
Alaska, revised edition, (Anchorage: M.J.P. Barry, 1997), 296
pp., paper, ISBN 0-9617009-5-5, $30.00 plus postage, 323 West
Harvard Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. LC 96-095346. Expanded
edition of the author's 1973 classic.
Barry, Mary J. Jack and Nellie Brown : Pioneer Settlers of
Anchorage, Alaska (Anchorage : MJP Barry, 2000), 142 pp.,
paper, $25.00 plus postage, ISBN 0961700971, order from Cook
Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.
Life stories of the first permanent residents of Anchorage, who
arrived on their honeymoon in 1912 and stayed until their deaths
six decades later.
Barry, Mary J. Seward, Alaska: A History of the Gateway
City, Volume III: Growth, Tragedy, Recovery, Adaptation,
(Anchorage: MJP Barry, 1995), 400 p., paper, ISBN
O961700947, $37.50 plus postage, 323 West Harvard Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501. LC 86-071202.
Barske, Dianne. Mostly Music : the Story of Lorene C.
Harrison, Alaska's Cultural Pioneer (Anchorage : Publications
Consultants, 2000), 248 pp., paper, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN
1888125616, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth
Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Life story of Anchorage's first
music teacher, who has actively served the community for seven
Barsukov, Ivan. Innokentii mitropolit Moskovskii i
Kolemenskii : bpo ego sochineniiam, psimam i razskazam
sovremennikov (Italy: FimaAlesia Press, 1997), 769+ pp.,
price unknown, ISBN5871630111. wln97-321736. In Russian;
originally published in 1883. Life of Veniaminov who became St.
Innocent, reprinted to commemorate the 200th
anniversary of the saint's birth. Facsimile edition commissioned
by the Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Innocent, Moscow, and financed
by the Yakutia House and government of the Yakutia Republic.
Beairsto, Shelagh, project coordinator, Rampart House,
Stories Told by Our Elders: Stories Collected, Edited and
Published by the Students at Te'sek Geht'roonatun Zzeh
College (Old Crow: Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Lands &
Resources Department, 1993), 70 pp., paper, P.O. Box 102, Old
Crow, YT Y0B 1N0. Students of Old Crow College interview elders
and visit the site of this abandoned border community on the
Porcupine River.
Beck, Mary Giraudo. Ka'gun'da : George James Beck, Alaskan
Pioneer Teacher, Missionary, Leader (Ketchikan : Rocky Point
Publishing, 1999) 142 pp., paper, $14.95 + postage,
ISBN0966947819, 2855 Tongass Avenue, Ketchikan AK 99901.
Biography of a teacher who began his Alaska career at the
Presbyterian Sitka Training School in 1895.
Belov, M. I. Russians in the Bering Strait, 1648-1791,
/ translated by Katerina Solovjova and edited and with an
introduction by J. L. Smith (Anchorage : White Stone Press,
2000), 138 pp., cloth, $15.00 plus postage, ISBN 0962672726, 2314
Marian Bay Circle, Anchorage, AK 99515. Originally published in
Moscow in 1956, Belov's book was titled Arctic Voyages from
Ancient Times to the Middle of the Ninetenth Century. Added
as appendices are four other newly translated short historical
pieces about Russian eighteenth century voyages to North
Bender, Norman J. Winning the West for Christ: Sheldon
Jackson and Presbyterianism on the Rocky Mountain Frontier,
1869-1880 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
1996), 265 pp., cloth, ISBN 0-8263-1670-0, $40.00 plus postage,
1720 Lomas Avenue, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1591. LC96-004421.
The early career of Alaska's most famous Protestant missionary,
up to the time when he started his Alaska mission work.
Benice, Ronald J. Alaska tokens / Lake Mary, FL : Token
and Medal Society (POB 951988, Lake Mary, FL 32795), 1994.
First issued in 1980, this is the 2nd edition of book about
Alaskan numismatics, much expanded. It is "specifically about
unofficial monetary substitutes, or tokens, issued and used in
Alaska before statehood." Well organized, authoritative with some
Alaska territorial history. ISBN0918492106. LC93-61240.
Bennett, Bo. Rods & Wings : a History of the Fishing
Lodge Business in Bristol Bay, Alaska (Anchorage :
Publication Consultants, 2000), 384 pp., cloth, $39.95 plus
postage, ISBN 1888125624, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. History of the role of
float planes and their pilots in developing world-class sport
fishing in southwestern Alaska.
Bercee, Loverne. A Story of Glacier Valley : True Tales
from the Top of Mt. Alyeska, Girdwood, Alaska (Anchorage :
Professional Colorgraphics Printing & Publishing, Inc., 1998)
119 pp., paper, $12.50 + postage, P.O. Box 465, Girdwood, AK
99587. A compilation of personal stories about life in Girdwood
and Mt. Alyeska, including the 1964 earthquake.
Berger, Thomas R. Village Journey: The Report of the
Alaska Native Review Commission
(New York: Hill & Wang, 1995), 201 p., paper, ISBN
080901579X, $10.95 plus postage, 19 Union Square West, New York,
NY 10003. Reprint of the 1985 edition with a new six-page preface
by the author. LC 94049572.
Bergsland, Knut. Aleut dictionary: unangam tunudgusii: an
unabridged lexicon of the Aleutian, Pribilof, and Commander
Islands Aleut languages / Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Native
Language Center, University of Alaska (POB 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680), 1994. 739p. A major work of scholarship divided
into two major parts: basic words and derivatives and suffixes,
plus many appendices which explain and demonstrate Aleut culture
and contacts with outsiders in the age of exploration.
ISBN1555000479. LC92-44852. $37.50.
Bergsland, Knut. Aleut Grammar = Unangam Tunuganaan
Achixaasixˆx : a descriptive reference grammar of the
Aleutian, Pribilof, and Commander Islands Aleut Language
(Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center), 360 pp., paper,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, PO Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680. LC97-38814. Series: Alaska Native Language Center
Research Papers, no. 10.
Bergsland, Knut, editor and interpreter. Ancient Aleut
Personal Names = Kadaangim Asangin/Asangis : Materials from the
Billings Expedition, 1790-1792 (Fairbanks : Alaska Native
Language Center, 1998), 202 pp., paper, $16.00 plus $4.50
postage, ISBN 1555000657, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680. A glimpse of Aleut culture through an examination of
Russian-American tax records.
Black, Lydia, ed. A Good and Faithful Servant : the Year of
Saint Innocent : an exhibit commemorating the bicentennial of the
birth of Ioann Veniaminov, 1797-1997, edited by Lydia Black,
assisted by Katherine L. Arndt (Fairbanks: University of Alaska
Fairbanks & Alaska State Veniaminov Bicentennial Committee,
1997), 87 pp., paper, $10.00 plus $4.00 postage. wln98-053250.
Catalog for an exhibit commemorating the bicentennial of the
birth of Ioann Veniaminov, early Russian missionary, translator,
architect and finally, head of the Orthodox Church of Russia.
Black, Lydia. A History and Ethnohistory of the Aleutians
East Borough (Fairbanks : Limestone Press, 1999) 385 pp.,
cloth, $37.50 + $4.00 postage, ISBN 189590126X, P.O. Box 756240,
Fairbanks AK 99775-0860. Provides a comprehensive view of the
history of each Borough community and its economic
Bleakley, Geoffrey T. A History of the Chisana Mining
District, Alaska, 1890-1990 (Anchorage: National Park
Service, 1996), 148 pp., paper, order from Wrangell-St. Elias
National Park/ Preserve, PO Box 439, Mile 105.5 Old Richardson
Highway, Copper Center, AK 99573. Includes a list of names for
the district from the 1920 census.
Blender, Emmalee. Streets to the Past : The Historic Street
Name Guide for Petersburg, Alaska (Petersburg : Clausen
Memorial Museum, 1999) 132 pp., paper, $11.00 + postage, P.O. Box
708, Petersburg AK 99833. Illustrated with photographs; most are
of fishing boats, which seems appropriate for this southeast
Alaskan fishing community.
Boaz, Franz. Wealth of thought: Franz Boaz on Native
American art / edited by Aldona Jonaitis / Seattle :
University of Washington Press, 1994. Edited by the director
of the University Museum at the University of Alaska Fairbanks,
this volume brings together the writings of the well-known
ethnologist who focused much of his energy on the Pacific
Northwest. ISBN0918492106. LC94-61240. $50.00hbd.; $24.95pbk
Bockstoce, John. Whales, Ice and Men
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1995), 400 p.,
paper, ISBN 0295974478, $29.95 plus postage, P.O. Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096. "Reprint with corrections" of this
classic illustrated account of Yankee whaling in the western
Arctic. wln96-037177
Bodeau, Jean. Katmai : National Park and
Preserve, Alaska (Anchorage : Alaska Natural History
Association : Greatland Graphics, 1992), 205 pp., paperback,
$14.95 + $3.00 shipping, ISBN0936425164, Alaska Public Lands
Information Center, 605 West Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.
Complete guide to one of the nation's premiere national parks,
including photos, maps, and supplemental information on four
adjacent conservation areas.
Bolkhovitinov, Nikolai N. Russian-American Relations and
the Sale of Alaska, 1834-1867, translated and edited by
Richard A. Pierce, (Fairbanks: Limestone Press, 1996), 394 pp.,
cloth, $35.00 plus $3.50 postage, ISBN 1895901065, P.O. Box
756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240.
Cn97016077. First published as Russko-Amerikanskie
otnosheniiai prodazha Aliaki, 1834-1867 in 1990, study
details the antecedents and the execution of the sale of Russian
America to the United States. Extensive bibliography and
documentation; no. 45 in Alaska History series.
Book of the Tongass, edited by Carol Servid and Don
Snow (Minneapolis, Minn. : Milkweed Editions, 1999) 297 pp.,
paper, $18.95 + postage, ISBN 1571312269, 1-800-520-6455.
Thirteen Alaskans describe the region's spectacular forest and
wildlife, its economic opportunities, and in two pieces by
Tlingit storytellers, its oral history.
Boucher, Caroline. Empreinte : presence francophone au
Yukon (1825-1950); t.1: Liste alphabetique; t.2 Recueil
historique (Whitehorse, YT : Association Franco-Yukonnaise,
1997), 2 vol., paperbound, $17.50US, ISBN2922348008 (v.1),
ISBN2922348016 (v.2), C.P. 5205, Whitehorse, YT Y1A4Z1.
Wln98089285. Name list and biographies of French-speaking
settlers in the Yukon, with the source of the information noted
after each entry.
Bowermaster, Jon. Birthplace of the Winds : Adventuring in
Alaska's Islands of Fire and Ice (Washington, DC : Adventure
Press/National Geographic), 264 pp., cloth, $26.00 plus postage,
ISBN 0792275063, 1145 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20036-4688. Four adventurous kayakers explore the Islands of the
Four Mountains in the middle of the Aleutians.
Bowers, Don. Back of the Pack : An Iditarod
Rookie Musher's Alaska Pilgrimage to Nome (Anchorage :
Publication Consultants, 1998), 395 pp., paperback, $17.95,
ISBN1888125241, P.O. Box 221974, Anchorage, AK 99522-1974. With
no mushing experience and little money, the author started from
scratch to put together a dog team and run the Iditarod.
Boyd, Robert T. The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence :
Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline Among
Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874 (Vancouver : UBC Press ;
Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1999) 403 pp., cloth,
$50.00 + postage, ISBN 0295978376, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA
98145-5096. Examines the introduction of infectious diseases
among the Indians of the Northwest Coast culture area
(present-day western Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia,
and southeast Alaska) in the first century of contact and the
effects of these new diseases on Native American population size,
structure, interactions, and viability. The emphasis is on
epidemic diseases and specific epidemic episodes.
Braarud Fine Art. Sydney Laurence (1865-1940) - Anecdotes,
Myths, Opinions: A Collection of Laurence Paintings for Sale
(LaConner, WA: Braarud Fine Art, 1996), 31 pp., paper, PO Box
717, LaConner, WA 98257. wln98-644872. Essay and 20 color
reproductions of paintings by this Alaskan.
Bradley, Charles C. Aleutian echoes / Fairbanks AK:
University of Alaska Press, 1994. 275p. Experiences of member
of 10th Mountain Infantry Division and North Pacific Combat
School assigned to Aleutians in 1944 to train men in survival..
Artist, Bradley's confrontation with the environment is combined
with his interest in natural history and the beauty he finds.
Includes rare color photos of the Aleutian campaign.
ISBN0912006749hbd; 0912006757pbk. LC94-17938. $35.00;
Branson, John B. Bristol Bay, Alaska, From the
Hinterlands to Tidewater: A Grassroots Pictorial, 1885-1965
(Anchorage : Alaska Support Office, National Park Service, 1998),
119 pp., paper, ISBN0941555046, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107,
Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. Limited edition album of annotated
photographs and newspaper clippings, compiled and reproduced by
the Ranger-Historian for Lake Clark National Park and
Breece, Hannah. School Teacher in Old Alaska: the Story
of Hannah Breece
(New York: Random House, 1995), 302 p., ISBN 0679441344,
$23.50, 400 Hahn Road, Westminster, MD 21157. Forty-five when she
came to Alaska in 1904, Hannah Breece's memoirs, rewritten by her
grandneice Jane Jacobs, tell of teaching in the wilderness until
1918. LC 95-2486.
Brewster, Mary. "She Was a Sister Sailor": The Whaling
Journals of Mary Brewster, 1845-1851 / edited by Joan Druett (Mystic, CT: Mystic
Seaport Museum, 1992), 449 p., cloth, $39.95 plus $4.00 postage,
ISBN0913372609, (order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West
Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501). LC94-111649.
Brice, Jennifer. The Last Settlers,
photos by Charles Mason (Pittsburgh : Duquesne University Press,
1998), 171 pp., cloth, $24.95, ISBN820702900, 600 Forbes Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15282. Begun by the authors, both Alaska
residents, in 1991, the examination of the lives of two
twentieth-century pioneer families became a documentation of the
end of the American migration to the frontier. One of the
families settled near Lake Minchumina, the other near the Ahtna
village of Slana.
Brinck, Wolfgang. The Aleutian Kayak : Origins,
Construction, and Use of the Traditional Seagoing Baidarka
(Camden, Me. : Ragged Mountain Press, c1995.), xi, 176
p., ISBN 0070078939 (alk. paper), $19.95, P.O. Box 220, Camden,
ME 04843. How to design and construct an authentic baidarka in
your basement or garage for $200. LC 94-43165.
Bringhurst, Robert. A Story as Sharp as a Knife : the
Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World (Lincoln :
University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 527 pp., cloth, $45.00 plus
postage, ISBN 080321314X or paper, $24.95 plus postage, ISBN
0803261799, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484. A translation and study of
stories, poems, and history collected by ethnographer John
Bringhurst, Robert. Nine Visits to the Mythworld :
Ghandl of the Qahahl Llaanas (Lincoln : University of
Nebraska Press, 2000), 224 pp., cloth, $29.95 plus postage, ISBN
0803213166, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484. A month of stories told by
"the blind poet of Sunshine and Sealion Town," collected by
ethnographer John Swanton in 1900 and 1901 in the Queen
Charolotte Islands.
Brower, Charles D. Fifty years below zero: a lifetime of
adventure in the Far North / [Fairbanks, AK]: University of
Alaska Press, 1994. 324 p. In 1883, Charles Brower came to the
Arctic to investigate coal mining possibilities near Cape
Lisburne. Except for occasional trips, he remained within the
Arctic Circle for the rest of his life. He shares the high
adventure, telling what he learned about whaling, pioneering and
about the native people with whom he lived. Reprint of 1942
edition with new preface by Terrence Cole. ISBN0912006684
(acid-free paper). LC94-9812. $20.00.
Brown, Stephen Gilbert. Words in the Wilderness : Critical
Literacy in the Borderlands (Albany : State University of New
York Press, 2000), 229 pp., paper, $17.50, ISBN 0791444058, or
cloth, $54.50, ISBN 0791444058, order from Cook Inlet Book
Company. Study of literacy; blends vivid personal accounts and
theoretical analysis in this account of teacher's experience
teaching to Athabascan Indians in Alaska.
Brown, Steve. Native Visions: Evolution in
Northwest Coast Art from the Eighteenth through the Twentieth
Century (Seattle : Seattle Art Museum and University of
Washington Press, 1998), 216 pp., cloth, $70.00 plus postage,
ISBN0295976578, or paper, $40.00 plus postage, ISBN0295976586,
P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Lavishly illustrated
museum exhibit catalog.
Brown, Steven C., editor. Spirits of the Water : Native Art
Collected on Expeditions to Alaska and British Columbia,
1774-1910 (Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2000),
207 pp., paper, $45.00 plus postage, ISBN 0295979860, P.O. Box
50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Catalog for an exhibit organized
by Fundacion "la Caixa" of Barcelona, Spain; originally published
in Spanish.
Brown, Steven C. Sun Dogs & Eagle Down : the Indian
Paintings of Bill Holm (Seattle, WA : Vancouver : University
of Washington Press : Douglas & McIntyre, c2000), 198 pp.,
$35.00, cloth, ISBN 29597947X, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. Comprehensive collection paintings of North American
Indian life, including many from the Pacific Northwest.
Brown, Tricia. Fairbanks : Alaska's Heart of Gold, a
Traveler's Guide / photographs by Roy Corral (Portland, OR :
Alaska Northwest Books, 2000), 94 pp., paper, $12.95 plus
postage, ISBN 0882405284, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company,
P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306. "Alaska Pocket Guide" to
Alaska's second largest city.
Brown, Tricia. The World-Famous Alaska Highway : a Guide to
the Alcan and Other Wilderness Roads of the North (Golden :
Fulcrum Pub., c2000), 287 pp., paper, $21.95 plus postage, ISBN
1555914462. Traveler's guide for driving the Alcan and other
Alaska highways, noting historic sites, attractions, recreation,
and automotive concerns.
Brown, William E. Denali : symbol of the Alaskan wild : an
illustrated history of the Denali-Mount McKinley region,
Alaska / Virginia Beach : Donning (184 Business Park Drive,
Suite 106, Virginia Beach, VA 23462), 1993. Author
served as an historian for the National Park Service for thirty
years; includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN089858608. LC93-569. $29.95.
Bryce, Robert M. Cook & Peary : The Polar
Controversy, Resolved (Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books,
1997), 1133 pp., cloth, $50.00, ISBN 0811703177, 5067 Ritter
Road, Machanicsburg, PA 17055. LC96-38215. Complete account of
these two explorations, presenting all of the relevant evidence
in order to yield a definitive resolution to the Polar
Controversy: which one reached the North Pole first?
Buchholdt, Thelma. Filipinos in Alaska, 1788-1958 (Anchorage : Aboriginal Press,
1996), 187 p., paper, $18.00, ISBN0965541509, (600 Barrow St.,
Suite 402, Anchorage, AK 99501). LC96-949940. An Asian Alaskan
Cultural Center history in Alaska documentation project. This is
the first book that traces history and culture of the Filipinos
in Alaska from the record of the first merchant seaman in the
last quarter of the Eighteenth Century through the community just
before Statehood.
Bruemmer, Fred. Arctic memories: living with the Inuit.
/ Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1993. 160p. Writer and
photographer recounts his visits and experiences in Arctic Native
communities during the last 30 years; includes a chapter on
Diomede Island. Many color photographs. ISBN1550134612.
cn93-93759. $32.95.
Bunyan, Ian. No ordinary journey : John Rae, Arctic
explorer, 1813-1893 / Montreal : McGill - Queen's University
Press; Edinburgh : National Museums of Scotland, 1993. 116p.
Essays in the life of a nineteenth century Scottish physician
in the Canadian Arctic. ISBN0948636394. LC93-186021.
Burch, Ernest S., Jr., The Inupiaq Eskimo Nations of
Northwest Alaska (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press,
1997), 425 pp., cloth, ISBN 0-912006-95-1, $49.95 or paper, ISBN
0-912006-96-X, $31.95 plus $3.50 postage, PO Box 756240,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240.
LC98-014682. "Social geography of this far corner of the
continent as it was during the early historic period."
Burch, Ernest S., Jr. The Inupiaq Eskimo Nations
of Northwest Alaska (Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press,
1998), 473 pp., cloth, ISBN0912006951, $49.95 plus $3.50 postage,
or paper, ISBN091200696X, $31.95 plus $3.50 postage, University
of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. A
social geography which contends that autonomous societies
equivalent to nations existed in this area until the late
nineteenth century. Won the 1999 Benjamin Franklin Award (for
books published in 1998, sponsored by the Publishers Marketing
Association for excellence in editing and design) for the
multicultural category.
Busch, Briton C., and Barry M. Gough, editors. Fur Traders
from New England : the Boston Men in the North Pacific,
1787-1800, The Narratives of William Dane Phelps, William Sturgis
& James Gilchrist Swan (Spokane : Arthur H. Clark, 1997),
137 pp., cloth, $29.50 plus postage, ISBN 0870622617, P.O. Box
14707, Spokane, WA 99214. Annotated documents and excerpts from
the early fur trade.
Buzzell, Rolfe G. Flat and Iditarod 1993-1995 Oral History
Interviews (Anchorage: Bureau of Land Management and
Department of Natural Resources, 1997), 288 pp., comb-bound,
order from Office of History and Archaeology, 3601 C Street,
Suite 1278, Anchorage, AK 99503-5921. wln98-096752. Summaries of
interviews with seven individuals associated with these southwest
Alaskan mining communities.
Buzzell, Rolfe G., and Darrell L. Lewis. Historic Building
Survey Report, Flat, Alaska (Anchorage: Bureau of Land
Management and Department of Natural Resources, 1997), 187 pp.,
comb-bound, Office of History and Archaeology, 3601 C Street,
Suite 1278, Anchorage, AK 99503-5921. wln98-096353.
Byrd, Richard E. To the Pole : the Diary and
Notebook of Richard E. Byrd, 1925-1927, edited by Raimund E.
Goerler (Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University Press, 1998), 161
pp., cloth, $19.95, ISBN0814208002, 1070 Carmack Road, Columbus,
Ohio 43210, 800 437-4439. Did Byrd really fly over the North Pole
first? The editor, OSU archivist, discovered these in 1996 while
cataloging Byrd's papers. But they seem to only muddy the waters
even more rather than clarifying the controversy.
Caldwell, Francis E. Cassiar's Elusive Gold (Victoria :
Trafford Publishing, 2000), 156 pp., paper, $13.95 plus postage,
ISBN 1552123375, 2333 Government Street, Suite 6E, Victoria, BC
V8T 4P4. Story of British Columbia's nineteenth century Cassiar
gold rush.
Carlton, Rosemary. Sheldon Jackson, The Collector
(Juneau : Alaska State Museums, 1999) 95 pp., paper, $14.95 +
postage, Sheldon Jackson Museum, 104 College Drive, Sitka AK
99835. A study of Jackson, the nineteenth-century Presbyterian
missionary, as a collector of Alaskan Native artifacts.
Campbell, John Martin. North Alaska Chronicle:
Notes from the End of Time (Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico
Press, 1998), 160 pp., cloth, ISBN0890133530, $45.00 plus
postage, or paper, ISBN0890133549, $29.95 plus postage, P.O. Box
2087, Santa Fe, NM 87504. Traditional Nunamiut culture and
lifeways depicted through the eyes of Anaktuvuk Pass resident
Simon Paneak; includes drawings and historical photographs.
Capra, Doug. A Handful of Pebbles: Stories from Seward
(Seward: Yankee Sourdough Publications, 1995), 60 p.,
paper, ISBN 096465170X, $8.00 + $2.00 postage, P.O. Box 1574,
Seward, AK 99664. "Six stories from Sewards' past interspersed
with fifteen historic photographs of people and scenes." WLN
Carroll, Suzanne, editor. Births, Marriages, Divorces and
Deaths Reported in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 1940-1949
(Fairbanks : Fairbanks Genealogical Society, 2000), 237 pp.,
comb-bound, $29.00 postpaid, P.O. Box 60534, Fairbanks, AK
99706-0534. Even the names of the deceased in the "Notices to
Creditors" classified ads are included among some 15,000
Carter, Robert Randolph. Searching for the
Franklin Expedition : the Arctic Journal of Robert Randolph
Carter, edited by Harold B. Gill, Jr. and Joanne Young
(Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute Press, 1998), 201 pp., cloth,
$33.00, ISBN1557503214, U.S. Naval Institute, 291 Wood Road,
Annapolis, MD 21402. A day by day account of the 1850-1851
expedition in search of the British naval captain, his two ships,
and 129 men of the Royal Navy who had vanished into a frozen
region of northern Canada on a quest for the Northwest Passage in
Catton, Theodore. Inhabited Wilderness : Indian, Eskimos,
and National Parks in Alaska (Albuquerque : University of New
Mexico Press, 1997), 287 pp., cloth, ISBN0826318266 or paper,
ISBN0826318274. LC97004873. Evolution of public policy and
intellectual underpinnings of Alaska land, noting the
contradictions in the desire to preserve the natural "wilderness"
which in reality is some of the oldest inhabited land in North
Chandonnet, Ann. Alaska's Arts, Crafts
& Collectibles (Anchorage : Chandonnet Editing and
Research : distributed by Todd Communications, 1998), 193 pp.,
paperback, $20.55, ISBN0966299906, 203 West Fifteenth Avenue,
Suite 102, Anchorage, AK 99501. A comprehensive combination of
directory and dictionary, the alphabetic listing of "materials,
art forms, and motifs" provides a definition of the form or
material then lists other information, for example sources,
designers, practitioners, and manufacturers, but lacks contact
information. Useful appendixes and index.
Chandonnet, Ann. Anchorage : Early Photographs of the Great
Land (Skagway : Wolf Creek Books, 2000), 128 pp., paper,
$12.95 plus postage, ISBN 0968195563, Box 0769, Skagway, AK
99840. Short pictorial history of Alaska's largest city.
Chaput, Don. Nellie Cashman and the North American
Mining Frontier
(Tucson: Westernlore, 1995),186 p., ISBN 0870260936,
$19.95 plus postage, P.O. Box 35305, Tucson, AZ 85740. Biography
of a tough frontier woman who, after thirty years in the desert
Southwest, joined the Klondike gold rush and spent twenty-five
years in Alaskan gold camps. LC 95-60928.
Chaussonnet, Valerie, editor. Crossroads Alaska: Native
Cultures of Alaska and Siberia
(Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995),
112 p., paper, ISBN 1560986611, $19.95 plus postage, order from
Dept. 900, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0900. Catalog for an
exhibit derived from the Smithsonian's Crossroads of
Continents exhibit. LC 950804.
Chisholm, Colin. Through Yup'ik Eyes : an Adopted
Son Explores the Landscape of Family (Portland : Alaska
Northwest Books, 2000), 304 pp., cloth, $23.95 plus postage, ISBN
0882405330, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, P.O. Box
10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306. Journey of discovery about his
heritage takes author to distant places from his home in
California, including Kotlik, Alaska, as he explores his mother's
Christensen, Ione J. Chilkoot: The Gold Rush
Trail (Whitehorse : Cameras North, 1994), 32 pp., paper,
$6.95 plus $6.00 postage, order from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203
Main Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B2. Album of contemporary color
photographs taken along the trail.
Clark, A. McFadyen. Who Lived in this House?: A Study of
Koyukuk Semisubterranean Houses,
Mercury Series, (Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1996),
282p., paper, $24.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0660159589,
(distributed by University of Washington Press, PO Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096). Study of a house style shared by Inupiat
Eskimos and Koyukon Athabaskan Indians in the northwestern
interior of Alaska.
Clark, Donald W. The Early Kachemak Phase on Kodiak Island
at Old Kiavak (Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization,
1997), 129 pp., paper, $21.95 plus postage, ISBN 0660159678.
Report describes the University of Wisconsin's 1963 excavations
on Kodiak Island.
Clark, Donald W. Fort Reliance, Yukon: An Archaeological
, Mercury series no. 150 (Hull, PQ: Canadian Museum of
Civilization, 1995), 247 p., paper, ISBN 0660140322, $24.95 plus
postage, P.O. Box 3100, Station B, Hull, PQ J8X 4H2. Report on
excavation of a site just downstream from Dawson.
Clark, Donald W., and A. McFadyen Clark. Batza Te'na :
trail to obsidian : archaeology at an Alaskan obsidian source
/ Hull, Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1993. 315p.
Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey, Paper 147: reports of
findings from 4 years of extensive archaeological surveys and
excavations at Alaska's most important source of obsidian,
including tool making sites, campsites, and traces of trading
networks throughout Alaska and Northwestern Canada. Highly
technical. ISBN066014016. $27.95.
Clark, Lee Ben. Mission Improbable : Using Fantasy
Documents to Tame Disaster (Chicago : University of Chicago
Press, 1999) 217 pp., cloth, $25.00 + postage, ISBN 0226109410,
1-800-621-2736. Contains a lengthy section on the planning and
the reality of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
Clayton, Patti H. Connection on the Ice :
Environmental Ethics in Theory and Practice (Philadelphia :
Temple University Press, 1998), 303 pp., cloth, $69.95,
ISBN1566396158, or paperback, $24.95, ISBN1566396166, University
Services 083-42, 1601 North Broad Street, Philadelphia PA
19122-6099. On Friday, October 7, 1988, Roy Ahmaogak of Barrow,
Alaska, discovered three young gray whales trapped in ice off the
Arctic coast. The three-week rescue operation that followed cost
more than a million dollars and grew to include a host of
corporate, governmental, scientific, and individual
Clemens, Janet and Chris Allan. World War II in Alaska : A
Resource Guide for Teachers and Students (Anchorage : Alaska
Support Office, National Park Service, 1999) 14 pp., comb-bound,
2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage AK 99503. Selected
bibliographies on twelve different themes form the core of this
booklet; Alaskan libraries and museums with WWII materials are
also listed, as are selected internet sites.
Clemens, Janet and Frank Norris. Building in an Ashen Land
: Katmai National Park and Preserve Historic Resource Study
(Anchorage : National Park Service Alaska Support Office, 1999)
204 pp., paper, Lake Clark Katmai Studies Center, 4230 University
Dr., Ste. 311, Anchorage AK 99508. An illustrated history of this
unique western Alaskan park unit.
Clifford, Howard. Alaska/Yukon Railroads : An Illustrated
History, Steven Hauff, editor, (Arlington, WA : Oso
Publishing, 1999) 248 pp., cloth, $42.95 + postage, ISBN
096475214X, 31328 N. Brooks Creek Road, Arlington WA 98223.
Originally published in 1981 as Rails North: The Railroads of
Alaska and the Yukon, this new edition adds fifty pages and
incorporates "a significant amount of new research material."
Clifford, Howard, editor, Correspondence of a Crook: An
Insight into the Life of Jefferson Randolph "Soapy" Smith
(Seattle: Sourdough Enterprises, 1997), 24 pp., paper, $5.75 plus
postage, ISBN 091180305X, 16401 3rd Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98166.
wln97-270077. Pages from the notorious Skagway outlaw's
scrapbook, originally published in the Alaska-Yukon
Magazine in 1907 and 1908.
Clifford, Howard, editor, Soapy Smith, uncrowned king of
Skagway (Seattle: Sourdough Enterprises, 1997), 24 pp.,
paper, $11.95 plus postage, ISBN 091180305X, 16401 3rd Avenue SW,
Seattle, WA 98166. LC97-185263. Gambler and saloon keeper who
ruled Skagway during the early tumultuous years of the Kondike
gold rush, was a complex and hard to understand individual.
Coates, Ken, and Carin Holroyd. A Traveller's Guide to
Northern British Columbia
(Prince George, B.C. : Caitlin Press, 1995), 285 p.,
ISBN 0920576567, $19.95 Can, Harbour Publishing P.O. Box 219,
Madeira Park, B.C., Canada, VON2HO. Guidebook by noted historian.
LC 95-232984.
Cobb, Norma, and Charles W. Sasser. Arctic Homestead : the
True Story of One Family's Survival and Courage in the Alaskan
Wilds (New York : St. Martin's Press, 2000), 300 pp., cloth,
$24.95, ISBN 0312261985, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. A
man, woman and 5 children homestead in the Minook Valley north of
Fairbanks in 1973.
Cochrane, Marjorie. Between Two Rivers: The Growth of
Chugiak-Eagle River (Chugiak: Chugiak-Eagle River Historical
Society, 1997),208 pp., paper, ISBN 0943712122, $9.95 plus $3.00
postage, PO Box 670573, Chugiak, AK 99567. wln98-456337. Reprint
of 1982 local history, with added section "The Eagles Return to
Yukla Valley" by Lee Jordan.
Cochrane, Marjorie. Between Two Rivers : the
Growth of Chugiak-Eagle River, Alaska, updated edition
(Anchorage : Alaska State Historical Commission, 1997 1983), 192
pp., paperback, $19.95, ISBN0943712122, 3601 C Street, Suite
1278, Anchorage, AK 99503-5921. The fiftieth anniversary of its
founding serves as the occasion for the revision and reissue of
this long out-of-print 1982 work, with an added update, "The
Eagles Return to Yukla Valley."
Cohen, Stan. 8.6: The Great Alaska Earthquake, March
(Missoula: Pictorial Histories Publishing, 1995),140 p.,
paper, ISBN 092952196X, $12.95 + $4.00 postage, 713 South Third
St. West, Missoula, MT 59801. Includes over 200 photographs, some
in color, of effects of this devastating earthquake. LC
Cohen, Stan. The Alaska Flying Expedition: The
U.S. Army's 1920 New York to Nome Flight (Missoula, MT :
Pictorial Histories Publications, 1998), 112 pp., paper, $12.95
plus postage, ISBN157510041X, 713 South Third, Missoula, MT
59801. Tells the story of the three-month round-trip flight in a
log of each leg, accompanied by surviving photographs of the
Cohen, Stan. Highway on the sea: a pictorial history of the
Alaska Marine Highway System / Missoula, MT: Pictorial
Histories Publishing, 1994. 48p. Photographs and brief history
tell the story of the State ferries, 1950s to present. ISBN
0929521870. wln94-250729. $7.95
Cohen, Stan. A Klondike Centennial Scrapbook (Missoula: Pictorial Histories Publishing,
1996), 184 p., paper, $24.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN1575100142X
(713 South Third St. West, Missoula, MT 59801). "Movies, music,
guides, photographs, artifacts and personalities of the great
Klondike gold rush," many drawn from the collection of Candy
Waugaman of Fairbanks.
Cole, Dermot. Fairbanks : A Gold Rush Town That Beat the
Odds (cloth)/Fairbanks : The Golden Heart of Alaska
(paper) (Fairbanks: Epicenter Press, 1999) 224 pp., cloth, $22.95
+ $5 postage, ISBN 0945397798, or paper, $14.95 + $5 postage,
ISBN 0945397739, Box 82368, Kenmore WA 98028-0368. Written by a
long-time columnist for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, this is
part of the publisher's "City History Series."
Cole, Douglas. Captured Heritage: The Scramble for
Northwest Artifacts
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995), 373 p.,
paper, ISBN 0806127775, $15.95 plus postage, P.O. Box 787,
Norman, OK 73070-0787. Reprint of 1985 edition, with a new
preface by the author. LC 95-035735.
Cole, Terrence. The Cornerstone on College Hill : an
illustrated history of the University of Alaska Fairbanks/
Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1994. 393p. Written in
honor of the 75th anniversary of UAF's founding, this illustrated
history commemorates the traditions and unique education of the
last traditional land grant college established in the United
States. ISBN19931123150457.8. LC93-40545. $35.00.
Collins, Miki and Julie Collins. Riding
the Wild Side of Denali : Alaskan Adventures with Horses and
Huskies (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press, 1998), 224 pp.,
paperback, $14.95 + $5.00 postage, ISBN094539764X, Box 82368,
Kenmore, WA 98028. Twin sisters living a traditional lifestyle in
the vast Interior wilderness describe their experiences with
their sled dogs and uniquely sturdy Icelandic horses.
Conkle, LeNora. Hunting: The Way it Was in our Changing
Alaska; an Alaskan Master Guide's Years of Hunting on the Pact
Ice for the Great White Bear-and Hunts for Grizzly and Brown
Bears and all Alaska Big Game (Anchorage, AK :Publications
Consultants, 1997), 216 pp., cloth, $24.95, ISBN188812508X, PO
Box 221974, Anchorage, AK 99522-1974. LC96-070834. Big Game
hunting in the 1950s,'60s, and '70s in Alaska.
Cook, Ann Mariah. Running North : A Yukon
Adventure (Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books, 1998), 312
pp., cloth, $21.95, ISBN1565122135, or paperback, $12.95,
ISBN1565122534, or large print (Wheeler Pub.), ISBN156895638X,
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, P.O. Box 2225, Chapel Hill, NC
27515-2225. Account of how the author, her husband, and their
young daughter moved to Alaska to run the Yukon Quest, the
toughest sled dog race in the world.
Cook, James. The Journals of Captain James Cook, edited
by John C. Beaglehole (Rochester, NY : Boydell & Brewer in
association with Hordern House, 1999) four volumes plus a
portfolio of charts and views, $1070.00 + postage, ISBN
0851157440, P.O. Box 41026, Rochester NY 14604-4126. Reissued by
arrangement with its original publisher, the Hakluyt Society,
this indexed and annotated edition of Cook's three voyages has
long been out of print. Only the third voyage, published here in
two volumes totaling more than 1600 pages, passed through Alaskan
Cook, Linda. Elmendorf Air Force Base, Volume I : Historic
Context of World War II Buildings and Structures ([Anchorage
: Alaska Support Office,] National Park Service, 1999) 106 pp.,
paper, 2525 Gambell Street, Anchorage AK 99503-2892. Illustrated
history of this Anchorage Air Force installation and a survey of
its buildings, except for those built between 1940-45, which will
appear in Volume II.
Cook, Linda and Frank Norris. A Stern and
Rock-Bound Coast: Kenai Fjords National Park Historic Resource
Study (Anchorage : National Park Service, Alaska Support
Office, 1998), 429 pp., paper, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107,
Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. One in a series of publications
describing the prehistory and history of National Park units in
Alaska. This study develops a broad historic context for the
outer coast, its heroes, and their contributions to the region's
Cooper, Doreen C. Archeological Investigations
in Skagway, Volume 7: Residential Life on Block 39 (Skagway :
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1998),
380 pp., paper, request from Klondike Gold Rush National
Historical Park, P.O. Box 517, Skagway, AK 99840. A study of
cultural remains from a now-vacant lot in the gold rush boom
Corbin, Wilford. A World Apart : My Life Among the Eskimos
of Alaska (Homer : Wizard Works, 2000), 274 pp., paper,
$19.95 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN 1890692034, P.O. Box 1125, Homer,
AK 99603. A young North Carolina couple comes north to teach in
Wales and Scammon Bay during the 1950s.
Crowell, Aron. Archaeology and the Capitalist World System:
a Study from Russian America, with an appendix by Donald W.
Clark (New York: Plenum Press, 1997), 286 pp., hardbound, $54.95,
ISBN0306456699, 233 Spring Street, New York NY 10013-1578.
LC97-40644. Look at the disruption of an indigenous culture
caused by the incursion of capitalism, focusing on findings from
excavation of the 1780s fur trading site of Three Saints Harbor,
Kodiak Island and contemporary eyewitness reports.
Cruikshank, Julie. The Social Life of Stories:
Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory (Lincoln :
University of Nebraska Press, 1998), 211 pp., cloth, $45.00 plus
postage, ISBN0803214901, 312 North 14th Street,
Lincoln, NE 68588-0484. A study of indigenous oral narratives and
their roles in Yukon Native society, by a professor of
anthropology at the University of British Columbia.
Cuppage, Francis E., M.D. James Cook and the Conquest of
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994), $55.00
+ postage, 163 p., ISBN 0313291810, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT
06881-5007. A study of Captain James Cook's use of fresh plants
to defeat scurvy, the dreaded disease of explorers, in the
eighteenth century. LC 94-003050.
Dalby, Ron. The Alaska guide / Golden, CO : Fulcrum
Publishing, 1994. 224 p. Describes different regions, noting
transportation, accommodations, festivals and special events,
wilderness areas and wildlife, and outdoor activities for each;
no maps, but good explanations. ISBN1555911315. LC93-41008.
________. The Alaska Highway: an insider's guide /
Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Pub., 1994. 203p. Road to Alaska,
why drive to Alaska, kind of vehicles, preparation of vehicles,
what to bring, choosing a route and the guide to routes. Sample
itineraries and routing. ISBN1555911714. LC93-13870.
Dahlheim, Marilyn E., David K. Ellifrit, and Jack D. Swenson.
Killer Whales of Southeast Alaska : a Catalogue of
Photo-identified Individuals (Seattle, Wash, : National
Marine Mammal Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Science Center,
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, c1997). 79 pp., 7600
Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. wln97283694. Photographs of
250 identified individual killer whales documented in SE Alaska
between 1984 an 1996.
Darack, Ed. 6194, Denali Solo (Davis, CA : Ed Darack Photography, 1995),
168 p., paper, $14.00, ISBN 1884980805 (PO Box 2091, Davis, CA
95617). LC94094043. Lone climber conveys not only what it is like
to explore Mt. McKinley and gain the peak (6194 meters above sea
level), but also what extreme adventures such as this can teach
us about ourselves.
Darnell, Frank, and Anton Hoem. Taken to Extremes :
Education in the Far North (Oslo,
Norway : Stockholm, Sweden : Scandinavian University Press,
1996), 299 p., cloth, $37.00, ISBN8200225887 (North American
Office, 875 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 84, Cambridge, MA 02139).
wln96268682. Examines the history of education and the
contemporary issues of schooling in the circumpolar countries
outside of Russia.
Dauenhauer, Richard. Conflicting Visions in Alaskan
Education (Fairbanks, AK : University of Alaska Veniaminov
Bicentennial Project, 1997), 48 p, paper, $5.00, ISBN1877962317.
wln98053239. Revised and updated to be published during the
bicentennial of Veniaminov's birth, the author compares the life,
work, and attitudes towards religion and culture of two prominent
men in Alaska's history: Sheldon Jackson and John Veniaminov.
Dauenhauer, Richard and Nora Marks. Haa Kusteeyi, our
culture: Tlingit life stories / Seattle: University of
Washington Press; Juneau: Sealaska Heritage Foundation, 1994.
This third volume of the series, "Classics of Tlingit Oral
Literature," features life histories of more than 50 men and
women, including a section on the founders of the Alaska Native
Brotherhood. Includes a lengthy introduction which explains the
milieu in which the subjects of these life histories came of
age. ISBN0295974001hbd, 029597401Xpbk. LC94-28657. $50.00hbd,
Daugherty, Paula M. and Becky M. Saleeby.
Elmendorf Air Force Base Homestead Study (Anchorage :
National Park Service, Alaska Support Office, 1998), 82 pp.,
paper, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892.
Illustrated history of the cultural remains of civilian
homesteads which were incorporated into Elemendorf Air Force
Base, near Anchorage, in the early 1940s.
Davidson, George. The tracks and landfalls of Bering and
Chirikof on the northwest coast of America / Fairfield,
Washington : Ye Galleon Press, 1994. 44 p. Reprint of 1901
publication which attempts to identity the landfalls of Bering
and Chirikof in the 18th century. ISBN0877705275. LC94-2736.
Davidson, George. Tracks and Landfalls of Bering and
Chirikof on the Northwest Coast of America
(Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press, 1994),
44 p., ISBN 0877705275, $9.95 plus postage, P.O. Box 287,
Fairfield, WA 99012. Reprint of 1901 account identifying
landfalls of the eighteenth-century explorers. LC 94-002736.
Davis, Richard C. Lobsticks and Stone Cairns : Human
Landmarks in the Arctic (Calgary :
University of Calgary Press, 1996), 326 p., paper, CN$29.95,
ISBN1895176697 (2500 University Drive N. W., Calgary, Alberta,
Canada T2N 1N4). cn96-910557. Profiles of Arctic explorers and
their activities in the Canadian Arctic from the sixteenth
century to those who are still active today.
Davis, Robert M. Alaska Tales: Flying is Fun? (Juneau, AK : LapCat Publications, 1994), 62
p., paper, $8.95, ISBN0964199807 (PO Box 20465, Juneau, AK
99802-0465). LC 94-096150. Anecdotes from the author's thirty
years of travel around the state from the 1960s through the 1990s
when he worked first for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and then
the Alaska Department of Education.
Davis, Robert M. Alaska Tales 2 : Goin' With the Floes (Juneau, AK : LapCat Publications,
1994), 127 p., paper, $9.95, ISBN0964199815 (PO Box 20465,
Juneau, AK 99802-0465). LC95-076138. More unique Alaskan
DeArment, Robert K. Alias Frank Canton (Norman, OK : University of Oklahoma Press,
1996), 402 p., cloth, $29.95, ISBN0806128283 (PO Box 787, Norman,
OK 73070-0787). LC95-38758. His many adventures in the West
included experiences as a peace officer and gold prospector in
the Circle and Rampart areas during the Klondike gold rush.
DeArmond, Robert N. From Sitka's Past (Sitka: Sitka Historical Society, 1995), 259
p., paper, $34.95 plus postage, ISBN0964485214 (330 Harbor Drive,
Sitka, AK 99835). wln95-071507. A selection of 49 newspaper
columns on historical topics, by a noted journalist and
DeArmond, Robert N. A History of the Kettleson
Memorial Library, the Public Library of Sitka, Alaska,
1923-1998 (Sitka : [Kettleson Memorial Library], 1998), 36
pp., paper, 320 Harbor Drive, Sitka, AK 99835-7553. Illustrated
history of the library, its various locations, and the people who
made it possible.
DeArmond, Robert N. Old Gold: Historical
Vignettes of Juneau, Alaska, edited by June Hall and Renee
Guerin, 2nd revised edition (Juneau : Gastineau
Channel Historical Society and KINY, 1997), 68 pp., $15.95 plus
postage, order from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Highway,
Juneau, AK 99801. A new edition of the 1985 collection written to
celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of radio station KINY.
DeArmond, Robert N. The USS Saginaw in Alaska
Waters, 1867-1868 (Kingston, Ont. ; Fairbanks : Limestone
Press : University of Alaska Press [distributor], 1997), 145 pp.,
cloth, $22.00, ISBN1895901103 (Alaska history no. 46), P.O. Box
756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. The first U.S. warship built on
the Pacific coast sails the inner waterways of Southeast Alaska
to explore and survey, but ends up taking punitive actions
against several Tlingit settlements.
DeArmond, Robert N. A Voyage in a Dory : From Sitka to
Tacoma by Oars, Sail and Tow Rope (Sitka : Arrowhead Press,
1999) 88 pp., paper, $13.95 + postage, ISBN 1929292007, available
from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau AK 99801,
1-800-478-1000. The Southeast Alaska historian describes his 1931
DeArmond, R. N. Movie Man : the Life and Times of William
David Gross, 1879-1962, editing and epilogue by Karleen
Alstead Grummett, [Sitka : R. N. DeArmond, 2000?], 34 pp., paper.
Biography of a Jewish immigrant who arrived in Alaska during the
Gold Rush and built a movie theater chain headquartered in
DeArmond, Robert N. and Patricia Roppel. Baranof
Island's Eastern Shore: "The Waterfall Coast" (Sitka :
Arrowhead Press, 1997), 63 pp., paper, $10.00 plus $4.00 postage,
order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501. A guide to the history of part of a large
island in southeast Alaska, illustrated with maps, charts, and
historical photographs.
DeArmond, R. N., and Patricia Roppel. Baranof Island's
Eastern Shore; "The Waterfall Coast" (Sitka, Alaska :
Arrowhead Press) 66 pp., paper, $10.00 plus $4.00 postage.
wln98-218608. Description of each area along this island
shoreline - includes primarily historic and geographic
information illustrated with b&w photographs and maps.
De La Hunt, Jill. Exploring the Alaska-Yukon bordercountry:
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Kluane National Park Reserve,
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge / photography and sidebars by
John W. Page / Minocqua, WI : NorthWord Press, 1994. (Available
from Alaska Natural History Association, 605 W. 4th Ave., Suite
85, Anchorage, AK 99501) Presents a brief overview of history,
geology, and ecology of the region followed by a special section
on each park or reserve. Excellent photography, with author's
perspectives and comments. ISBN1559714301 (hbd);
1559714387pbk. LC94-19315. $29.95 hbd; $19.95pbk.
De Laguna, Frederica. Fog on the Mountain
(Homer: Kachemak Country Publications, 1995), 275 p.,
paper, $14.95 + postage, P.O. Box 2386, Homer, AK 99603. Reprint
of a murder mystery by the eminent anthropologist, originally
published for the Doubleday Crime Club in 1938. LC 9575337.
De Laguna, Frederica. Travels Among the Dena :
Exploring Alaska's Yukon Valley (Seattle : University of
Washington Press, 2000), 369 pp., cloth, $50.00 plus postage,
ISBN 029597902X, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5094.
Archeological reconnaissance of the middle and lower Yukon River
in 1935, illustrated with photos and maps and integrated with
reports of earlier explorers.
Debets, G. F. The Paleo-Anthropology of the Early Eskimos
(Ipiutak and Tigara), translated by Richard L. Bland
(Anchorage: National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage
Program, 1999) ca. 75 pp., comb-bound, 2525 Gambell Street, Room
107, Anchorage AK 99503-2892. Translation of a 1986 study of
human remains collected by Froelich Rainey and Helge Larsen at
Point Hope between 1939 and 1941.
Decaneas, Antony. Bradford Washburn : Mountain
Photography (Seattle, Wash. : The Mountaineers, 1999) 142
pp., cloth, $60.00 + postage, ISBN 0898866898, or paper, $29.95 +
postage, ISBN 0898866901, 1001 S.W. Klickitat Way, Suite 201,
Seattle WA 98134. Traveling the world for eight decades,
mountaineer, explorer, cartographer, and aerial photographer
Bradford Washburn has documented the landscape around the world.
This has black and white aerial photographs taken mainly in
Alaska, but also some from the Swiss Alps and the American
Decker, Julie. Icebreakers : Alaska's Most Innovative
Artists (Anchorage : Decker Art Services, 1999) 332 pp.,
cloth, $65.00 + $8 postage, ISBN 0967070902, P.O. Box 101403,
Anchorage AK 99510. Highlights the work of 54 Alaskan artists
with biographical information, examples of their work, and many
photographs, some color. Also includes essays on art in
Degnan, Frances Ann. Under the Arctic Sun : The Life and
Times of Frank and Ada Degnan (Unalakleet: Cottonwood Bark,
1999), 365 pp., paper, $19.98 + postage, ISBN 0966965000, P.O.
Box 33, Unalakleet AK 99684-0033. Memories, interviews and
photographs of the Unalakleet area.
Denfeld, Colt. The Akutan Whaling and Naval Fueling
Station: A History (Anchorage: Alaska District, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, 1996), 22 pp., paper, PO Box 898, Anchorage,
AK 99506-0898. wln97-017044. Illustrated account of an Aleutian
Denfeld, D. Colt. The Cold War in Alaska: A Management
Plan for Cultural Resources, 1994-1999
(Anchorage: Alaska District, U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 1994), 327 p., paper, P.O. Box 898, Anchorage, AK
99506-0898. Inventory and history of military construction from
the early 1950s through the 1980s. LC 95-166055.
Denton, Pedro. Boats of Alaska : An Artist's
Guide to Alaska's Commercial Fishing Boats (Anchorage :
Publication Consultants, 1998), 80 pp., paperback, $24.95,
ISBN1888125284, P.O. Box 221974, Anchorage, AK 99522-1974. The
author's paintings cover basic fishing activities along Alaska's
coast, depicting boats at work in their natural environments.
Dick, Gerri and Dean Littlepage. Yukon River
Guide : a Journey Through Time : From Dawson City to Circle
(Anchorage : Alaska Natural History Association, 1998), 63 pp.,
paperback, $17.95, ISBN0930931211, 401 West First Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501. Describes the upper river and its land, the
geography and natural history, checklists of gear and of birds,
plus 20 maps to follow the route.
Dickey, Robert M. Gold Fever: A Narrative of the Great
Klondike Gold Rush, 1897-1899, edited by Art Petersen, (Auke
Bay, Alaska: Klondike Research, 1997), 279 pp., paper, $29.95
plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 096579380X.LC97-067328. A missionary's
adventures during the gold rush, illustrated with
Dickinson, Christine Frances, and Diane Solie Smith. Atlin:
The Story of British Columbia's Last Gold Rush (Atlin: Atlin Historical Society, 1995), 379
p., paper, , CN$18.99 plus CN$6.00 postage, ISBN0771082509 (order
from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT,
Canada YIA 2B2). wln96-287573. While thousands of prospectors
were attempting to reach the Klondike, gold was discovered near
Atlin Lake in northwestern British Columbia.
Dikov, N. N. Asia at the Juncture with America in Antiquity
(The Stone Age of the Chukchi Peninsula), translated by
Richard L. Bland(Anchorage: National Park Service, 1997), 248
pp., paper, Beringia Program, National Park Service, 2525 Gambell
Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. wln98-035041.
Translation of a 1993 work on the archaeology of Chukotka.
Dikov, N. N. Mysteries in the Rocks of Ancient Chukotka
(Petroglyphs of Pegtymel'), translated by Richard L. Bland
(Anchorage : National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage
Program, 2000), 171 pp., paper, request from 2525 Gambell Street,
Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. Translation of a 1971 study
of prehistoric arctic rock art in the Russian Far East.
Dillon, Patrick. Lost at Sea : an American
Tragedy (New York : Dial Press, 1998), 264 pp., cloth,
$23.95, ISBN0385314213, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group,
Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. A journalist examines
how the Americus/Altair disaster is indicative of the problems
with American fishing, an industry that annually tops the list of
"Most Dangerous Occupations," and what has been done in the
tragedy's aftermath.
Divin, V. A. To the American Coast: The Voyages and
Explorations of M. S. Gvozdev, the Discoverer of Northwestern
America, (K beregam Ameriki: plavaniia i issledovaniia M.S.
Gvozdeva, pervo otkryvatelia Severo-Zapadnoi Ameriki) translated
by Anatoli Perminov and edited by J. L. Smith (Anchorage: White
Stone Press, 1997), 138 pp., cloth, $15.00 postpaid, ISBN
0962672718, 3600 East 67th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99507.
LC97-061615. A translation of the 1956 Moscow edition, this book
recounts the Russian discovery of Alaska in 1732 by Mikhail S.
Dixon, E. James. Bones, Boats & Bison : Archeology and the
First Colonization of Western North America (Albuquerque :
University of New Mexico Press, 1999) 322 pp., cloth, $49.95 +
postage, ISBN 0826320570, or paper, $24.95 + postage, ISBN
0826321380, 1-800-249-7737. This revolutionary archeological
synthesis argues an alternative model of the earliest human
population of North America. E. James Dixon dispels the
stereotype of big-game hunters following mammoths across the
Bering Land Bridge and paints a vivid picture of marine mammal
hunters, fishers, and general foragers colonizing the New
Dixon, Michael P. Alaska Bound: Life of Travels and
Adventure in the Far North
(Douglas, AK : Dixon Paperback, Co., 1996), 180 p., paper,
$13.95, ISBN0963998102 (PO Box 240804, Douglas, AK 99824-0804).
LC94-093811. Essays by author who traces some of the routes
explored by Jack London.
Dobrowolsky, Helen. Law of the Yukon: A Pictorial
History of the Mounted Police in the Yukon
(Whitehorse: Lost Moose Publishing Co., 1995), 192 p.,
ISBN 0969461283 (paper.), ISBN 0969461267 (cloth), $39.95 plus
postage, 58 Kluane Crescent, Whitehorse, YT YIA 3G7.
Dolitsky, Alexander B., editor. Tales and Legends of the
Yupik Eskimos of Siberia, translated by Henry N. Michael
(Juneau : Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 2000), 147 pp., $18.00,
paper, ISBN 0965389138, P.O. Box 34871, Juneau, AK 99803.
Fifty-nine tales, legends, and myths translated with a short note
on the source.
Donald, Leland. Aboriginal Slavery on the Northwest Coast
of North America (Berkeley: University of California Press,
1997), 379 pp., cloth, $40.00 plus postage, ISBN 0520206169,
University of California Press c/o California/Princeton
Fulfillment Services, Inc., 1445 Lower Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ
08618. LC96-046162. Ethnographic and historical analysis of
slavery in traditional Northwest Coast cultures; includes
comparison of the status of slaves with that of war captives.
Doogan, Mike. Fashion Means your Fur Hat is Dead : a Guide
to Good Manners and Social Survival in Alaska illustrated by Dee Boyles. (Fairbanks :
Epicenter Press, c1996), 157 p., paper, $14.95 plus $4.00
shipping, ISBN 0945397542 (Box 60529, Fairbanks, AK 99706, dist.
By Graphic Arts Center Publishing, PO Box 10306, Portland, OR
97296-0306). LC96-86224. Anchorage Daily News columnist and
humorist presents his version of an Alaska "code of conduct."
Dorden, Mary Lou, and Deborah Nicholson, edited by Anne
Kessler and Naomi Stockdale. Women and minorities in Alaskan
aviation / Juneau, AK : Alaska Department of Education
(Equity Project, 801 W. 10th St., Ste. 200, Juneau, AK 99801),
1994. 69p. This curriculum guide covers early
aviation, careers in aviation, and aviation safety. Each section
includes a biography of a woman and a minority person in that
field and provides curriculum activities. wln94-304149.
Dorsey, Kirkpatrick. The Dawn of Conservation
Diplomacy : U.S.-Canadian Wildlife Protection Treaties in the
Progressive Era (Seattle : University of Washington Press,
1998), 311 pp., cloth, $35.00, ISBN0295976764, P.O. Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Contends that successful conservation
treaties came only after conservationists learned to use
scientific evidence, public sentiment, and economic incentives in
their campaigns for protective legislation.
Douglass, Don, and Reanne Hemingway-Douglass. Exploring
the Inside Passage to Alaska : a Cruising Guide from the San Juan
Islands to Glacier Bay
(Bishop, CA : Fine Edge Productions, c1995), 399 p.,
ISBN 0938665332 $29.97, Route 2, Box 303, Bishop, CA 93514.
General guide for skippers; gives local knowledge for exploring
coasts: maps, anchorages. LC9447529.
Douglass, Don, and Reanne Hemingway Douglass. Exploring
Southeast Alaska : Dixon entrance to Skagway : Details of Every
Harbor and Cove : Itineraries of the Inside Passage San Juan
Islands to Glacier Bay (Anacortes, WA : Fine Edge
Productions, c2000), 543 pp., paper, $59.95 plus postage, ISBN
0938665588, 13589 Clayton Lane, Anacortes, WA 98221. Guidebook
with great details for the Southeast Alaska cruising
Driscoll, Cynthia Brackett. One Woman's Gold Rush:
Snapshots from Mollie Brackett's Lost Photo Album, 1898-1899 (Kalamazoo: Oak Woods Media, 1996),
128 p., paper, $12.00, ISBN 088196007 (PO Box 19127, Kalamazoo,
MI 49019). LC96-12942. Skagway and Atlin history with photos
taken by the daughter-in-law of Skagway's wagon-road builder.
DuFresne, Jim. Hiking in Alaska (Hawthorn, Vic. :
London : Lonely Planet, 2000), 304 pp., paper, $19.99 plus
postage, ISBN 1864500387, available at Cook Inlet Book Company.
Overview of hiking trails for each region, giving background,
permits needed, transportation options, and what might be
Dubin, Lois Sherr. North American Indian Jewelry and
Adornment : From Prehistory to the Present (New York : Harry
N. Abrams, Inc., 1999) 608 pp., cloth, $75.00 + postage, ISBN
0810936895, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10011. Illustrated,
comprehensive study of jewelry, beadwork, clothing, and
ceremonial objects from ancient times to the present, made by
indigenous peoples throughout the United States, Canada, and
Northern Mexico. Two chapters (approximately 15% of the book)
directly address Arctic and Sub-Arctic Native cultures, each of
which includes parts of Alaska.
Duesenberg, H. Milton. Alaska Highway Expeditionary
Force: A Roadbuilder's Story
(Clear Lake, IA: H & M Industries, 1995), 196 p.,
$32.95 cloth or $24.95 paper plus $2.75 postage, P.O. Box 252,
Clear Lake, IA 50428. Illustrated account of the building of the
Alaska Highway in the 1940s, based on interviews with private
contractors who worked on the project. LC 94-076660.
Dumond, Don E., and James W. VanStone. Paugvik : a
Nineteenth-Century Native Village on Bristol Bay, Alaska
(Chicago : Field Museum of Natural History, 1995), 109
p., $23.00, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL
60605-2496. (One of series: Fieldiana: Anthropology, new
series, No. 24. Results of archaeological excavations at an
important settlement on the Alaska Peninsula. wln95-187739.
Duncan, Kate, with Eunice
Carney. A Special Gift : the Kutchin Beadwork Tradition
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1997), 104 pp., paper,
$19.95, ISBN0912006889, PO Box 756240, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 9975-6240. LC97-041710. Reissue of 1988
title that covers history of Alaska and Yukon Athapaskan
beadwork, including regional differences with examples and
patterns of contemporary beadwork; new foreword by Doris Ward and
new introduction.
Dunn, John Asher. Sm'algyax : a Reference
Dictionary and Grammar for the Coast Tsimshian Language
(Seattle : University of Washington Press ; Juneau : Sealaska
Heritage Foundation, 1995), 259 pp., paperback, $37.50,
ISBN0295974192, Sealaska Heritage Foundation, One Sealaska Plaza,
Suite 201, Juneau, AK 99801-1249. Facsimile reprint of John
Dunn's classic, previously two-volume, work published by the
Canadian Museum of Civilization in the late 1970s.
Durbin, Kathie. Tongass : Pulp Politics and the Fight for
the Alaska Rain Forest (Corvallis : Oregon State University
Press, c1999), 328 pp., paper, $19.91 plus postage, ISBN
087071466X , 101 Waldo Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-6407.
Environmental advocate's account of the history of two pulp mills
in Southeast Alaska that harvested low-cost timber from the
Tongass National Forest from their establishment after World War
II to the present and the ecological, political, and social
consequences of their rise and fall.
Durr, R. A. Down in Bristol Bay : High Tides, Hangovers,
and Harrowing Experiences on Alaska's Last Frontier (New
York, St. Martin's Press, 1999) 219 pp., cloth, $23.95 + postage,
ISBN 0312205295, available from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West
Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. Sixties dropout from East Coast
academia becomes a fisherman and Alaskan.
Dykstra, Monique. My Heart on the Yukon River: Portraits
from Alaska and the Yukon (Pullman, WA : Washington State
University Press, 1997), 126 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 0874221579,
PO Box 645910 Pullman, WA 99164-5910. LC97-26116. Photographer
Dykstra canoes down the Yukon recording tales of some who live
there; 45 black and white portraits.
Dzugan, Jerry and Dan Falvey. Spawn, Spat, and
Sprains : a Manual for Aquaculture Safety in Alaska
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program,
1998), 84 pp., paperback, $6.00, ISBN1566120551, P.O. Box 755040,
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040. Provides illustrated information on
safety risks and methods of risk reduction for aquaculture
The Early History of the Alaska Permanent Fund :
Perspectives on the Origins of Alaska's Oil Savings Account
(Juneau, AK : Permanent Fund Corporation, 1997), 76 pp., P.O. Box
4-1000, Juneau 99802. wln97100468. CONTENTS: A founder's
reflections on the early days of the Alaska Permanent Fund
Corporation / by Elmer Rasmuson -- The creation of the Alaska
Permanent Fund: a short history / by Joan Kasson -- The Permanent
Fund Dividend Program: Alaska's noble experiment / by Clifford
John Groh and Gregg Erickson -- Alaska's Permanent Fund:
legislative history, intent and operations / by the Rural
Research Agency, Alaska State Senate.
The Economics of a Disaster : the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
/ Bruce M. Owen...[et al.].(Westport, Conn. : Quorum
Books, 1995), 200 p., ISBN 0899309879, $55.00, Imprint of
Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post Rd. W. Box 5007, Westport,
CT, 06881. Economic analysis of question of oil spill affects on
the price of seafood. LC 95-3782.
Ellis, Pat. From Fish Camps to Cold Storages; a
Brief History of the Petersburg Area to 1927 ([Petersburg, AK
: Clausen Memorial Museum, 1998), 102p., $8.00 + postage. Order
from: P.O. Box 708, Petersburg, AK 99833. Covers Petersburg's
first thirty years.
Ellis, Robert E. (Bob) and Margaret R. (Peg) Ellis.
What … No Landing Field? : Adventures of an Alaska
Seaplane Pilot, edited by Elizabeth Richardson (Ward Cove :
E.S. Richardson, 1998), 167 pp., paperback, $24.95,
ISBN0966039610, E.S. Richardson, P.O. Box 662, Ward Cove, AK
99928. This reissue of the original 1969 edition tells the story
of a pioneer Alaska aviator and founder of Ellis Air Lines and
life in the Alaska Territory.
Emanuel, Richard P. The
Golden Gamble, Volume 24, Number 2 of Alaska
Geographic (Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1997), 96
pp., paper, $19.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 1566610362, P.O. Box
93370PR, Anchorage, AK 99509-3370. wln97-282675. Pictorial
account of the gold rush era and the changes it brought to Alaska
and the rest of the Pacific Northwest.
Emanuel, Richard P. Living Off the Land,
Volume 27, Number 4 of Alaska Geographic (Anchorage : Alaska
Geographic Society, 2000), 96 pp., paper, $21.95 plus $5.00
postage, ISBN 1566610508, P. O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK
99509-3370. A look at traditional and modern subsistence
practices throughout Alaska.
Emanuel, Richard P. Steve McCutcheon's
Alaska, Volume 25, Number 1 of Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1998), 96 pp., paper,
$21.95 plus $4.00 postage, P.O. Box 93370PR, Anchorage, AK
99509-3370. Tribute to a life-long Alaskan and photographer with
selections from sixty years of photographs. Anchorage Museum of
History and Art now holds these images in their collections.
Engfer, Julie and Michelle Roberts, editors,
International Symposium on Mining (Circa 1850-2000 and
Beyond): Proceedings Publication (Fairbanks: Festival
Fairbanks, 1997), 349 pp., paper, $33.00 postpaid, P.O. Box
74086, Fairbanks, AK 99707. Papers delivered at the conference
held in Fairbanks September 9-14, 1997; includes much history
from the gold rush era.
Enrico, John James and Wendy Bross Stuart. Northern Haida
Songs (Lincoln : University of
Nebraska Press, 1996), 519 p., cloth, $85.00, ISBN0803218168 (312
North Lincoln Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484). LC96-4211. An
ethnomusicologist and a linguist collaborate in this major study
of Haida music and folk songs.
Eppenbach, Sarah. Baked Alaska : Sweet Comforts of the
North Country (Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Books, 1997),
96 pp., cloth,$16.95, ISBN 088240492X, order from PO Box 10306,
Portland, OR 97210. LC97-010544. Seventy Alaskan recipes for
baking tea breads, muffins, custards, cobblers, pies, scones, and
Expressions of experience: art by interior Alaskans
/ edited by M. B. Michaels / Sky High Publications, POB 40045, Clear, Alaska
99704, 1994. 73p.
The Exxon Valdez Disaster : Readings on a Modern Social
Problem, 2nd ed., edited by J. Steven Picou [et al.]
(Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1999) 337 pp., paper,
$45.95 + postage, ISBN 0787256854, available from Cook Inlet Book
Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. The
communities caught in the path of the oil spill or lying within
easy reach of it were damaged in unmistakable if subtle ways.
This textbook gathers papers from sociological viewpoints,
allowing us a many-dimensioned look at one of the most important
environmental disasters of modern times.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill : Fate and Effects in Alaskan
, edited by Peter G. Wells, James N. Butler, and Jane
Staveley Hughes (Philadelphia : ASTM, 1995), 949 p., bound, ISBN
0803118961, $100, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA. "Papers presented at the Third Symposium on
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment held in Atlanta,
Georgia on 26-28 April 1993. LC95-25366.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium (1993 : Anchorage,
Alaska)/ Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium/ edited by Stanley D. Rice...[et
al.] (Bethesda, MD : American Fisheries Society, 1996), 931 p.,
ISBN0913235954 (5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110, Bethesda, MD
20814-2199). LC96-085358.
Fair, Susan W., and Rosita Worl, editors. Celebration 2000
: Restoring Balance through Culture / with contributions by
Kenneth Austin (Juneau, AK : Sealaska Heritage Foundation, 2000),
206 pp., paper, $15.00 plus shipping, One Sealaska Plaza, Suite
201, Juneau, AK 99801-1249. Twenty-three major contributions by
traditional and academic scholars on Southeast Alaskan topics
including Alaskan history, language, culture, arts, and
literature; contibutors include the editors as well as Walter
Soboleff, Frederica de Laguna, Richard and Nora Dauenhauer,
Steven C. Brown, Sergei Kan, Steve Langdon and many others.
Fairbanks (Alaska). Clay Street Cemetery burial list,
Fairbanks, Alaska / Fairbanks, AK : The City, 1994. 33p.
Alphabetical list of names, dates of birth, dates of birth and
death, locations in cemetery. wln94-300708.
Fairy Tales and Myths of the Bering Sea Chukchi, edited by Alexander B. Dolitsky; translated
by Henry N. Michael (Juneau, AK : Alaska-Siberia Research Center,
1996), paper, 125 p. $15.00 ISBN0965389103 (PO Box 34871, Juneau,
AK 99803). wln96343021. Translation of 56 Chukchi folklore and
stories first published in 1974 Russian edition, edited by E.
Fairy Tales and Myths of the Bering Strait
Chukchi, edited by Alexander B. Dolitsky, 2nd
edition (Juneau : Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 1997), 136 pp.,
paperback, $15.00, ISBN0965389111, P.O. Box 34871, Juneau, AK
99803. Intricate design, careful attention to cultural detail,
expansive scope, and intriguing themes in more than 60 tales make
it both educational and entertaining. Includes glossary and
Falk, Marvin W. Alaska
(Oxford: Clio Press, 1995), 219 p., cloth, ISBN
1851091416, $80.00 plus postage, Old Clarendon Ironworks, 35A
Great C1arendon Street, Oxford OX2 6AT, UK. Part of the "World
Bibliographical Series," compiled by the University of Alaska
Fairbanks' rare books librarian. wln96-050662.
Farthest North: the quest for the North Pole / edited
by Clive Holland. New York : Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.,
1994. 305p. Describes with eyewitness accounts various north
polar expeditions from the early 1800's to 1993. Includes
bibliographic references. ISBN0786701285. $23.00.
Feeney, Robert E. Polar Journeys: The Role of Food and
Nutrition in Early Exploration (Fairbanks: University of
Alaska Press, 1997),304 pp., cloth, ISBN 0841233497, $41.95 or
paper, ISBN 0-912006-97-8, $27.95 plus $3.50 postage, PO Box
756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 9975-6240.
LC97-049810. Biochemist presents case that explorers lived and
died by the quantity of their food and the quality of their
Fejes, Claire. Cold Starry Night (Fairbanks, AK : Epicenter Press, 1996),
paper, $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping, ISBN0945397550 (Box 60529,
Fairbanks, AK 99706, dist. By Graphic Arts Center Publishing, PO
Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306). LC96-043182. Excerpts and
stories from this Alaskan artist's journal that she began in
1946, when she accompanied her husband to Fairbanks and then into
the Bush.
Fejes, Claire. People of the Noatak. Volcano, CA :
Volcano Press, 1994. Reprint of the 1966 edition. In the
1960s, artist Claire Fejes made five long visits to the people of
two Eskimo villages--Noatak and Point Hope. Paintings and
drawings. ISBN1884244009. LC93-47388. $18.95.
Ferrell, Ed, comp. and ed. Biographies of Alaska-Yukon
pioneers, 1850 -1950 / Bowie, MD : Heritage Books, 1994.
Alphabetically arranged, this uses newspapers and magazines as
sources to present biographical materials on some of the early
settlers of Alaska and the Yukon. ISBN0788400878. wln95-8587.
Ferrell, Ed. Biographies of Alaska- Yukon Pioneers,
1850-1950, Volume 2 (Bowie, MD:
Heritage Books, 1996), 371 p., paper, $29.50 plus $4.00 postage
(1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 301, Bowie, MD 20716).
LC95-105172. A second volume of four hundred biographies with
source notes, most from the period 1880-1910, collected by a
longtime resident of Juneau.
Ferrell, Ed. Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers,
1850-1950, Volume 3 (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1997), 353
pp., paper, $28.50 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN 0788407-015, 1540-E
Pointer Place Ridge, Suite 301, Bowie, MD 20716. LC95-105172. A
third volume containing four hundred biographies with source
notes, written by a longtime resident of Juneau.
Ferrell, Ed. The Dangerous North (Bowie, Md.
: Heritage Books, Inc., 1998), 162 pp., paperback, $15.00,
ISBN0788410652, 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 301, Bowie, MD
20716, 1-800-398-7709. A collection of 26 accounts of death and
survival that chronicle the harsh realities of life on the
northern frontier.
Ferrell, Ed. Frontier Justice (Bowie, MD:
Heritage Books, 1998), 146 pp., paper, $17.50 plus $3.00 postage,
ISBN078840881X, 1540-E Pointer Place Ridge, Suite 301, Bowie, MD
20716, 1-800-398-7709. Adventures in law and order from Alaskan
Ferrell, Ed. Strange Stories of Alaska and the Yukon (Fairbanks, AK : Epicenter Press,
1996), 160 p., paper, $13.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0945397518
(Box 60529, Fairbanks, AK 99706, dist. By Graphic Arts Center
Publishing, PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306). LC96-005220.
"Unexplained phenomena with a northern twist-all the stories come
from Alaska and Yukon of the 1880s to 1940s;" includes
Ferrell, Nancy Warren. Barrett Willoughby, Alaska's
forgotten lady / Fairbanks, AK : University of Alaska Press,
1994. 184p. Biography of noted Alaskan fiction writer of the
1920s through 1940s, by Juneau author. ISBN 09120067765.
LC94-34537. $14.95.
Ferrell, Nancy Warren. Early Years of Juneau, Alaska
(1880-1890)(Juneau : LapCat Publications, 1997), 24 pp.,
paper, $5.95 plus postage, ISBN 096419984X, Box 20465, Juneau, AK
99802. Brief illustrated history of the first decade in a mining
camp that became Alaska's capital city.
Field, Carmen M. and Conrad J. Field. Alaska's
Seashore Creatures : A Guide to Selected Marine Invertebrates
(Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1999) 94 pp., paper, $12.95
+ postage, ISBN 0882405160, P. O. Box 10306, Portland OR
97296-0306. The authors, marine biologists and naturalists living
in Homer, offer a pocket-sized field guide to many of the most
commonly found invertebrates, where to find them, and tips on
photographing them.
Fields, Leslie Leyland. The Entangling Net : Alaska's
Commercial Fishing Women Tell Their Lives (Urbana :
University of Illinois Press, 1997), 156 pp., cloth, $34.95, ISBN
0252022203; paper, $16.95, ISBN0252065654. LC 96-4492. The
author, a fisher herself, writes about her experiences in Kodiak
and includes the narratives of other women who reflect on their
fishing careers in Alaska.
Fields, Wanda Marie. Now It Can Be Told : Stories of
Alaskan Pioneer Ranchers (Anchorage : Publications
Consultants, 2000), 311 pp., cloth, $80.00 plus postage, ISBN
1888125446, order from the author, P.O. Box 25, Kodiak, AK 99615.
Arriving on Kodiak Island as Baptist mission houseparents in
1949, the author and her husband soon turned to cattle ranching.
Illustrated with hundreds of color photographs, this is the story
of traditional Western ranching adapted to a very non-traditional
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, and Mary Meade. Agayuliyararput:/ Our
Way of Making Prayer,
Kegginaqut, Kangii-Illy/Yup'ik Masks and the Stories They Tell (Seattle, WA: Anchorage Museum of
History and Art in association with University of Washington
Press, 1996), 272 p., paper, $14.95 plus $4.00 postage,
ISBN0295975091 (PO Box 50097, Seattle, WA 98145-5096).
LC95-025849. Text explaining Yup'ik masks and culture.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann. Boundaries and passages: rule and
ritual in Yup'ik Eskimo oral tradition / Norman, Oklahoma :
University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. 389p. Describes the Yup'ik
view of the world and the oral traditions that structure how life
is lived. Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN0806126043. LC93-23220. $27.50.
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, with William Tyson…[et. al.]
Hunting Tradition in a Changing World : Yup'ik Lives in Alaska
Today (New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, 2000),
310 pp., cloth, $52.00 plus postage, ISBN 0813528046, or paper,
$22.00, ISBN 0813528054, 100 Joyce Kilmer Avenue, Piscataway, NJ
08854-8099. Continuation of earlier book Eskimo Essays
reflecting on the societal and anthropological developments of
the last ten years relating to peoples of Southwestern
Fienup-Riordan, Ann. The
Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks: Agayuliyararput, Our Way of
Making Prayer (Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1996), 320 p., cloth, $70.00,
ISBN 0-295-97501-6 (PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096).
LC95-23296. Richly illustrated museum catalog for a major
exhibit. Exceptional.
First Catch Your Moose : The Fairbanks Cookbook, 1909
(Fairbanks : Tanana-Yukon Historical Society, 1999), 113 pp.,
paper, $10.00 + postage, ISBN 0940457105, available from New
Horizons Gallery, 519 First Avenue, Fairbanks AK 99701. A
facsimile reprint of Fairbanks Cook Book of Tested Recipes,
"Compiled by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church" and published
in 1909. Also includes historical photographs of early Fairbanks,
additional hand-written recipes found in the original copy, and
an introduction by Mary Childers Mangusso and Phyllis Demuth
First Fish, First People : Salmon
Tales of the North Pacific Rim, edited by Judith Roche and Meg
McHutchison (Seattle : One Reel in association with University of
Washington Press, 1998), 199 pp., paperback, $24.95,
ISBN0295977396, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Writers
from two continents and four countries of the Pacific Rim write
about "the fish of the gods" from both a historical and a
contemporary perspective.
The first one hundred years : St. Nicholas Orthodox Church,
1894 - 1994 / written and edited by Father Michael
Oleksa...[et al.]/ Juneau, AK (POB 20130, Juneau 99802) : St
Nicholas Church and The Friends of St. Nicholas, 1994. 36 p. A
history of the church, founded at the initiative of local Tlingit
leaders in 1894, with many historical illustrations.
wln95-10921. $5.00.
Firth, John. Yukon Quest : The 1000-Mile Dog Sled Race
Through the Yukon and Alaska (Whitehorse, Yukon : Lost Moose,
the Yukon Publishers, 1998) 277 pp., paper, $9.95 + postage, ISBN
1896758037, 58 Kluane Crescent, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A
3G7. This insider's view of the legendary race between Fairbanks
and Whitehorse includes anecdotes from all the races (1984-1997)
plus all results and rules.
Fobes, Natalie. I Dream Alaska (Anchorage,
Alaska Northwest Books, 1998), 96 pp., cloth, $16.95,
ISBN0882405012, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, P.O. Box
10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306, 1-800-452-3032. The award winning
writer and photographer presents an intimate and impressionistic
vision of the Alaska she has documented in her fifteen years of
adventures in the North.
Fobes, Natalie. Reaching home : Pacific salmon,
Pacific people /essays by Tom Jay and Brad Matsen / Anchorage
: Alaska Northwest Books, 1994. 143p. Good overview of salmon
fisheries of the Pacific Rim, noting historical and current
status and recounting the life cycle of this magnificent fish.
Color photographs, bibliography, index. Author won the 1995
Pacific NW Booksellers Association book award for this
volume. ISBN0882404490. LC94-25182. $34.99.
Fond Memories of Anchorage Pioneers : Personal Histories / written by Pioneers of Alaska,
Igloo 15, Auxiliary 4.(Anchorage, Alaska : The Pioneers, 1996),
286p., cloth (Box 101041, Anchorage, AK 99510-1041). LC
95-083083. Sketches of members of the Anchorage organization that
keeps alive the memories of Alaska's early settlers.
Fortescue, Michael D., Steven Jacobson, and Lawrence Kaplan.
Comparative Eskimo dictionary with Aleut cognates /
Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Native Language Center, University of
Alaska Fairbanks (POB 757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680), 1994.
614p. "Related words from the modern Eskimo
languages are grouped together in comparative sets with English
equivalents. Ten linguistic varieties are compared, including
five Inuit dialect groups, the four Yupik languages, and
Sirenikski" (an almost extinct Siberian language group). A true
Circumpolar effort. ISBN1555000517. LC94-24177.
Foster, H., editor, Essays in the History of Canadian
Law, Volume 6. British Columbia & the Yukon
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995), 583 p.,
$70.00 cloth, ISBN 0-8020-0789-9 or $45.00 paper, ISBN
0802071511, plus postage, Front Campus, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON M5SlA6.
Frank, Johnny and Sarah Frank. Neerihiinjik: Johnny Sarah
Haa Googwandak = We Traveled from Place to Place: the Gwich'in
Stories of Johnny and Sarah Frank, edited by Craig Mishler
(Fairbanks : Alaska Native Language Center, 1995), 685 p., paper,
, $29.00 plus postage, ISBN 1555000541, (PO Box
757680, U. A. Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680).
Frederick, David C. Rugged justice : the ninth circuit
court of appeals and the American West, 1891-1941/ Berkeley :
University of California Press, 1994. Colorful history of
circuit which includes the far West, Alaska and Hawaii. Includes
one chapter on Anvil Creek (Judge Noyes et al.) plus a few other
references. ISBN0520083814. LC93-1309. $40.00.
Freedman, Donna. Anchorage : City-Smart Guidebook
(Santa Fe, N.M. : John Muir Publications, 1998) 195 pp., paper,
$12.95 + postage, ISBN 1562613995, 1-800-888-7504. Written by a
local author, this guide gives the feeling of having inside
information on the city and all it has to offer. A portion of
proceeds from the sales of this goes to the Alaska Center for the
Freedman, Lew. Father of the Iditarod : The Joe Redington
Story (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press, 1999) 320 pp., paper,
$16.95 + postage, ISBN 9945397755, P.O. Box 82368, Kenmore WA
98028. Biography of the man who almost single-handedly rescued
long-distance Alaska dog mushing from extinction.
Freedman, Lew. Diamonds in the Rough : Baseball Stories
from Alaska (Kenmore, WA : Epicenter Press, 2000), 247 pp.,
paper, $14.95 plus $4.95 postage, ISBN 0945397828, Box 82368,
Kenmore, WA 98028. History of baseball under the northern lights,
told by the sports editor for the Anchorage Daily News.
Freedman, Lew. Spirit of the Wind : the Story of Alaska's
George Attla, Legendary Sled Dog Sprint Champ (Kenmore, WA :
Epicenter Press, 2000), 223 pp., paper, $14.95 plus $4.95
postage, ISBN 0945397933, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Biography
of the "Huslia Hustler," a new edition of George Attla :
Legend of the Sled Dog Trail, published in 1993.
Freedman, Lewis. Wild Times in Wild Places Adventures on
Alaska's Frontier (Anchorage,
AK: Glacier Press, 1996), paper, 192 p., $14.95 (Available from
Borders Books, 1100 East Dimond Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99515-2010).
wln96-283355. Contemporary adventures of mountain climbing,
mushing and braving the great outdoors of Alaska.
Freeman, Milton M.R., editor. Endangered Peoples of the
Arctic : Struggles to Survive and Thrive (Westport, CN :
Greenwood Press, 2000), 278 pp., cloth, $45.00, ISBN 0313306494,
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881. Covers northern
circumpolar indigenous peoples, including the two Alaska-related
articles on the Inupiat and the Yupik, written by
Friday, Chris. Organizing Asian American labor : the
Pacific coast canned-salmon industry, 1870-1942 /
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994. 276 p. Study of
West Coast, concentrating on British Columbia, cannery labor
market between 1870 and 1942 in relation to the social and
political behavior and ties of Chinese, Japanese and Filipino
workers. ISBN1566391393. LC93-29471. $34.95.
Garfield, Brian. The Thousand-Mile War : World War II in
Alaska and the Aleutians
/ foreword by Terrence Cole (Fairbanks : University of
Alaska Press, 1995, c1969), 456 p., ISBN 091200682X, $35.95
(cloth), ISBN 0912006838, $24.95 (paper), P.O. Box 756240,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. Revised
and expanded classic: narrative history of the Aleutian campaign
that was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in History in 1969;
includes new chapters and bibliographic citations. LC
Garfield, Brian. Thousand
Mile War (Fairbanks: University
of Alaska Press, 1996), 456 p., $35.95 cloth, ISBN 0-912006-82-X;
$24.95 paper, ISBN 0-912006-83-8, plus $3.00 postage, PO Box
756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. LC95-039358. "Newly revised and
expanded edition" of the classic account of World War II in
Alaska, with new introduction by Terence Cole. [Small public
libraries should have one edition of this title; earlier editions
are still good!]
Garibaldi, Ann. Medicinal Flora of the Alaska Natives
(Anchorage : Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and
Natural Resources Institute [ENRI], University of Alaska
Anchorage, 1999) 199 pp., spiral, $25.00 postpaid, ENRI, attn.
Judy Alward, 707 A St., Anchorage 99501. "A compilation of
knowledge from literary sources of Aleut, Athabascan, Eyak,
Haida, Inupiat, Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Yupik traditional healing
methods using plants.
Gariepy, Henry. A Century of Service in Alaska,
1898-1998 : the Story & Saga of the Salvation Army in "the
Last Frontier" (Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. : The Salvation
Army, USA Western Territory, 1998), 145 pp., paperback, 30840
Hawthorne, Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275. The story of the
compassionate service of the Salvation Army in Alaska.
Gaston, A.J. The ancient murrelet: a natural history in the
Queen Charlotte Islands / London: T&AD Poyser, 1992.
249p. Only detailed study of this bird's history, its
territory and behaviors. Very detailed and scientific; includes
the natural history of the Queen Charlotte Islands which are the
bird's habitat. ISBN0856610704. LC94-139923. $35.00.
Gates, Michael. Gold at Fortymile Creek: early days in the
Yukon / Vancouver: UBC Press, 1994. 200p. Story of the
search for gold in the Yukon before the great Klondike
Gold Rush, 1873-1896; based on accounts of prospectors such as
Swiftwater Bill, Chris Sonnickson, Jack McQuesten and George
Carmack. ISBN0774804688(hbk); 0774804920 pbk . cn94-910199.
$39.95; $19.95 pbk.
Gay, Joel, with Daryl Binney. Commercial Fishing in
Alaska. Volume 24, Number 3 of Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage : Alaska Geographic Society, c1997), 112 pp., $19.95
plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 1566610389, P.O. Box 93370PR, Anchorage,
AK 99509-3370. wln98077424. Brief descriptions of the great
variety of fisheries in Alaska, including the major species of
fishes and crabs and other shellfish.
George, Marilyn Jordan. Following the Alaskan Dream : My
Salmon Trolling Adventures in the Last Frontier (Petersburg :
The Author, 1999) 365 pp., paper, $24.95 + $4 postage, ISBN
0967163900, P.O. Box 1031, Petersburg AK 99833. R. N. DeArmond
says the author "has written a gripping account of those years of
fishing for salmon and halibut, of disasters at sea, and of
raising a family under circumstances peculiar to Southeastern
Gibbs, Jim. Alaskan Maritime (Atglen, PA: Schiffer
Publications, 1997), 158 pp., paper, $29.95 plus postage, ISBN
0764300350, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth
Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. LC97-80089. Alaska's past and
present still depend on seas routes: from Russian exploration and
exploitation to the modern fishing and transportation of oil and
other commodities.
Gill, Ian. Haida Gwaii : Journeys through the Queen
Charlotte Islands (Vancouver : Raincoast Books, 1997), 150
pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN1551920689, 8680 Cambie Street,
Vancouver, CB, V6P 6M9. cn96-910697. Three different, very
personal journeys capture much of the history, culture, and
enchantment of this remote place and its people.
Gillette, Gary H. The Yakutat Fish Train: An
Historic Overview of the Yakutat and Southern Railroad Located in
Yakutat, Alaska ([Juneau?] : Alaska Department of
Transportation and Public Facilities, Southeast Region, 1998), 19
pp., paper, 6860 Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK 99801-7999.
Illustrated account of a ten-mile rail line which operated from
1903-1969, hauling raw fish to a cannery.
Ginsburg, Patty. Then and now : changes since the Exxon
Valdez oil spill / Anchorage: Regional Citizens' Advisory
Council, [1993]. 24p. RCAC, an independent
non-profit organization formed after the Exxon Valdez oil
spill to promote environmentally safe operation of the crude oil
terminal in Valdez and the tankers it serves, relates the changes
implemented and the gaps that still remain in reducing risks of
major oil spills. wln94-235081.
Glines, Carroll V. Bernt Balchen : Polar Aviator
(Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999) 310 pp.,
cloth, $29.95 + postage, ISBN 1560989068, 1-800-782-4612. He set
polar flight records, organized a series of daring wartime air
operations, and became a leader in Arctic aviation. But despite
these achievements, Norwegian-American aviator Bernt Balchen saw
his public image and military career repeatedly undermined by his
one-time mentor, the famous and influential Admiral Richard
Godesky, James. A Pictorial Guide to Skagway and its
(Juneau, Alaska: Golden North, 1995), 64 p., paper,
$4.95, P.O. Box 329, Skagway, Ak, 99840. Overview of Skagway for
the tourist: includes photographs and list of places to see . LC
Gold in Alaska: A Century of Mining History in Alaska's
National Parks (Anchorage: National Park Service, 1997), 31
pp., paper, free on request from National Park Service, Alaska
Regional Office, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK
99503-2892. wln98049271. Illustrated booklet featuring seven
parks around the state.
Gold Panning : a Guide to Recreational Gold
Panning on the Kenai Peninsula, Chugach National Forest,
Alaska ([Anchorage?] : United States Dept. of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Alaska Region, 1997), 26 pp., paperback, free,
GPO 37-181834. Produced by a group from the Chugach National
Forest and from the Bureau of Land Management, this guide gives
all the necessary information on recreational panning for gold,
including maps and panning sites.
Gold Rush Centennial Photographs, 1893-1916 : a Catalog
of Selected Gold Rush Views at the Alaska State Library
, compiled by India M. Spartz (Juneau, AK : Alaska State
Library, Alaska Historical Collections, 1995), 15 p., paper, P.O.
Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99811-0571. Highly selective
sample of Gold Rush images found in this research collection.
Goldschmidt, Walter R. and Theodore H. Haas, Haa
Aani=Our Land: Tlingit and Haida Land Rights and Use (Juneau
: Sealaska Heritage Foundation, in association with University of
Washington Press, 1998), 219 pp., paper, $35.00 plus $4.00
postage, ISBN029597639X, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096.
A reprint of the 1946 federal government report "Possessory
Rights of the Natives of Southeastern Alaska," adding the
eighty-eight original Native witness statements, an introduction
by Thomas F. Thornton, and reminiscences by Walter R.
Goldschmidt. An important document in the history of Alaskan
Native land claims.
Gorbatcheva, V. M. (Valentina Mikhailovna). The Peoples of
the Great North : Art and Civilisation of Siberia / with
Marina Federova ; avec le concours scientifique de Marine Le
Berre Semenov ; translation from French, Mike Darton (New York :
Parkstone Press, 2000), 216 pp., cloth, $55.00, ISBN 1859954790.
Beautifully illustrated volume by ethnologists presents an
overview of indigenous peoples, their traditional way of life,
world concepts, and the influence of environment.
Gordon, Ruth. It Takes a Dog to Raise a Village
(Minocqua, WI : Willow Creek Press, 2000), 185 pp., paper,
$15.95, ISBN 1572233001. True stories of special dogs, including
Patsy Ann, the official greeter of Juneau Alaska in the
Gotthardt, Ruth Magrit, and Greg Hare. Tu Zil Man : Fish
Lake : uncovering the past / Whitehorse, Y.T. : Kwanlin Dun
First Nation, 1994. 36p. Yukon Heritage Branch
Archaeologists document the history of Fish Lake, just 15
kilometers from Whitehorse. wln94-283418.
Gough, Barry. First Across the Continent: Sir Alexander
MacKenzie (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 264
pp., cloth, $29.95 plus postage, ISBN 0-8061-2944-1 or paper,
$14.95 plus postage, ISBN 0806130024, 4100 28th Avenue N.W.,
Norman, OK 73069-8218. LC97-002942. Volume 14 in the "Oklahoma Western
Biographies" series. Reveals the international impact of Mackenzie's expeditions
and his vital role in the history of the fur trade and the American West. Gough takes the reader along
with Mackenzie on his hazardous travels and voyages, using
contemporary accounts to bring to life the problems and perils
faced by the young explorer in his 1789 journey to the Arctic
Ocean and his1793 journey to the Pacific, which predate the Lewis
and Clark expedition.
Graburn, Nelson H. H., Molly Lee, and Jean-Loup Rousselot,
Catalogue Raissonne of the Alaska Commercial Company
Collection, Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1996), 582 p., paper, ISBN0520097831, (University of California Press, Berkeley, CA 94720).
LC95-042187. Illustrated catalog of Native artifacts includes a
twenty-page essay by Molly Lee on the history of the Alaska
Commercial Company.
The great land: reflections on Alaska / edited by
Robert Hedin and Gary Holthaus / Tucson: University of Arizona
Press, 1994. 317p. Collection of essays by writers who
describe events, people and wildlife in Alaska, from Southeast to
the Yukon. This is the second volume of writings on Alaska for
these editors. ISBN0816514178hbd, ISBN0816514372pbk.
LC93-43506. $37.50hbd; $17.95pbk.
Greenspun, Philip. Travels with Samantha (Berkeley, CA
: ArsDigita Press, 2000), 368 pp., paper, $16.95, ISBN
1588750019. The print edition with many color photographs
selected from an Internet original that documented the author's
travels through North American, including his trek through
Gregory, Glenn R. Never Too Late to be a Hero
(Seattle: Peanut Butter Press, 1995), 352 p., ISBN
0897165713, paper, $17.95 plus $3.00 postage, order from Ulu
Books, 557 Moosetrot Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99712. Memories of a
bush pilot and trading post operator after World War II in
Alaska's wilderness. LC 95-069876.
Grescoe, Paul. Alaska: the cruise-lover's guide /
Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1994. 272p.A
well-formatted, fact-filled guide to Alaska, with historical
notes, tips on souvenir shopping and photography, guides to
"special places," making this a cut-above the usual guide.
ISBN0882404520. LC93-41276. $16.95.
Griffin, Joy. Alaska Earthquake 1964 : Where Were You? (Homer, AK : Wizard Works, 1996),
paper, 271p., $15.95, ISBN0962154377 (PO Box 1125, Homer, AK
99603-1125). wln97-45519. "In 1994, the 30th
anniversary of the quake, the Friends of the Homer Public Library
asked residents for recollections of that day. These are their
stories, just as they have told them."
Griffin, Joy. Home Sweet Homestead: Sketches of Pioneer
Life in Interior Alaska
(Anchorage: Alaska Press, 1995), 192 p., paper, ISBN
1886921024. $15.95 plus postage (educational supplement available
for $6.00), P.O. Box 90565, Anchorage, AK 99509-0565.
Homesteading story of a family "proving up" north of Fairbanks in
the 1960s. wln95-231163.
Griffin, Kristen. Early Views : Historical Vignettes of
Sitka National Historical Park (Anchorage : Alaska Support
Office, National Park Service and Sitka National Historical Park,
2000), 127 pp., paper, request from National Park Service, Alaska
Regional Office, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK
99503-2892. Containing over seventy illustrations, many in color,
this is a history of the smallest and oldest federal park unit in
Grinnell, George Bird. Alaska 1899 : essays from the
Harriman expedition / Seattle : University of Washington
Press, 1994. 136p. Grinnell's essays were written when he was
a member of the Harriman Alaska Expedition (1899) and are
entitled "The Natures of the Alaska Coast Region" and "The Salmon
Industry." These essays are reprinted with original page numbers
as they appeared in v.1 and 2 of the final report of the Harriman
Expedition published in 11 volumes. from 1901 to 1905.
ISBN0295973773. LC9410519. $14.95pbk.
Guide to the Probate Records for Alaska, 1885-1960 ,
compiled by Steve McCarthy (Juneau : Alaska State Archives,
2000), 271 pp., comb-bound, request from Alaska State Archives,
141 Willoughby Avenue, Juneau, AK 99801. Lists almost 17,000
names and the judicial precincts where each case was heard; the
records themselves are held at the State Archives in Juneau.
Hadman, Ballard. As the Sailor Loves the Sea (Victoria,
B.C. : Trafford Publishing, 1999), 232 pp., paper, $18.95 +
postage, ISBN 1552122867, Trafford Catalog #99-0037,
1-888-232-4444. Hadman's son adds a preface to this reprint of
her 1951 classic about her life in Alaska.
Hahn, Otis and Alice Vollmar. Pay Dirt :
Fortunes and Misfortunes of an Alaska Gold Miner (Fairbanks :
Epicenter Press, 1998), 158 pp., paperback, $14.95,
ISBN0945397682, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. After spending much
of his first fifty years dreaming of mining for gold in Alaska,
the author turned his Minnesota farm over to his son and headed
north to follow his dream.
Haigh, Jane. Denali : Early Photographs of Our National
Parks (Whitehorse : Wolf Creek Books, 2000), 112 pp., paper,
$9.95 plus postage, ISBN 0968195571, Box 31275, Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 5P7. A selection of black and white photographs of Denali
National Park and Preserve, taken through the 1930s.
Haigh, Jane G., Kelley Hegarty-Lammers, and Patricia Walsh.
Catch and Release : the Insiders' Guide to Alaska Men (Homer,
AK : Ridgetop Press, 1997), 137 pp., paper, $12.95,
ISBN092753025, PO Box 1521, Homer, AK 99603-1521. wln92-126522.
Three Alaska women combine their 50 years of experience in Alaska
to give you a humorous insiders' view to a unique species.
Hall, Edwin S., Jr. The Eskimo Storyteller :
Folktales from Noatak, Alaska (Fairbanks : University of
Alaska Press, 1998 1975), 491 pp., paperback, $25.95,
ISBN1889996302, University of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756240,
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. A paperback reissue of the classic
authoritative account of the narrative history of place and
people in Northwest Alaska.
Halliday, Jan. Native Peoples of Alaska :
a Traveler's Guide to Land, Art, and Culture ((Seattle :
Sasquatch Books, 1998), 288 pp., paperback, $17.95,
ISBN1570611009, 615 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. Activities
and destinations described and detailed travel information
Hare, Greg, and Sheila Greer. Desdele Mene : the
archaeology of Annie Lake / Whitehorse, Y.T. :
Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 1994. 29p.
Excavations at ancient sites in Yukon territories.
ISBN0969811209. wln94-276262.
Harkey, Ira. Noel Wien : Alaska Pioneer Bush Pilot
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1999) 307 pp., cloth,
$34.95 + postage, ISBN 1889963151, or paper, $24.95 + postage,
ISBN 188996316X, 1-888-252-6657. This reprint of the 1974 classic
Pioneer Bush Pilot by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author brings
understanding of both Wien and the Alaska he knew.
Harper-Haines, Jan. Cold River Spirits : the
Legacy of an Athabascan-Irish Family from Alaska's Yukon
River (Kenmore, WA : Epicenter Press, 2000), 192 pp., cloth,
$19.95 plus postage, ISBN 0945397852, P.O. Box 82368, Kenmore, WA
98028. Family history of the Harpers, beginning with author
Harper-Haines' grandmother.
Harrington, Louise Brinck, and Mary C. Smith. I Never Did
Mind the Rain: A Collection of Oral Histories from Southern
Southeast Alaska (Ketchikan: Friends of the Ketchikan Public
Library, 1995), 105 pp., paper, $9.95 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN
0-9648998-3-3, order from Alaskan Southeaster, P.O. Box
240667, Douglas, AK 99824. wln97-045480. Interviews with
twenty-five Ketchikan residents, 1900-1950.
Haskell, William B. Two Years in the Klondike
and Alaskan Gold-Fields, 1896-1898 : Thrilling Narrative of Life
in the Gold Mines and Camps (Fairbanks : University of Alaska
Press, 1998), 578 pp., cloth, $34.95, ISBN1889963011, or
paperback, $18.95, ISBN1889963003 (Classic reprint series, no.
5), University of Alaska Press, P.O. Box 756240, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. Back in print after
100 years, this major autobiographical work of an eyewitness
account of the Klondike stampede is now accompanied by a new
preface by the series editor, Terrence Cole.
Haskell, William B. Two Years in the Klondike and Alaskan
Gold-Fields 1896-1898 (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press,
1997), 578 pp., cloth, ISBN 1889963011, $34.95, or paper, ISBN
1-889963-00-31, $18.98 plus $3.50 postage, PO Box 756240,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240.
LC97-39397. Reprint of an 1898 account which stands out from most
of the instant guides to the Klondike produced during the rush,
with a new preface by Terrence Cole and added index.
Haughton, Lonnie. Stalking the Side-Hill Salmon :
Collection of Lonnie Haughton's Boating, Fishing and Hunting
Stories from the Pages of the Alaska Fisherman's Journal (Port Protection, AK : Great Wave
Publishing, 1996), 130 p., $12.95, ISBN0964063719 (22 Beach, Port
Protection, AK 99950). LC96-75494. An Alaskan troller from the
Southeast tells some good stories about his adventures.
Haycox, Stephen, James K. Barnett, and Caedmon A. Liburd,
editors. Enlightenment and Exploration in the North Pacific,
1741-1805 (Seattle: Published for the Cook Inlet Historical
Society by the University of Washington Press, 1997), 220 pp.,
paper, $19.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 0295975830, P.O. Box
50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. LC96-037993. Overview of this
regions' early history and European explorations.
Haycox, Stephen W. The Law of the Land: A
History of the Office of the Attorney General and the Department
of Law in Alaska (Juneau : Alaska Department of Law, 1998),
258 pp., paper, P.O. Box 110300, Juneau, AK 99811-0300. Primarily
a history of the office since statehood, but also includes an
essay titled "Before Statehood: Law in the Territory of Alaska."
Haycox, Stephen W., and Mary Childers Mangusso, editors, An
Alaska Anthology: Interpreting the Past (Seattle: University of Washington Press,
1996), 480 p., paper, $24.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN
0-295-97495-8 (PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096). Revision of
the 1989 anthology Interpreting Alaska's History; more
than half the twenty-five essays are new in this edition.
Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest :
Maps of Exploration and Discovery--British Columbia, Washington,
Oregon, Alaska, Yukon (Seattle : Sasquatch Books, 1999) 208
pp., cloth, $40.00 + postage, ISBN 1570612153, 615 Second Avenue,
Suite 260, Seattle WA 98104. Reproductions of 322 historic maps,
from the 16th through the 20th
Hays, Otis, Jr.. The Alaska-Siberia Connection: The World
War II Air Route (College
Station: Texas A&M University, 1996),192 p., cloth, $34.95
plus postage,, ISBN 0-89096-711-3 (Drawer C, College Station, TX
77843-4354). LC96-017489. History of the Lend-Lease program that
sent American warplanes to the Soviet Union.
Heacox, Kim. The Denali Road Guide : A Traveler's Guide to
the Wildlife and Wilderness of Denali National Park (Denali
National Park : Alaska Natural History Association, 1999) 52 pp.,
paper, $6.00 + postage, ISBN 0930931009, available from Cook
Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. A
revision of the author's 1986 book of the same title.
Hensel, Chase. Telling Our Selves: Ethnicity and Discourse
in Southwestern Alaska (New York: Oxford University Press,
1996), 220 pp., cloth, , $49.95, ISBN 0-19-510255-X,or paper,
$24.95 plus postage, ISBN 0-19-509477-8, 2001 Evans Road, Cary,
NC 27513. LC95-031923. Study of Yup'ik culture.
Herben, George. Picture Journeys: in Alaska's Wrangell-St.
Elias : America's Largest National Park (Anchorage : Alaska
Northwest Books, c1997), 126 pp., cloth, $35.95, ISBN 0882404962;
paper, ISBN0882404903, order from PO Box 10306, Portland, OR
97210. LC97-000848. Photos of a trip through the wilderness that
includes McCarthy, Kennecott and many landscapes and
Hess, Bill. Gift of the Whale : The Inupiat Bowhead
Hunt, a Sacred Tradition (Seattle : Sasquatch Books, 1999)
227 pp., cloth, $40.00 + postage, ISBN 1570611637, 615 Second
Ave., Seattle WA 98104. Booklist (9/1/99) says about this
beautifully produced book, "The aboriginal right to hunt bowhead
whales (an endangered species) remains controversial, but Hess'
book presents a strong case for the cultural and spiritual side
of the argument."
Hetteen, Edgar with Jay Lemke. Breaking
Trail (Bemidji, MN : Focus Publishing, 1998), 282 pp., cloth,
$24.95 plus postage, ISBN1885904991, 1375 Washington Avenue
South, Bemidji, MN 56601. Autobiography of Hetteen, the
"grandfather of snowmobiling," who founded two pioneer snowmobile
companies and demonstrated his machines in a 1960 run from Bethel
to Fairbanks.
Hickel, Walter J. Wit and wisdom of Wally Hickel /
compiled and edited by Malcolm B. Roberts / Anchorage: Searchers
Press, 1994. 239p. Former Governor's short takes reveal his
wide range of interests, ideas, and opinions. ISBN0964431602.
LC94-93929. $14.95.
Higgs, Andrew S., and Robert A. Sattler. History of Mining on Upper
Fish Creek, Fairbanks, Alaska
(Fairbanks: Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc., 1994), 23 p., paper, order from Alaska
Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation, State
Historic Preservation Office, P.O. Box 107001, Anchorage, AK 99510-7001. History
of the site of today's Fort Knox gold mine. wln95-052103.
Hilscher, Herb. The Heritage of Alaska (Anchorage :
National Bank of Alaska, 1999) 28 pp., paper, request from
Heritage Library, P.O. Box 100600, Anchorage AK 99510. This is a
reprint of the 1971 edition. It contains dozens of scripts for
television and radio spots which were narrated by Elmer Rasmuson
and aired in the 1960s. Each short article is about an incident,
character, or period in Alaskan history such as "The First Bells
Cast in Alaska," "How to Start an Alaskan Library," or "Dr. Will
Chase-Beloved Alaskan."
Hilson, Stephen E. Exploring Alaska &
British Columbia (Shoreline, Wash. : Evergreen Pacific
Publishing, Ltd., 1997), 111 pp., spiral bound, $69.95,
ISBN094526559X, 18002 15th Avenue NE, Suite B,
Shoreline, WA 98155-3838. Reprint of this historical reference
atlas with annotated charts and color photographs.
Himmelheber, Hans. Where the Echo Began and Other Oral
Traditions from Southwestern Alaska, translated by Kurt and
Ester Vitt, edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan (Fairbanks : University
of Alaska Press, 2000), 224 pp., cloth, $39.95 plus $4.00
postage, ISBN 188963038, University of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box
756420, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. Based on fieldwork done in
1936-37 and originally published in German, this new compilation
of ethnographic information includes legends, details of
traditional activities, and marvelous candid photographs.
Hinckley, Ted C. The Canoe Rocks: Alaska's Tlingit and the
Euramerican Frontier, 1800-1912
(Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996), 458 p., cloth,
ISBN076180210X, (4720 Boston Way, Lanham, MD 20706).
Hinckley, Ted C. War, Wings, and a Western Youth,
1925-1945 (Raleigh, NC: Pentland
Press, 1996), 165 p., cloth, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN1571970096
(5124 Bur Oak Circle, Raleigh, NC 27619). LC95-071348.
Autobiography by an historian and university professor whose
focus was late nineteenth and early twentieth century Alaskan
Hirschmann, Fred. Alaska / Portland, Oregon: Graphic
Arts Center Publishing, 1994. 142p. Large book of beautiful
color photographs. ISBN1558681604. LC 94-75556. $39.95.
Hirschmann, Fred. Alaska From the Air (Portland, Ore. :
Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 1999) 143 pp., cloth,
$39.95 + postage, ISBN 1558684662, P. O. Box 10306, Portland, OR
97296-0306. Color photographs provide an aerial tour of Alaska
with the author/photographer as guide.
Hoagland, Edward. Notes from the Century Before: A Journal from British
reprint of 1969 edition, (San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1995), 273 p., ISBN
0871564130, paper, $12.00 + postage, 100 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94104.
Travel diary and history of the Stikine River area. LC 94-032417.
Holland, Clive. Arctic exploration and development, ca. 500
B.C. to 1915 : an encyclopedia / New York : Garland Pub.,
1994. 704p. Major reference volume for Arctic exploration and
history. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN0824076486. LC92-42340. $125.00.
Holland, Clive, editor. Farthest North: The Quest for the Pole (on
dust jacket: A History of Polar Exploration in Eye Witness Accounts
(New York: Carroll & Graf, 1994), 305 p., ISBN 0786701285, cloth, $23.00
plus postage, 260 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001. wln94-391798.
Holleman, Marybeth. Alaska's Prince William Sound
(Portland : Alaska Northwest Books, 2000), 94 pp., paper, $12.95
plus postage, ISBN 1882405292, Graphic Arts Center Publishing
Company, P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306. Guidebook to
natural and human history of this Alaska region.
Hope, Andrew, III, and Thomas R. Thornton, editors. Will
the Time Ever Come? : a Tlingit Source Book / (Fairbanks :
Alaska Native Knowledge Network, Center for Cross-Cultural
Studies, University of Alaska Fairbanks, c2000), 159 pp., paper,
$15.00 plus postage, ISBN 1877962341. Source book on Tlingit
culture, a result of the 1993 meeting in Haines that brought
together representatives from the Tlingit tribes and clans from
Alaska and Canada to exchange and collaborate on future
Houston, C. Stuart, editor, Arctic Artist: The Journal and Paintings of
George Back, Midshipman with Franklin, 1819-1822
(Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994), 403 p., ISBN
0773511814, cloth, $45.00 + $4.00 postage, 3430 McTavish Street, Montreal, PQ
H3A lX9. Account of Sir John Franklin's expedition to the Canadian Arctic. LC
Howe, John R. Bear Man of Admiralty Island: A Biography of
Allen E. Hasselborg (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press,
1996), 250 pp., cloth, ISBN 0912006803, $25.00 or paper, ISBN
0912006811, $15.00 plus $3.50 postage, PO Box 756240, University
of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. LC96-012930. Life
story of a bear hunting hermit turned conservationist.
Huber, Thomas Patrick, and Carole J. Huber. The Alaska
Highway : a Geographical Discovery (Boulder : University
Press of Colorado, 2000), 168 pp., cloth, $49.00, ISBN
0870816004, or paper, $24.95, ISBN 0870815873, 5589 Arapahoe
Avenue, Suite 206C, Boulder, CO 80303. Personal travel diary with
personal observations and local history; written by two
geographers on their journey from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks.
Hudson, Ray. Moments Rightly Placed: An
Aleutian Memoir (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press, 1998), 223 pp.,
paper, $14.95 plus $5.00 postage, ISBN0945397496, Box 82368,
Kenmore, WA 98028. A schoolteacher tells what he learned from the
Native elders of Unalaska from the time he moved to that Aleutian
town in 1964 until he left in 1992.
Hunting the Largest Animals : Native Whaling in the Western Arctic and
. Edited by Allen P. McCartney (Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar
Institute, University of Alberta, 1995), 345 p., ISBN 0919058957, paper,
$56.00cn. (Occasional Paper No. 36, ISSN 0838-133X-36.) Papers presented at a
symposium on native whaling, held at the Alaska Anthropological Association
meeting in April, 1993, in Anchorage. cn95-910612.
I Danced with Joy : Bishop Michael H. Kenny
Remembered, edited by Kathy VanderJack and Karla Donaghey
(Juneau : VanderJack, 1998), 159 pp., paperback, $15.00 + $3.00
postage, order from Diocese of Juneau, 419 6th St.,
Juneau, AK 99801. Collection of personal remembrances of the
lively Bishop of Juneau, who died suddenly in 1995.
An Index to The Beaver Magazine : October 1920 to December
1995/January 1996 (Winnipeg : Canada's National History
Society, 1999) 453 pp., comb-bound, $125.00 + postage, 478-167
Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T6. A detailed index to
the Canadian history magazine that was published by the Hudson's
Bay Company through August/September 1994, and now continues
under the publisher of this index. Annual supplements to the
index are also available for the years 1996, 1997 and 1998 for
$6.00 each.
Industry Pioneers : Arco in Alaska, 1955-1999
(Anchorage : ARCO Alaska, 1999) 199 pp., cloth, $32.00 + postage,
available from the Museum Shop, Anchorage Museum of History and
Art, 121 W. 7th Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. This
coffee table book describes the petroleum company's Alaskan
activities and features many group photos of employees.
Inouye, Ron; Carol Hoshiko; and Kazumi Heshiki, Alaska's Japanese
Pioneers: Faces, Voices, Stories--A Synopsis of Selected Oral History
(Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1994), 60 p., paper, $5.95 +
$3.00 postage, P.O. Box 756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
99775-6240. Stories of nineteen Alaskan pioneers of Japanese ancestry.
Inuit women artists : voices from Cape Dorset / edited
by Odette Leroux, Marion E. Jackson, and Minnie Aodla Freeman.
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre : Hull, Quebec : Canadian
Museum of Civilization ; Seattle : University of Washington
Press, 1994. 253p. Twelve women artists talk about their way
of life and their art. Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN0295973897. LC94-11711. $45.00.
Issenman, Betty Kobayashi. Sinews of Survival: The Living
Legacy of Inuit Clothing (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997), 274
pp., cloth, $45.00 plus postage, ISBN 0-77480596X, distributed by
University of Washington Press, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. cn97-910494. Beautifully illustrated, this volume
brings together information on all aspects of Inuit clothing, its
design and role in Inuit cultures; includes Inupiat and Yu'pik
Ivanov, Viacheslav. The Russian Orthodox Church
of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands and Its Relation to Native
American Traditions-An Attempt at a Multicultural Society,
1794-1912 (Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 1997), 61
pp., paper, ISBN0160487811, order from U.S. Government Printing
Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop SSOP, Washington,
D.C., 20402-9238. Written to accompany a 1994 exhibit and based
on extensive church records preserved at the Library of
Iversen, Eve. The Romance of Nikolai Rezanov and
Concepcion Arguello : a Literary Legend and Its Effect on
California History, edited with historical notes by Richard
A. Pierce (Kingston, Ont. ; Fairbanks : Limestone Press :
University of Alaska Press [distributor], 1998), 156 pp.,
paperback, $20.00, ISBN1895901227 (Alaska history no. 48), P.O.
Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. Includes "The Concha
Arguello story : memory visits with old Vinnie," by Father
Maurice M. O'Moore, O.P. Founder of the Russian American Company
and the daughter of the commandant of the Presidio of San
Francisco have a brief but powerful romance, then he returns to
Russia to die the next year.
Jacobs, Jane, editor, A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska: The
Story of Hannah Breece (New
York: Random House, 1996), 302 p., cloth, $24.00 plus postage,
ISBN0394224760 (201 East 50th Street, New York, NY
10022). cn95-931182. Life story of a woman who taught in Alaska
from 1904 to 1918, illustrated with her photographs.
Jacobson, Steven A. A Practical Grammar of the Central
Alaskan Yup'ik Eskimo Language
, with Yup'ik Readings written by Anna W. Jacobson
(Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Native Language Center and Program,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1995), 548 p., paper, ISBN
1555000509, $26.00, P.O. Box 755040, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040. LC 94-16979.
Jacobson, Steven A. Yup'ik Dialect Atlas and
Study (Fairbanks : Alaska Native Language Center, 1998), 224
pp., paperback, $35.00, ISBN1555000665, Alaska Native Language
Center, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680. Chiefly black and white maps, though some in color,
depict the distribution of word choices by village when a given
item has two or more Yup'ik equivalents.
James, Janet Lee. One particular harbor / Chicago:
Noble Press, 1993. The adventures of one woman with multiple
sclerosis living in the Alaskan wilderness. ISBN1879360306.
LC93-33479. $13.95.
Jans, Nick. A Place Beyond : Finding Home in Arctic
Alaska (Anchorage, AK : Alaska
Northwest Books, 1996), cloth, $22.95, ISBN 0882404776 (PO Box
10306, Portland, OR 97210). LC96-19763. Essays on the rhythms of
arctic life and adventure that the author finds around his home,
the Eskimo village of Ambler, Alaska.
Jans, Nick. Tracks of the Unseen : Meditations on Alaska
Wildlife, Landscape, and Photography (Golden, Colo. :
Fulcrum, c2000), 164 pp., cloth, $22.95 plus postage, ISBN
1555914489, 16100 Table Mountain Parkway, Suite 300, Golden, CO
80403. Essays on wilderness and man's presence in Alaska by an
award-winning author.
Jenkins, Malinda. Gambler's Wife: The Life of
Malinda Jenkins, As Told in Conversations to Jesse Lilienthal
(Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1998), 296 pp.,
paperback, $14.00 plus postage, ISBN0803276079, 312 North 14th
Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484. Reissue of the 1933 edition which
tells of Jenkin's adventurous life; in 1897 she crossed the
Chilkoot Pass to join her gambler husband in Dawson.
Jensen, Erv. Little Boats and Big Salmon (Silverdale,
Wash. : Three Trees Pub., 1999) 208 pp., paper, $11.95 + postage,
ISBN 0966875303, available from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier
Hwy, Juneau AK 99801, 1-800-478-1000. Erv and his brother, Sven,
started commercial fishing from little boats for big salmon in
southeast Alaska nearly a half century ago and were among the
pioneers of techniques for catching chinook salmon, such as
Jensen, Marcus F., as told to John Jensen. One Thing After
Another : Adventures in Alaska (London : Minerva Press, 1999)
337 pp., paper, $17.95 + postage, ISBN 0754103439, available from
Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99801,
1-800-478-1000. Autobiography of a master big game guide and
territorial legislator who arrived in Alaska in 1929.
Jensen, Michael Vern. Umbrella guide to Alaska's wilderness
highway; traveling the Dalton Road / Seattle, Washington:
Umbrella Books, 1994. 114p. History, planning tips and
description of geology, climate, flora and fauna found along this
415 mile highway which extends to the Arctic Ocean.
ISBN094-5397283pbk. LC 94-94292. $10.95.
Jette, Jules, and Eliza Jones. Koyukon Athabaskan
Dictionary; editor-in-chief, James Kari. (Fairbanks, AK :
Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks,
2000), 1118 pp., ISBN 094539781X (P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680). Rich and extensive source book for this language,
drawing upon the extensive Koyukon work of Jesuit missionary and
Scholar Jules Jette, later recordings by scholar Eliza Jones, and
help from village elders.
Jewel. Chasing Down the Dawn, by Jewel Kilcher (New
York : Harper Entertainment, c2000), 142 pp., cloth, $24.00 plus
postage, ISBN 0060192003, or paper, $14.00 plus postage, ISBN
0061051403, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.
Recording artist chronicles her life in Alaska and her journey to
the world's stage.
John, Peter. The Gospel according to Peter John, edited
by David J. Krupa (Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Native Knowledge
Network, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996), 96 pp.,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Harper Building, PO Box 756730,
Fairbanks, AK 99775. wln97281638. "A lot of people will say that
I'm not a Christian because I never went to church." Athapaskan
Elder Peter John of Minto discusses his spirituality and
Johnson, Eric L. Mining Railways of the
Klondike: Narrow Gauge Railways Serving Coal Mines on Cliff
Creek and Coal Creek, and a Placer Gold Operation on Bear Creek,
Yukon Territory, 1899 to 1918
(Vancouver: Pacific Coast Division Canadian Railroad
Historical Association, 1995), 78 p., ISBN 0-9697633-4-4, Box
1006, Station A, Vancouver, BC V6C 2Pl. A publication for
railroad buffs interested in the Yukon's history.
Johnson, Nona J. Hall. Forever Alaska (Eagle River :
The Author, 1999) 210 pp., paper, $14.95 + postage, ISBN
0965307441, available from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West
Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. Alaskan memories of a World War
II Woman Marine who lived in Anchorage, Seldovia and
Johnson, Robert David. Ernest Gruening and the
American Dissenting Tradition (Cambridge : Harvard University
Press, 1998), 375 pp., cloth, $45.00 plus postage,
ISBN0674260600, 79 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Biography
of the Harvard medical school graduate who turned to journalism
and later to politics, serving as governor of Alaska and then as
one of the state's first U.S. senators.
Jonaitis, Aldona, editor. Looking North:
Art from the University of Alaska Museum (Seattle :
University of Washington Press, 1998), 206 pp., cloth, $60.00
plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0295976934, or paper, $35.00 plus $4.00
postage, ISBN0295976942, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096.
Illustrated catalog featuring 138 art objects, from prehistoric
to modern times; accompanied by transcribed conversations among
ten Native and non-Native art experts.
Jonaitis, Aldona. The Yuquot Whalers' Shrine (Seattle :
University of Washington Press, 1999) 233 pp., cloth, $35.00 +
postage, ISBN 0295978287, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA 98145-5096.
A study of the history and significance of an artifact collection
removed from Vancouver Island in 1905, and now housed at the
American Museum of Natural History.
Jordan, Nancy. Frontier Physician: the Life and Legacy of
Dr. C. Earl Albrecht (Fairbanks:
Press, 1996), 222 p., paper, $14.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN
0-945397-50-X, (Box 60529, Fairbanks, AK 99706, dist. By Graphic
Arts Center Publishing, PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306).
LC96-000627. Life story of a medical doctor who arrived in Alaska
in the 1930s to serve the Matanuska Colony and went on to become
a leader in the field of circumpolar health.
Joseph, Dorothy Savage. Fishcamp (Bend, Ore. : Maverick
Publications, c1997) 143 pp., $12.95, ISBN 0892882700.
wln97256497. An Athabascan Indian tells about growing up in Holy
Cross in rural Alaska.
Kan, Sergei. Memory Eternal : Tlingit Culture and Russian
Orthodox Christianity Through Two Centuries (Seattle :
University of Washington Press, 2000), 696 pp., cloth, $60.00
plus postage, ISBN 0295978066, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. A look at southeast Alaskan ethnography and history,
from 1834 to the present.
Kan, Sergei. Memory Eternal : Tlingit Culture and Russian
Orthodox Christianity Through Two Centuries (Seattle,
University of Washington Press, 1999), 665 pp., cloth, $60.00 +
postage, ISBN 0295978066, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA 98145-5096.
A native speaker of Russian with 18 years of fieldwork experience
among the Tlingit combines anthropology and history, anecdote and
theory to portray the encounter between the Tlingit Indians and
the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska in the late 1700s and to
analyze the indigenous Orthodoxy that developed over the next 200
Kania, Leon W. Alaskan Bootlegger's Bible (Wasilla,
Alaska : Happy Mountain Publications, 2000), 173 pp., $21.95,
paper, ISBN 09674524 0 6, 3401 E. Naomi Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654.
"Makin' beer, wine, liqueurs and moonshine whiskey; an old
Alaskan tells how its done."
Kaniut, Larry. Cheating death : amazing survival stories
from Alaska/ Fairbanks, AK : Epicenter Press, 1994. 174p.
"Story-teller offers a chilling collection of survival stories
from pilots, hikers, hunters, climbers, boaters and fishermen who
confront their mortality--and live to tell about it!"
ISBN0945397232. LC94-2798. $19.95.
Kaniut, Larry. Danger Stalks the Land : Alaskan Tales of
Death and Survival (New York : St. Martin's Press, 1999) 324
pp., paper, $14.95 + postage, ISBN 0312241208, 175 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10010. The author of Alaska Bear Tales offers an
anthology of true adventures set in Alaska's wilderness.
Kaniut, Larry. Some Bears Kill : True Life Tales of
Terror (Long Beach, CA : Safari Press, 1997), 313 pp., cloth,
$24.95, ISBN 1571570698. LC 96-71771. Second edition of stories
of bear attacks in the Alaska wilderness.
Kari, James. Draft Final Report : Native Place Names
Mapping in Denali National Park and Preserve, "Revised draft,
December, 1999," (Fairbanks? : Denali National Park and
Preserve, 1999) 135 pp., spiral-bound, for availability call
Hollis Twitchell at Denali National Park, 907-456-0595. A study
of places and names in southcentral Alaskan Athabaskan
Keeble, John. Out of the Channel : The Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill in Prince William Sound, Tenth Anniversary Edition
(Cheney, Wash. : Eastern Washington University Press, 1999) 363
pp., cloth, $26.00 + $4 postage, ISBN 0910055548, or paper,
$16.00 + $4 postage, ISBN 091005553X, EWU Press, MS 1, 705 First
Street, Spokane WA 99201. In this now definitive book on the oil
spill, all the primary concerns of the first edition are updated
with new material.
Kelley, Mark. Alaska's Ocean Highways : a Travel
Adventure aboard Northern Ferries
/ photography by Mark Kelley ; text by Sherry
Simpson. (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press, c1995), 111 p., ISBN
94042520 (paper), ISBN 0945397305 (cloth), $32.95 (cloth),
Graphic 'Arts Center, P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97210 Describes
life-styles of crew and history of ferries and their ports of
call. LC 94-42520.
Kelley, Mark, editor. Glacier Bay National Park,
Alaska, photographs by Mark Kelley, text by Sherry Simpson
(Juneau : Mark Kelley, 2000), 128 pp., cloth, $29.95 plus
postage, ISBN 1880865181, or paper, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN
18886519X, P.O. Box 20470, Juneau, AK 99802. Spectacular color
photographs grace this historical survey and present activities
of the nature and people of Glacier Bay.
Kendall, Laurel, Barbara Mathe and Thomas Ross Miller.
Drawing Shadows to Stone: The Photography of the Jesup North
Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902 (New York: American Museum of
Natural History and Seattle: University of Washington Press,
1997), 112 pp., paper, $22.50 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN
0295976470, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. LC97-13050.
Photographic record of a five-year expedition to study indigenous
cultures on both sides of the Bering Strait.
Kenny, Michael Hughes. Stretching the Boundaries: a
Collection of Writings
(Juneau Alaska: Diocese of Juneau Publication c1995),
141 p., 419 Sixth St., Juneau, AK, 99801. LC 96-166756. Writings
by Father Michael Kenny, well-loved Roman Catholic priest of
Juneau, Alaska, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in 1994.
Kent, Rockwell. Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in
Alaska (Hanover, NH: University
Press of New England, 1996), 204 p., paper, $12.95 plus postage,
ISBN 0819552933, (23 South Main Street, Hanover, NH 03755-2048).
Journal of the famed artist who, with his son, spent seven months
on an island near Seward in 1918. This is a reprint of the 1920
text with a new introduction by Seward resident Doug Capra.
Kessler, Dale. Eskimo carvers of the Bering Sea : walrus
ivory carvings by Alaska's finest / Nixa, MO : A&J
Printing Co. (POB 513, Nixa, MO 65714), 1994. 100p.
Information and color illustration about carvers and carvings
from the Bering Sea area of Alaska. wln94-62984. $20.00.
Ketchum, Robert Glenn. The Tongass: Alaska's vanishing rain
forest / New York, NY : Aperture Foundation, 1994. 112p.
Revised and expanded edition with new preface by Steve
Kallick. Documents the struggle to save the Tongass. Beautiful
color photos. Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN0893816000. LC94-72301. $29.95pbk.
Khlebnikov, K. T. (Kiril Timofeevich). Notes on Russian
America / edited by Richard Pierce / Fairbanks, AK :
Limestone Press, 1994. 308p. "Parts 2-5: Kad'iak,
Unalashka, Atkha, the Priylovs." Alaska History Series, No. 42.
Khlebnikov served as an assistant of several governors of Russian
America from 1818 - 1832. In his notes he tried to record the
history of Russian-America, noting, among other things,
statistical data, oral history of the Aleuts, and portions of
Cook's voyages. ISBN1895901022. wln95-29763. $30.00.
Khlebnikov, K.T. (Kiril Timofeevich). Notes on Russian
America. Part I. Novo-Arkhangel'sk Fort on Baranov Island (Sikha
), transcribed by Svetlana G. Fedorova, translated by
Serge LeComte and Richard Pierce, (Fairbanks: University of
Alaska Press, 1995), 308 p., cloth, $30.00 + $3.00 postage, P.O.
Box 756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
99775-6240. Translated from the Russian edition of
1985. wln92-029763.
Kidder, Lyn. Tacos on the Tundra : the Story of Barrow,
Alaska's Long-Time Resident, Fran Tate / photographs by Frederic Moras. (Anchorage,
Alaska : Bonaparte Books, c1996), 266 p., $16.50, ISBN0965482626
(Box 139, 205 E. Dimond Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99515). wln97150982.
The story of a special restaurateur, owner of Pepe's North of the
Border located in Barrow, Alaska's farthest north city.
Kipnirmiut Tiganrita Igmirtitlrit = Qipnermiut
Tegganrita Egmirtellrit = The Legacy of the Kipnuk Elders,
edited by Alice Fredson, … [et al.] (Fairbanks : Alaska
Native Language Center, 1998), 353 pp., paperback,
ISBN1555000711, Alaska Native Language Center, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680.
Printed in two different writing systems of the Central Yupik
language, relates narratives of Kipnuk elders not found anywhere
King, Irving H. The Coast Guard Expands, 1865-1915. New
Roles, New Frontiers (Annapolis,
MD : Naval Institute Press, 1996), 283 p., cloth, $37.95 plus
postage, ISBN 155750458X (118 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, MD
21402-5035). LC 95-078095. Part of a series, this history of the
Revenue Cutter Service before its transformation into the US
Coast Guard includes much about Alaska.
King, J. C. H. and Henrietta Lidchi,
editors,Imaging the Arctic (Seattle : University of
Washington Press, 1998), 256 pp., paper, $40.00 plus postage,
ISBN0295977248, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Arising
from a conference held at the British Museum in 1996, this volume
contains over 200 historical photographs of indigenous peoples of
the North American Arctic and some of the stores behind them.
Klein, Janet R. Archaeology of Kachemak Bay, Alaska (Homer: Kachemak Country
Publications, 1996), 96 p., paper, $ 12.95 plus postage,
ISBN0965115704 (PO Box 3406, Homer, AK 99603-3406.)
Klein, Janet R. The Homer Spit: Coal, Gold, & Con Men (Homer: Kachemak Country
Publications, 1996), 70 p. , paper, , $9.95 plus postage,
ISBN0965115712 (PO Box 3406, Homer, AK 99603-3406). LC 96-9465.
Compendium of quotations and illustrations from the earliest
recorded history of the Homer Spit through the early 1900s,
published to celebrate the Centennial of the naming of Homer in
The Klondike News : the Adventures of Livermore
Area Residents from 1897 to 1906 During the Alaska Gold Rush,
edited by G.B. Drummond and Anna T. Siig (Livermore, Calif. :
Livermore Heritage Guild, 1998), 250 pp., paperback, P.O. Box
961, Livermore, CA 94551-0961. Fifty residents of Livermore,
California transfer their close-knit society to the Alaskan gold
Kocour, Ruth Anne. Facing the Extreme : One
Woman's Story of True Courage, Death-Defying Survival, and Her
Quest for the Summit as told to Michael Hodgson (New York :
St. Martin's Press, 1998), 256 pp., cloth, $22.95,
ISBN0312179421, or paperback, $6.99, ISBN0312969856, 175 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10010. An account by the only female member
of a ten-person team that began an ascent of Mt. McKinley in May
1992. Nine days later, a massive weather system, the most violent
on record, slammed into the mountain, trapping them on an ice
shelf at 14,000 feet for 11 days and leaving them to fight for
their very survival.
The Kohklux Map,
(Whitehorse: Yukon Historical & Museums Association, 1995),
39 p., CN$12.95 plus CN$6.00 postage, ISBN 0921114087, (order
from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT,
Canada YIA 2B2). cn95-900082. History of an 1867 map of the
Yukon's interior, drawn by a Tlingit Chilkat chief; includes a
large reproduction of the map.
Kohlhoff, Dean. When
the Wind Was a River: Aleut Evacuation in World War II
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1995), 248 p.,
ISBN 0295974036, cloth, $24.95 + postage, P.O. Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Relates the tragic story of the Aleuts
who were relocated to camps in Southeast Alaska, a completely
different environment, and left to cope with these changes, and
of their return to their villages to find the devastation there.
LC 95-017676.
Kosh, A.M. Alaskan Native cultures / Santa Barbara, CA:
Albion Publishing Group, 1994. 64p. Basic book describing the
Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian traditional and contemporary
cultures. ISBN1880352346. wln94-298097.
Kost, Danny. Hiking in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
(Anchorage : Danny Kost, 2000), 66 pp., paper, $14.95 plus
postage, P.O. Box 110494, Anchorage, AK 99510. Guidebook to
traveling this remote and rugged backcountry.
Kremers, Carolyn. Place of the Pretend People : Gifts from
a Yup'ik Eskimo Village
(Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1996), 239 p., cloth,
ISBN0882404784, $22.95, LC 96013098. The author reflects on her
experiences while a teacher of music and English in Tunanak on
Nelson Island and what her impressions are now.
Krug, John W. and Caryl Sale Krug, One Dog
Short: The Odyssey and Collection of a Family in Alaska During
the Gold Rush Years (Juneau : Alaska Department of Education,
Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums, 1998), 204 pp.,
paper, $31.50 plus $4.00 postage, distributed by Friends of the
Alaska State Museum, 395 Whittier Street, Juneau, AK 99801-1718.
Illustrated history of a family living in Dawson, Nome and
Fairbanks ; includes color photographs of their extensive ivory
artifact collection which was recently donated to the Alaska
State Museum.
Kutz, Kenneth J. Klondike Gold : the Philatelic History of
the Klondike Gold Rush (Darien,
CT : Gold Fever Publishing, c1996), 268 p., paper, $20.00,
ISBN0962041157 (Seven Whaling Road, Darien, CT 06820). LC
95081634. The Gold Rush and its postal history told with many
illustrations of postal artifacts.
LaChance, Karen. Valdez: A Brief Oral History
(Valdez: Prince William Sound Community College, 1995),
106 p., paper, ISBN 0964766205, $10.00 plus postage, P.O. Box 97,
Valdez, AK 99686. "A collection of remembrances and anecdotes
gleaned from many of Valdez's most prominent early citizens."
Lada-Mocarski, Valerian. Bibliography of Books
on Alaska Published Before 1868 (Mansfield Centre, CT :
Maurizio Martino Fine Books, 1998), 567 pp., cloth, $90.00 plus
postage, P.O. Box 373, Mansfield Centre, CT 06250. A facsimile
reprint of the classic 1969 work devoted to first editions of
books on Alaska before the end of the Russian period (limited to
200 copies).
Lahser, Otto. Backdoor to the Yukon, edited
by Carl Lahser (San Antonio : Pretense Press, 1996), 79 pp.,
paper, $8.95 plus $4.00 postage, order from Cook Inlet Book
Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. A gold rush
diary from 1898-99, edited and annotated by the author's nephew.
This gold rush prospector took one of the all-Canada routes to
the Yukon.
Lander, James F. Tsunamis affecting Alaska, 1737-1996 (Boulder, Colo. : U.S. Dept. of
Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service,
National Geophysical Data Center, 1996), 195 p., paper, $15.00,
(325 Broadway, E/GC4, Dept. 988, Boulder, CO 80303-3328).
wln97126645. Catalog of known tsunamis in historic time,
including extensive background, sources, charts, dates plus
explanation of plate tectonics and the complexity of studying
tsunamis in Alaska.
Laraux, Sis. Our Side of the River: A Biography of
Growing Up and Living in Alaska on Our Side of the Kuskokwim
River in the Village of Old Akiak
(Palmer: Publications Consultants, 1994), 160 p., ISBN
0964480905, paper, $12.95 plus postage, P.O. Box 443, Palmer, AK
99645. Memories and photographs. LC 94-062116.
Large, R. Geddes. The Skeena, River of Destiny (Surrey, B.C. : Heritage House, 1996), 214
p., paper, $17.95, ISBN1895811198 (#8 - 17921 55th
Avenue, Surrey, BC V7S 6C4). cn96-9103530. Reprint of 1957
classic study of the Skeena River in British Columbia.
The Last New Land :
Stories of Alaska, Past and Present / edited by Wayne Mergler ; foreword by John
Haines. (Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, c1996.), 791 p.,
ISBN0882404814 (hb); ISBN0882404830 (sb). LC 96030733. Anthology
of major Alaska writings (none more than about 10 pages); a
sampling of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry representing most
well-known Alaska writers. [Also listed in adult fiction section
of this list.]
Lawrence, Iain. Sea Stories of the Inside
Passage : in the Wake of the Nid (Bishop, Calif. : Fine Edge
Productions, 1997), 167 pp., paperback, $13.95, ISBN0938665472,
Route 2 Box 303, Bishop, CA 93514. Personal stories that capture
the essence and flavor of the Inside Passage.
Lebedintsev, Aleksandr I. Early Maritime
Cultures of Northwestern Priokhot'e, translated by Richard L. Bland
(Anchorage : National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program, 2000),
288 pp., paper, request from 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK
99503-2892. Translation of a 1990 archeological study of the coast of the Sea of
Okhotsk in the Magadan Region of the Russian Far East.
Lebedoff, David. Cleaning Up : the Story behind the Biggest
Legal Bonanza of our Time (New York : Free Press, 1997), 321
pp., cloth, $25.00, ISBN0684837064. LC97-028385. Story of the
civil action lawsuit, with details of the human and legal
conflicts behind the scenes, against the Exxon Corporation in the
aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
L'Ecuyer, Rosalie E. Prospecting and Mining Activity in the
Rampart, Manley Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon Mining Districts of
Alaska, 1894 to the Present Era (Fairbanks: Bureau of Land
Management, 1997), 179 pp., paper, order from BLM, Alaska State
Office, 222 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 13, Anchorage, AK 99513.
wln97-159738. Open file report 61.
Ledbetter, Suzann. Nellie Cashman, prospector and
trailblazer / El Paso, TX : Texas Western Press, University
of Texas at El Paso, 1993. 83p. "Winner of the Western Writers
of America SPUR AWARD." Biography of a remarkable and much-loved
woman who lived in the frontier West: California, Tombstone, and
finally the Klondike and Alaska. ISBN0874041945. LC92-62201.
Lee, Molly. Baleen Basketry of the North
Alaskan Eskimo (Seattle : University of Washington Press in association with
the University of Alaska Museum, 1998 1983), 82 pp., paperback, $17.95,
ISBN0295976853, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Completely redesigned
edition of the 1983 work, the first book on this unusual basket form, covering
history, characteristics, and construction, as well as profiling the creators.
New forward, preface, and introduction.
Lee, Nella. Crime and Culture in Yup'ik Villages : an
Exploratory Study (Criminology Studies Series, 10) (New York
: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000), 134 p., cloth, $79.95, ISBN
0773478019, order from Cook Inlet Book Company. Study of Yup'ik
society and culture and how traditional law relates to the
administration of justice in Alaska.
Leo, Richard. Way out Here : Modern Life in Ice-Age
Alaska (Seattle : Sasquatch
Books, 1996), 191 p., paper, $14.95, ISBN1570610614 (615 Second
Ave., Seattle, WA 98104). LC96-004292. Essays reflect author's
life and his relation to neighbors and the land on a remote
homestead in the Susitna Valley.
Leonard, Frank. A Thousand Blunders: The Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway and Northern British Columbia (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1996), 344 p., cloth,
CN$49.95 plus CN$5.00 postage ISBN0774805323 (University of
British Columbia, 6344 Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC V6T lZ2).
LC96-132748. Story of "one of the greatest failures in Canadian
entrepreneurial history," with particular emphasis on the
communities of Prince Rupert, Hazelton, and Prince George; based
on the author's 1988 dissertation.
Leonard, John W. The Gold Fields of the Klondike (Whitehorse: Clairedge, 1994), 209
p., cloth, CN$19.95 plus CN$6.00 postage, ISBN0969872305 (order
from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT,
Canada YlA 2B2). cn95-009442. "The story as told by Ladue, Berry,
Phiscator and other gold finders;" reprint of the 1897 edition,
with photographs and illustrations.
Leonard, Ted H. Now! we're having fun : humorous anecdotes
of life on the Last Frontier / Fairbanks, Alaska : Alaska
Workers Pub. Co., 1994. 159p. [Not available for review.]
ISBN0964155303. LC94-094456.
Lessons My Sled Dog Taught Me : Humor
and Heartwarming Tails from Alaska's Mushers /
collected by Tina Brown ; illustrations by Amanda Brannon (Fairbanks : Epicenter
Press, 1998), 160 pp., cloth, $9.95, ISBN0945397690, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA
98028. Collection of words of wisdom, humor, insight, and inspiration from the
men and women who run dog teams.
Lethcoe, Jim. History of Prince William Sound, Alaska /
Valdez, Alaska: Prince William Sound Books, 1994. 169p. Early
explorers to 1994 with brief bibliography and index.
ISBN1877900044. wln94-284125. $14.95.
Lethcoe, Jim and Nancy. Valdez Gold Rush Trails of
1898-1899 (Valdez, Alaska :
Prince William Sound Books, c1996.), 136 p., paper, ISBN
1877900052 (Box 1313, Valdez, AK 99686). wln96242104. Maps,
excerpts from journals, and historic photos combine to tell a
fascinating story of this route to the gold fields. An appendix
lists the names gleaned from many sources of over 1000 of the
3000 stampeders.
Levi, Steven C. Cowboys of the Sky: The Story of Alaska's
Bush Pilots (New York: Walker
and Company, 1996), 114 p., cloth, $17.95 plus postage,
ISBN080278331-7 (435 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014).
Liapunova, Roza Gavrilovna. [Ocherki po etnografii
aleutov. English] Essays on
the Ethnography of the Aleuts: at the end of the Eighteenth and
the first half of the Nineteenth Century / translated by Jerry Shelest with the
editorial assistance of William B. Workman and Lydia T. Black
(Fairbanks, AK : University of Alaska Press, 1996), paper, 256
p., ISBN0912006854 (PO Box 756240, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240). LC96-016064. Originally
published in Russian twenty years ago, this volume reviews early
historical sources and ethnological collections found in Russian
and English that document Aleut life and material culture.
Library of Congress. Many Nations : a Library of Congress
Resource Guide for the Study of Indian and Alaska Native Peoples
of the United States / edited by
Patrick Frazier and the Publishing Office. (Washington : Library
of Congress, 1996), 334 p., paper, ISBN0844409049 (for sale by
the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402). LC 96-42503. Responding to
increasing public interest in Native American heritage, the
library staff has compiled this guide by grouping the resources
into major subject categories.
Lillard, Charles. Just East of Sundown : the Queen
Charlotte Islands
(Victoria, B.C. : Horsdal & Schubart, c1995), 180
p., ISBN 0920663346, 425 Simcoe St., Suite 623, Victoria, BC V8V
4T3 CANADA. History and description of Queen Charlottes. LC
Lipka, Jerry. Transforming the Culture of
Schools : Yupik Eskimo Examples (Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1998), 246 pp., cloth, $49.95,
ISBN0805828206, or paperback, $24.00, ISBN0805828214, 10
Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430. Addresses issues of equity
and school transformation, and shows how one indigenous minority
teachers' group transformed schooling in their community.
Lloyd, Steve K. Farallon : Shipwreck and Survival
on the Alaska Shore (Pullman : Washington State University
Press, 2000), 202 pp., cloth, ISBN 0874221935, $35.00 plus
postage, or paper, ISBN 0874221943, $18.95 plus postage, P.O. Box
645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910. Account of a 1910 winter
shipwreck and rescue in Cook Inlet, dramatically illustrated with
photographs taken by the ship's mail clerk, John E. Thwaites.
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild
, annotated by Daniel Dyer, (Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1995),284 p., (ISBN 0806127570), $30.00 cloth or
$19.95 paper plus postage, P.O. Box 787, Norman, OK 73070-0787.
Text of the classic 1903 story, plus maps, illustrations, and 200
pages of annotations. LC 95-15717.
Loomis, Frederic; compiled by Lee Sims. Miner, Preacher,
Doctor, Teacher : Stories of an Odyssey from Ann Arbor, Michigan,
to Ketchikan, Alaska, to a Pioneering Medical Career in Oakland,
California (Walnut Creek, CA : Hardscratch Press, 2000), 128
pp., paper, $19.50 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN 0962542997, order
from Wizard Works, P.O. Box 1125, Homer, AK 99603-1125. Alaskan
portion includes a description of turn-of-the-century life at the
Prince of Wales Island mining camp of Dolomi.
Lord, Nancy. Fishcamp : Life on an Alaskan Shore
(Washington, DC : Island Press, 1997), 261 pp., cloth, $22.95,
ISBN1559635258 (1718 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20009). LC96-52052. Author writes of her life from
June to August, days filled with net fishing near Cook Inlet and
with the nature and cultures that surround their site.
Lord, Nancy. Green Alaska : Dreams from the Far Coast
(Washington, D.C. : Counterpoint, 1999) 170 pp., cloth, $23.00 +
postage, ISBN 1582430020, or paper, $13.00 + postage, ISBN
1582430780, P.O. Box 65793, Washington DC 20035-5793. "An
imaginative work based largely on the Harriman Alaska Expedition
of 1899 and writer John Burroughs' role as expedition
Lowder, Norma. We Gratefully Come, Remembering,
Rejoicing (Houston : The Author, 1998), 54 pp., comb-bound,
7480 Beachnut, #127, Houston, TX 77074. Illustrated history of
the Jesse Lee Home at Unalaska, written on the occasion of
placing a commemorative marker at the site of the orphanage and
Lowenstein, Tom. Ancient land, sacred whale : the Inuit
hunt and its rituals / New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
1994. 189p. Describes the cycle of life throughout the year
which culminates in the spring whale hunt. Lowenstein includes a
sequence of poems detailing the ritual year. Includes
bibliographical references. ISBN0374104972. LC9342941.
Lowry, Shannon. Natives of the Far North: Alaska's
vanishing culture in the eye of Edward Sheriff Curtis /
Mechanicsburg PA: Stackpole Books, 1994. 139p. Selected Curtis
Images of Natives of Nunivak Island, King Island, Diomede Islands
and Kingigan illustrate an overview of customs, ceremonies and
legends of Yupik culture. ISBN0811711021. LC94-13657.
Ludmer, Larry. Cruising Alaskan waters : a passenger's
guide to cruising Alaskan waters and discovering the Interior
/ Edison, NJ : Hunter Pub., 1994. ISBN1556506503. wln94-391629. $11.95.
Luke, Howard. My Own Trail (Fairbanks
: Alaska Native Knowledge Network, 1998), 112 pp., paperback,
$10.00, ISBN1877962325, P.O. Box 756730, Fairbanks, AK
99775-6730. A message on the importance of the respect for elders
and their guidance and support, and how that respect serves as a
basis for success in life.
Lundberg, Murray. Fractured Veins & Broken
Dreams: Montana Mountain and the Windy Arm Stampede
(Whitehorse : Pathfinder Publications, 1998), 160 pp., paper,
$19.95 plus $6.00 postage, order from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203
Main Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B2. Story of a 1905 silver
strike in the area between Windy Arm and Carcross in southern
Lynge, Aqqaluk. Inuit : Inuit Issittormiut Kattuffiata
oqaluttuassartaa = histoire de la Conference Circumpolaire Inuit
= the story of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference / Nuuk :
Atuakkiorfik (Postboks 840, 3900 Nuuk, Greenland), 1993. 121p.
The story of the establishment of the Inuit circumpolar
Conference, which stretches from Siberia to Greenland and
explores some of the issues facing the Inuit. In English, French,
and Inuit. ISBN8755806422. wln94-324085. Est: $58.00 for book
plus postage.
MacArthur, Loren, and Debbie S. Miller. Alaska and the
Northwest : Alaska, Oregon, Washington / foreword by Theodore
E. Roosevelt IV (New York : St. Martin's Griffin, c2000), 274
pp., paper, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN 0312253729, 175 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10010. One of Audubon Society guides, this
covers 59 National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska, Oregon, and
Washington, including 100 pages on Alaska.
MacBride, W. D. All My Rivers Flowed West: Autobiography of
W. D. MacBride, "the Montana Kid" (Whitehorse: Beringian Books, 1991), 96 p.,
paper, CN$11.99 plus CN$6.00 postage, ISBN0969274440 (order from
Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT, Canada YlA
2B2). Cn92-008918. Life story of a Yukon riverboat and railroad
MacDonald, George F. Haida Art (Seattle: University of Washington Press,
1996), 256 p., cloth, $60.00 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN029597561X
(PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096). "The definitive book on
Haida art provides an informed overview of Haida art in a
historical, cultural, and cosmological context."
MacDonald, Ian, and Betty O'Keefe. The Klondike's "Dear
Little Nugget" (Victoria, BC :
Horsdal & Schubart, 1996) 151 p., paper, CN$12.95, ISBN
0920663451 (623-425 Simcoe St., Victoria, DC V8V4T3).
LC96-168166. Story of newspaper men Gene Allen and his brother
George and life during the great gold rush as portrayed on the
pages of the first Dawson newspaper, The Klondike
MacDonald, John. The Arctic Sky : Inuit
Astronomy, Star Lore, and Legend (Toronto : Royal Ontario
Museum ; Iqaluit, N.W.T. : Nunavut Research Institute, 1998), 313
pp., paperback, US$29.95, ISBN0888544278,100 Queen's Park,
Toronto, ONT M5S 2C6. Combines interviews with Inuit elders and
historical records of arctic explorers to describe a journey
through the Arctic night.
Mackay, James Alexander. Vagabond of Verse: Robert Service,
a Biography (North Pomfret, VT:
Trafalgar Square, 1996), 432 p., cloth, $35.00, ISBN 1851587047;
paper, $22.95, ISBN 1851588493, plus postage, (PO Box 257, North
Pomfret, VT 05053). wln96-34406. Chronicle of the bard's
Mackie, Richard S. Trading Beyond the Mountains: The
British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843 (Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press, 1997), 420 pp., cloth, ISBN
0774805595, $75.00 plus $5.00 postage, 6344 Memorial Road,
Vancouver, BC V6T lZ2. LC97-144799. History of fur trade in
British Columbia and rest of Northwest Coast.
MacLean, Robert Merrill, and Sean Rossiter. Flying cold :
the adventures of Russel Merrill, pioneer Alaskan aviator /
Fairbanks : Epicenter Press; Portland, OR : Graphic Arts Center
Pub. Col, 1994. 178 p. Biography of one of Alaska's first
aviators (1920s); based on personal logs, journals, letters
written by Merrill and his widow Thyra and illustrated with over
80 vintage photographs. ISBN094597321(hbd); 09439733X pbk.
LC94-27416. $34.95; $24.95 pbk .
MacLeish, Sumner. Seven Words for Wind: Essays and Field
Notes from Alaska's Pribilof Islands (Fairbanks, AK:
Epicenter Press, 1997), 159 pp., cloth, $16.95, ISBN0945397356,
Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. LC97-075309. Reflections and
stories of life on a remote Alaska Island far out in the Bering
Sea during the 1980s.
Macnair, Peter L. Down from the
Shimmering Sky : Masks of the Northwest Coast (Vancouver :
Douglas & McIntyre ; Seattle : University of Washington
Press, 1998), 192 pp., paperback, $30.00, ISBN0295977094, P.O.
Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. This exhibition catalog
presents two centuries of masks made by First Nations artists on
the Pacific Northwest Coast. The accompanying text surveys the
four dimensions of the cosmos and issues related to the creation
and marketing of the masks.
Malloy, Mary. "Boston Men" on the Northwest
Coast : the American Maritime Fur Trade, 1788-1844 (Kingston,
Ont. ; Fairbanks : Limestone Press : University of Alaska Press
[distributor], 1998), 232 pp., cloth, $28.00, ISBN1895901189
(Series: Alaska history no. 47), P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK
99775-6240. Explores the strong commercial ties that bound New
England's merchant mariners to the native peoples of the
Northwest Coast. Includes information listed by ship's name.
Margeson, Charles. Experiences of Gold Hunters in Alaska:
The Story of the Valdez and Copper River Gold Rush (Valdez:
Prince William Sound Books, 1997), 240 pp., 19.95 plus postage,
ISBN 1877900095, P.O. Box 1313, Valdez, AK 99686. wln97-141797.
Reprint of a scarce 1899 classic about the gold rush; most of the
original edition was destroyed in a warehouse fire.
Mason, Owen K. Living with the Coast of
Alaska (Durham : Duke University Press, 1997), 348 pp.,
cloth, $54.95, ISBN0822320096, or paperback, $19.95,
ISBN0822320193 (Series: Living with the shore), 905 W. Main
Street, Suite 18B, Durham, NC 27701, 1-888-651-0122. A user's
guide for both present and future inhabitants of Alaska with its
45,000 miles of coast. Provides the fundamentals of hazard
recognition and mitigation strategy; discusses the geological
history of Alaska and its relation to the area's cultural
history; and presents customized hazard risk assessments for
coastal communities.
McAlister, Emily and Melinda Tsu. The Kodiak Coastal
Defense System at Fort Greely During World War II : U.S. Army,
Fort Greely, Kodiak, Alaska (Anchorage : Montgomery Watson
for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999) 22 pp., paper, request
from Montgomery Watson, 4100 Spenard Road, Anchorage AK
99517-2901. Illustrated pamphlet describing this Army post near
Kodiak. At full capacity, Fort Greely housed nearly 750 officers
and 10,000 soldiers, waiting for an attack by Japan which never
McBeath, Gerald A. Alaska politics and government /
Lincoln, NE : University of Nebraska Press, 1994. 365p.
Describes the workings of Alaska's government and its
interaction with the Federal government, using real issues such
as ANWR; within this the author examines the themes of
independence, dependence, and the search for sustainable economic
development. Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN0803231202hdb, ISBN0803281498pbk. $47.50hdb, $16.95pbk.
McClanahan, Alexandra J. Growing Up Native in Alaska,
forward by Carl H. Marrs (Anchorage : The Ciri Foundation, 2000),
389 pp., paper, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN1578331145, 2600 Cordova
Street, Suite 206, Anchorage, AK 99503. Twenty-seven young Alaska
Natives discuss their cultures and traditions and their meaning
and relevance in today's world.
McCloskey, William. Their Fathers' Work : Casting Nets with
the World's Fishermen (McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing),
370 pp., revised edition, $12.95, paper, ISBN 007135820X;
Collection of essays, exploring the challenges that face
commercial fishermen in various parts of the globe, including
McCune, Don. Trail to the Klondike (Pullman, WA :
Washington State University Press, 1997), 114 pp., cloth, $35.00
plus $2.50 postage, ISBN0874221439 or paper, $19.95 plus $2.50
postage, ISBN0874221447, PO Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910.
LC97-735. In late 1960s, author and his television crew retraced
the stampeders trail to commemorate the Yukon Gold Rush of
1897-98; includes over 120 historical illustrations by gold rush
stampeder/photographer Eric Hegg.
McDaniel, Will. Alaska Gold: Life on the New Frontier,
1898-1906, edited by Jeff Kunkel, (San Francisco: California
Historical Society and Scottwall Associates, 1997), 176 pp.,
cloth, $34.95 plus $3.50 postage, ISBN 0942087143, order from
Scottwall Associates, 95 Scott Street, San Francisco, CA 94117.
wln97-354519. Letters and over 100 photographs by two San Jose
ranchers who joined the gold rush to Nome.
McDowell, Jim. Jose Narvaez : the Forgotten
Explorer : Including His Narrative of a Voyage on the Northwest
Coast in 1788 (Spokane, Wash. : Arthur H. Clark Company,
1998), 189 pp., cloth, $32.50, ISBN087062265X, P.O. Box 14707,
Spokane, WA 99214. This young navigator was the first Spaniard to
reconnoiter a functioning Russian fur trading outpost in the
North Pacific, and the first European to probe San Juan de Fuca
Strait, sail across Georgia Strait, explore its islands, and
discover the future site of Vancouver, B.C.
McGhee, Robert. Ancient People of the Arctic (Vancouver, B.C. : UBC Press : Canadian
Museum of Civilization, 1996), cloth, 244 p., $29.95 plus
postage, ISBN0774805536 (University of British Columbia, 6344
Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2; distributed by University
of Washington Press, PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096).
wln96-303436. Traces the lives of the Paleo-Eskimos, the first
explorers of the Arctic four thousand years ago.
McLeod-Everette, Sharon. Walk Softly With Me :
Adventures of a Woman Big-Game Guide in Alaska (Fairbanks :
Vanessapress, 1998), 174 pp., paperback, $17.00, ISBN0940055503,
P.O. Box 82761, Fairbanks, AK 99708. The author relates her
life-long experiences with the outdoors and big-game hunting in
Madonna, James A. Alaska Gold Trails : The Pioneers
(Fairbanks : A.P. Pub., 1999), paper; $14.95 + postage, ISBN
1891733087 (v. 1), available from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. Volume I of Life in
Alaska's Frontier as told by the Pioneers Who Blazed the
Magoffin, Jim. Triumph over turbulence / Anchorage, AK
: s.n., 1993. 64p. Biography of a contemporary bush pilot and
founder of Interior Airway. Magoffin's look focuses especially on
the era of Alaskan aviation in the oil boom period. Includes
index. ISBN0963780603. wln94-23127. $29.95.
Malin, Edward. Northwest Coast Indian Painting : House
Fronts and Interior Screens (Portland, Ore. : Timber Press,
1999) 288 p., cloth, $39.95 + postage, ISBN 0881924717, 133 S.W.
Second Avenue, Suite 450, Portland OR 97204. Focuses on the lost
riches of house art, bringing to life this extraordinary, nearly
extinct work through rare photographs and his own renderings of
actual house paintings and screen partitions.
Malloy, Mary. Souvenirs of the Fur Trade : Northwest Coast
Indian Art and Artifacts Collected by American Mariners,
1788-1844 (Cambridge, MA : Peabody Museum Press, 2000), 188
pp., paper, $35.00 plus postage, ISBN 0873658337, 11 Divinity
Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. An illustrated look at artifacts
held by ten institutions.
Mangieri, Nick. Frozen Shield : Alaska Cover-up
(Williamsburg, Va. : Veracity Press, 2000), 395 pp., paper, $9.50
plus $3.50 postage, ISBN 0966536428, P.O. Box 369, Lightfoot, VA
93090. Former police chief tells his side of the story of
governmental corruption in Palmer.
Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez / edited by Thomas
R. Loughlin, Sponsored by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee San Diego : Academic Press, Inc., 1994.
395p. Articles on the effects of the oil spill on marine
mammals of Prince William Sound. Includes bibliographical
references and index. ISBN0124561608. LC94020833. $49.95.
Martin, Constance, with essays by Richard V. West. Distant
Shores : The Odyssey of Rockwell Kent (Chesterfield, MA :
Chameleon Books, 2000), 128 pp., cloth, $45.00 plus postage, ISBN
0520227115 or paper, $24.95 plus postage, ISBN 0520227123, 31
Smith Road, Chesterfield, MA 01012. Catalog for a museum exhibit
of the controversial New England artist's work; he and his son
spent the winter of 1918-19 on Fox Island in Resurrection Bay
near Seward.
Matson, Richard G. The Prehistory of the Northwest Coast
(San Diego: Academic Press, 1995), 364 p., cloth, ISBN
0-12-480260-5, $69.00 plus postage, 6227 Sea Harbor Drive,
Orlando, FL 32887. LC 94-020599.
Matthews, Donna, and Barbara Sweetland Smith. Science Under
Sail : Russia's Great Voyages to America, 1728-1867-Instructional
Guide (Anchorage : Anchorage Museum of History and Art,
2000), 201 pp., spiral-bound, $24.95 plus postage, ISBN
1885267037, Anchorage Museum of History and Art Gift Shop, 121
West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Illustrated study materials
and classroom activities arranged around ten topics, to accompany
the museum exhibit of the same name.
Matz, George. World Heritage Wilderness : From the
Wrangells to Glacier Bay, Volume 26, Number 2 of Alaska
Geographic (Anchorage : Alaska Geographic Society, 1999) 112
pp., paper, $21.95 + $4.00 postage, ISBN 1566610451, P.O. Box
93370, Anchorage AK 99509-3370. Geography and history of the
mountain wilderness which straddles the Alaska-Yukon
Maud, Ralph. Transmission Difficulties (Burnaby, BC :
Talonbooks, 2000), 174 pp., paper, $12.95us, $16.95cdn plus
postage, ISBN 0889224307, #104, 3100 Production Way, Burnaby, BC,
Canada V5A 4R4, distributed in US by General Distribution
Services Inc., 4500 Witmer Industrial Estates, Niagara Fall, NY,
14305-1386. Study of Franz Boas's translations of the stories he
gathered from the Tsimshian Henry Tate.
Mayer, Melanie J., and Robert N. DeArmond. Staking Her
Claim : the Life of Belinda Mulrooney, Klondike and Alaska
Entrepreneur (Athens : Swallow Press, 2000), 390 pp., cloth,
ISBN 0804010218, $39.95 plus postage, or paper, ISBN 0804001226,
$19.95 plus postage, Ohio University Press, Scott Quadrangle,
Athens, OH 45701. Arriving in Alaska as a single woman in 1895,
Irish immigrant Mulrooney established a successful retail
operation. She joined the Klondike gold rush a few years later,
founding towns and thriving as a restaurateur, banker, real
estate developer, contractor, and merchant.
Mendenhall, Nancy M. Beachlines: A Pocket History of
Nome, Alaska (Nome: George Sabo, 1997),96 pp., comb-bound,
$10.00 plus postage, order from Nancy Mendenhall, Box 1141, Nome,
AK 99762. wln97-318162. Brief overview of Nome and its history, a
"crossroads of diverse ideas, cultures, and personalities."
Meredith, Susan. Alaska's Search for a Killer: A
Seafaring Medical Adventure, 1946 to 1948 (Juneau : Alaska
Public Health Nursing History Association, 1998), 271 pp., paper,
$21.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0965984915, order from Cook Inlet
Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. The
cruise of the MV Hygiene, a floating medical clinic
fighting rampant tuberculosis in Alaska's coastal villages.
Mertie, John Beaver, and Louis Prindle. Circle Goldfields,
1893-1938, compiled by Ron Wendte (Wasilla, AK : Goldstream
Publications, 1997), 54 pp., paper, $9.95, ISBN1886574162.
wln98048592. "Circle part of a group of books
belonging to the Alaska geological gold series.... Information in
the books is from the United States Geological Survey
Metcalfe, Peter. Earning a Place in History : Shee Atika,
the Sitka Native Claims Corporation (Sitka : Shee Atika
Incorporated, 2000), 88 pp., paper, request from Shee Atika,
Inc., Sitka, AK 99835. Illustrated history of the Alaska Native
Land Claims Settlement Act as it relates to one of only four
urban corporations established under it.
Metcalfe, Peter. The First 25 Years : a History
of Goldbelt, Incorporated (Juneau : Goldbelt, Inc., 1998), 64
pp., paperback, 9097 Glacier Hwy., Suite 200, Juneau, AK 99801.
An illustrated history of the ANSCA corporation for Juneau,
Michaels, M. B. Beyond Description : Work by Three
Alaskan Artists : Carol Crump Bryner, Todd Sherman, Kenneth
. (Clear, AK: Sky High Publishing, 1995), 32 p., P.O.
Box 40045, Clear, AK 99704. Three Alaska artists discuss their
work and outlook on art. wln96-130895.
Middleton, John. Clothing in Colonial Russian America: A
New Look, edited by Lyn Kalani, (Fairbanks: Limestone Press,
1996), 138 pp., cloth, $20.00 plus $3.50 postage, ISBN
1895901081, P.O. Box 756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. LC97-214615. Nineteenth century costume
at Fort Ross and in Alaska.
Miller, Jay. Tsimshian Culture: A Light Through the
Ages (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997), 202 pp.,
cloth, $45.00 plus postage, ISBN 080323192X. LC96-035895, 312 N. Lincoln
Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484.
Explores the intricacies of the Tsimshian culture with special
emphasis, because of personal experience, on the Southern
Miller, Keith Harvey. Prudhoe Bay Governor: Alaska's Keith
Miller, as told to Joseph Edward Maynard. (Anchorage:
Todd Communications, 1997), 296 pp., cloth, $24.95 plus postage,
ISBN 1878100998, 203 W 15th Avenue, Suite 102, Anchorage, AK
99501. LC97-60349. Life story of Alaska's governor from 1969 to
Miller, Polly G. Glass trade beads in Alaska : early
contact / Altamonte Springs, FL : Bead Society of Central
Florida (121 Larkspur Dr, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701), 1994.
44p. Explores the historical, ethnographical, ethno-historical
and archaeological evidence to explain the bead legacy left by
trading impacts that took place across Alaska's vast geographical
expanse over a time span of 150 years. Includes bibliographical
references; originally presented at "The Bead Trade in the
Americas" international conference held March 20-22, 1992 in
Santa Fe, New Mexico. LC94-237824. $15.00 + $1.50
Minority Rights Group, editors. Polar Peoples:
Self-Determination and Development
(London: Minority Rights Publications, 1994), 270 p.,
ISBN 1873194560, ISBN 187319451x, paper, 379 Brixton Road,
London, UK SW9 7DE. History and current issues facing northern
indigenous peoples, including chapters on Greenland, the Russian
Far North, Alaska, Canada's Inuit, and the Saami of Lapland. LC
Mitchell, Donald Craig. Sold American : the Story of Alaska
Natives and Their Land, 1867 - 1959 : the Army to Statehood
(Hanover, NH : Dartmouth College : University Press of New
England, 1997), 476 pp., cloth, $39.95, ISBN0874518008, Hanover,
NH 03755-0248. LC96-041871. Detailed study of history, politics,
land claims, and relations between the Federal government and
Alaska natives before Statehood in 1959.
Mitham, Peter J. Robert W. Service : a Bibliography
(New Castle, DE : Oak Knoll Books, 2000), 440 pp., cloth, $65.00
plus postage, ISBN 1584560118, 310 Delaware Street, New Castle,
DE 19720. Descriptive bibliography for the North's most famous
poet; includes exhaustive listings of books, articles,
translations, archives, biographical material, musicals, sound
recordings, and films.
Mobley, Charles M. Cultural Resource Inventory and
Evaluation of the Hood Bay Cannery, Admiralty Island, Alaska
(Anchorage : Charles M. Mobley & Associates, 1999) 96pp.,
paper, 200 W. 34th Avenue, Anchorage AK 99503. History
of structures and operations at the site of a southeast Alaska
cannery which burned in 1961; includes an appendix listing Angoon
residents receiving wages from the cannery in 1953.
Mobley, Charles M. Cultural Resource Survey of the
Lindenberg Peninsula Timber Sale, Kupreanof Island, Alaska
(Anchorage : Charles M. Mobley & Associates, 1999) 94 pp.,
paper, 200 W. 34th Avenue, Anchorage AK 99503. Using
oral history interviews, historical photographs, and field
surveys, the author describes evidence of human activity in this
area near Petersburg.
Molett, William E. Robert Peary and Matthew Henson at the
North Pole (Frankfort, KY :
Elkhorn Press, [1996]), 123 p., $19.95, ISBN 095165302 (available
from Wm. E. Molett, 1003 River Bend Road, Frankfort, KY 40601).
wln97-050242. Presents Peary's case for reaching the North Pole,
analyzing the sledge speeds, distances, weathers, and other
Moore, Delores L. Penny: Half Coyote, or Half Wolf - and
All Heart (Anchorage, AK :
Lighthouse Publications, 1966), 155 p., paper, $9.95,
ISBN1888844000 (PO Box 210288, Anchorage, AK 99521-0288).
LC96-76842. A dog shares the life of a family that moves to
Kodiak following the Good Friday Earthquake in 1964.
Moore, Katrina H. Borestone to Bering Strait : Glimpses of
the Adventures of Terris Moore in the Mountains of Three
Continents and Flights as a Seaplane Pilot Northward to the
Frozen Ocean (Westwood, Mass. : The Author, 1999) 260 pp.,
paper, request from Katrina Smathers, 675 Orange Avenue, Los
Altos CA 94022. Biography of a Maine-born mountaineer and bush
pilot who became the second president of the University of Alaska
in 1949; written by his wife and edited by his daughter.
Morgan, Albert Weldon. Memories of old Sunrise : gold
mining on Alaska's Turnagain Arm / edited by Rolfe G. Buzzell
/ Anchorage : Cook Inlet Historical Society (121 West 7th Ave.,
Anchorage, AK 99501), 1994. 104p. Adventures of a Gold Rush
miner in the Turnagain Arm area, south of Anchorage,
1897-1901. ISBN187862016. LC94-68464. $18.95
Morgan, Lael. Good Time Girls of the
Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush (Fairbanks, AK : Epicenter Press,
1998), 352 pp., cloth, $24.95 plus $5.00 postage, ISBN0945397631,
Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Stories of the prostitutes, dance
hall girls, and entertainers who accompanied the men of the gold
rush era. Alaska Historical Society award for history book of the
year, 1998.
Morgan, Murray. Confederate Raider in the North Pacific:
The Saga of the C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65 (Pullman: Washington State University Press,
1996), 352 p., paper, $19.95 plus postage, ISBN0874221234 (PO Box
645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910). Account of the last shots fired
in the Civil War--off the coast of Alaska. Originally published
as Dixie Raider in 1948.
Morrison, David, and Georges-Hebert Germain. Inuit :
Glimpses of an Arctic Past
/ illustrations by Frederic Back, (Quebec : Canadian
Museum of Civilization, c1995), 159 p., ISBN 0660140381, $27.95,
University of Washington Press, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. With over 225 photographs and original illustrations,
the authors offer an interesteing view of daily life and the
history and tradition culture of the Inuit of northern Canada.
Morrison, William R. True North: The Yukon and
Northwest Territories (Toronto : Oxford University Press,
1998), 202 pp., paper, $29.95 plus $6.00 postage, order from
Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B2.
Part of the "Illustrated History of Canada" series, written by a
history professor from the University of Northern British
Morrison, William R. Working the North : labor and the
northwest defense projects / Fairbanks, AK : University of
Alaska Press, 1994. 270p. Anecdotal tales and documents
reflecting workers' lives in the North. Includes bibliographical
references and index. ISBN0912006722hdb, ISBN0912006730pbk.
LC94-68464. $30.00hdb, $20.00pbk.
Morrow, Phyllis, and William Schneider, editor. When Our
Words Return: Writing, Hearing, and Remembering Oral Traditions
of Alaska and the Yukon
(Logan: Utah State University Press, 1995), 244 p., ISBN
0874211956, $36.95 cloth or $19.95 paper plus postage, Logan, UT
84322-7800. Oral traditions and folklore analysed and edited by
oral historians and anthropologists fromUniversity of Alaska
Fairbanks. LC 95-032445.
Morseth, Michele. Puyulek Pu'irtuq! = The People
of the Volcanoes: Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve
Ethnographic Overview & Assessment (Anchorage : National
Park Service, Lake Clark / Katmai National Park and Preserve,
1998), 186 pp., paper, ISBN0941555054, request from National Park
Service, 4230 University Drive, Suite 311, Anchorage, AK 99508.
Illustrated history of this remote National Park unit on the
Alaska Peninsula.
Moss, H. P. One Alaskan's Potpourri : Volume 1,
the Homestead Years (Eagle River, Alaska : Eagle River Type
and Graphics, 1997), 228 pp., paperback, $14.95 + $4.00 postage,
ISBN 0965307417, 17050 N. Eagle River Loop Rd., #3, Eagle River,
AK 99577-7804. The former State Senator remembers his years as a
homesteading grandfather in the 1970s.
Mousalimas, S. A. The Transition from Shamanism to
Russian Orthodoxy in Alaska
(Providence, RI: Berghahn Books, 1994), 272 p., ISBN
1571810064, cloth, $49.95 plus $3.00 postage, 165 Taber Avenue,
Providence, RI 02906. Examines "the early contacts with Russians
in this region and the social changes that occurred through the
interplay of continuity and transformation." LC 94-036777.
Muckle, Robert J. The First Nations of British
Columbia : an Anthropological Survey (Vancouver, B.C. : UBC
Press, 1998), 146 pp., paperback, $16.95, ISBN077480663X, UBC
Press, University of British Columbia, 6344 Memorial Road,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 Canada. Presents a concise and accessible
overview of First Nations peoples, cultures, and issues in the
province. The author currently teaches anthropology at Capilano
College in North Vancouver.
Murphy, Claire Rudolf, and Jane
G. Haigh. Gold Rush Women (Anchorage, AK : Alaska
Northwest Books, 1997), 126 pp. paper, $16.95, ISBN0882404849,
order from PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97210. LC 97-946. Profiles
selected to reveal the depth and variety of women's roles in the
North during the Klondike Gold Rush.
Murray, Jean A., comp. Music of the Alaska-Klondike Gold
Rush : Songs & History (Fairbanks : University of Alaska
Press, 1999) 440 pp., cloth, $54.95 + postage, ISBN 1889963135,
or spiral, $35.95 + postage, ISBN 1889963143, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks AK 99775-6240. A
collection of historically verified pieces of music (with
arrangements of the originals suitable for modern voices and
instruments) brings back the sounds of the "Days of
Murray, Marti. Memory Eternal I: A Baseline
Inventory of the Burials Surrounding the Holy Ascension Cathedral
at Unalaska, Alaska (Unalaska : The Author, 1997), 48 pp.,
paper, $15.00 postpaid, 46170 Spruce Place, Kenai, AK 99611.
Illustrated with color photographs, this booklet inventories
thirty-eight graves on the grounds of this Russian Orthodox
cathedral and gives brief biographies of those who are
Myers, Gary Lee. Pancakes & Coffee : a Solo Canoe Trek
through the Alaska Wilderness (Joliet, IL : D & C Myers
Publications, 2000), 167 pp., paper, $8.95, ISBN 0966817613. An
adventure-seeker takes his canoe on an exploration of Alaska and
finds what he seeks.
Nalder, Eric. Tankers full of trouble: the perilous journey
of Alaskan crude / New York: Grove Press, 1994. 294p.
Seattle Times investigative reporter takes a
trip on the tanker ARCO Anchorage to gain an understanding
of the problems and workings of the tanker industry.
ISBN080211458X. LC93-31198. $24.00.
Naish, John M. The Interwoven Lives of George Vancouver,
Archibald Menzies, Joseph Whidbey, and Peter Puget: Exploring the Pacific Northwest
Coast (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996), 537 p.,
ISBN077348857X (Box 450, Lewiston, NY 14092-0450).
Nelson, Jerry Ray. Alaska Burning
(St.-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec : Shoreline, 1998), 144 pp.,
paperback, US$16.95, ISBN189675404X, 23 Ste-Anne,
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L1. One man's adventures as an
emergency fire fighter in Eagle, Alaska.
Neufeld, David. Make it pay! : gold dredge #4 : Klondike,
Yukon, Canada / Missoula, MT : Pictorial Histories Pub. Co.,
1994. 64p. Pictures of the dredge, information on how it
works, and some gold mining history about the Klondike River
Valley make this book a useful addition to gold mining
literature. ISBN0929521889. $7.95.
Neufeld, David, and Frank
Norris. Chilkoot Trail: Heritage Route to the Klondike (Whitehorse, Yukon : Lost Moose
Publishing, 1996), 182 p., paper, $19-95 plus postage (58 Kluane
Crescent, Whitehorse, YT YlA 3G7). wln96-281768. Historians from
Parks Canada and the US National Park Service tell the story of
the Klondike gold rush trail; over 250 photographs.
Nice, Philip with Walter Johnson, The Alaska
Health Aide Program: A Tradition of Helping Ourselves
([Anchorage : Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies], 1998),
64 pp., paper, $10.00, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK
99508. Chronology and description of Alaska's unique program
which uses local residents to provide health care in rural
Nichols, Dean. The Copper Sands and Prince William
Sound; The N.P.M.W.A.R.A., The North Pacific Major World Air
Route Area
(Portland, OR: Binford & Mort, 1994), 328 p., ISBN
0832305030, paper, $19.95 plus $3.50 postage, P.O. Box 10404,
Portland, OR 972100404. Two books in one: the first a "journal of
a Patrol Boat Captain in the historic fishing village of Cordova"
in the early sixties; the other about the "North Pacific Major
World Air Route Area." LC 93-071480.
Nicholson, John W. No Half Truths : Reminiscences of
Life in Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1906-1995
/ line drawings by Steve Peterson (Anchorage, Alaska :
Dillingham, Alaska), 160 p., ISBN 0964480948, Box 41, Dillingham
99756. Oral history of old-timer - trapper, fisherman - from
Nushagak Bay, whose father immigrated from Denmark and became a
commercial fisherman. LC 95-70296.
Niebrugge, Gail. Gail Niebrugge's Alaska Wildflowers : an
Artist's Journey in Paintings and Prose ([Seattle, WA ;
Fairbanks, AK] : Epicenter Press, c2000), 64 pp., cloth, $16.95,
ISBN 0945397895, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Copper Center
artist presents paintings with her stories about her explorations
in the Alaska landscape.
Noden, Walter. Alaska Salmon and Sail (New York :
Vantage Press, 2000), 130 pp., paper, $8.95 plus $2.50 postage,
ISBN 0533133785, 516 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001. Son of
a Yup'ik mother and a Scotch-Irish father, the author recalls his
life spent as a commercial fisherman, bush pilot, and gold
prospector in southwest Alaska.
Nordlander, David J. For God and Tsar: A Brief History
of Russian America, 1741-1867
(Anchorage: Alaska Natural History Association, 1994),
25 p., paper, ISBN 0-930931-15-7, $3.95 plus postage, 605 West
4th Avenue, Suite 85, Anchorage, AK 99501. Illustrated booklet by
the historian at Sitka National Historical Park. wln96-24087.
Norris, Frank, Julie Johnson, Sande Anderson and Logan Hovis.
The Alaska Journey : One Hundred and Fifty Years of the
Department of the Interior in Alaska (Anchorage : Alaska
Support Office, National Park Service, 1999) 104 pp., paper,
available from National Park Service, 2525 Gambell Street, Room
107, Anchorage AK 99503-2892. Illustrated, historical highlights
of the Department of the Interior's role in the political,
economic, and social development of Alaska.
Norris, Frank B. Legacy of the Gold Rush: An Administrative
History of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
(Anchorage: National Park Service, 1996), 509 pp., paper, request
from National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office, 2525 Gambell
Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. LC96-231316.
Extensive study of Park located in Skagway and Seattle.
Norris, Karen & Ralph Norris. Northwest Carving
Traditions (Atglen, Penn. : Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1999)
pp., cloth, $70.00 + postage, ISBN 0764307991, 4880 Lower Valley
Road, Atglen PA 19310. With the collector in mind, this depicts
Northwest Coast Native art in over 400 color photos of totems,
drums, rattles, boxes, canoes, and masks.
Northstine, Greg L. A Revolving Door Syndrome :
Alaska Natives' Introduction and Entry into the State's Criminal
Justice System (Juneau : Alaska. Legislature. Joint Senate
and House Finance Subcommittee on Corrections, 1997), 42 pp.,
paperback. "Prepared for the Twentieth Alaska State Legislature
and other interested parties."
Not Just a Pretty Face : Dolls and Human
Figurines in Alaska Native Cultures, edited by Molly C. Lee (Fairbanks
: University of Alaska Museum, 1999) 75 pp., paper, $17.95 +
postage, ISBN 0931163188, 907 Yukon Drive, P.O. Box 756960,
Fairbanks AK 99775-6960. Beautiful exhibit catalog with
informative accompanying text.
Nowry, Laurence. Marius Barbeau: Man of Mana (Toronto:
NC Press, 1996), 445 pp., paper, CN$29.95 plus postage, ISBN
1550211005, 345 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R5.
Life story of the prolific Geological Survey of Canada
anthropologist who documented Native cultures of the Alaskan and
British Columbia coasts during the first half of the twentieth
Nye, Dagmar I. Sixty Odd Years : An Alaskan's Selected
Reminiscences (Anchorage: Publication Consultants, 1999) 288
pp., paper, $14.95 + postage, ISBN 1888125411, available from
Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK
99501. Memories of childhood, youth, and adulthood as a woman of
O'Connell, Rev. Ms. Dianne. The Yukon Presbyterian : An
Unauthorized Biography (100 Years of Presbyterian Work in the
Northern Parts of Alaska), (Anchorage : Yukon Presbytery,
1999), 342 pp., spiral-bound, $35.00 + postage, 616 West Tenth
Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. An illustrated denominational history
covering mission work, churches, people and issues in four
regions of the state: northwest arctic, arctic, interior, and
O'Donnell, Jack. Alaska Panhandle Tales : or
Funny Things Happened Up North (Seaside, Ore. : Frontier
Pub., 1996), 181 pp., paperback, $16.95, ISBN0939116405, P.O. Box
441, Seaside, OR 97138. The author, a commercial fisherman and
guide, portrays the unusual men and women who came to Southeast
Alaska and left their mark.
O'Donoghue, Brian Patrick. Honest Dogs : A Story of Triumph
and Regret from the World's Toughest Sled Dog Race (Kenmore,
Wash. : Epicenter Press, 1999) 335 pp., paper, $16.95 + $5
postage, ISBN 094539778X, P.O. Box 82368, Kenmore WA 98028. A
newspaper reporter tries his luck on the brutal Yukon Quest six
years after finishing last in the Iditarod.
O'Keefe, Betty and Ian Macdonald. The Final
Voyage of the Princess Sophia : Did They All Have to
Die? (Surrey, B.C. : Heritage House Pub. ; Bishop, Calif. :
Fine Edge, 1998), 192 pp., paperback, $16.95, ISBN0938665618, or
ISBN 1895811643, Route 2, Box 303, Bishop, CA 93514. Even after
80 years, the worst disaster of the Inside Passage still leaves
lingering questions these journalists explore.
O'Neill, Daniel T. The firecracker boys / New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. 388p. Author was named
Historian of the Year in 1994 by the Alaska Historical Society
for this book that tells the story of Project Chariot, a plan to
carve a new harbor out of the Alaska coast near Point Hope by
detonating thermonuclear bombs, and how the project and the
Atomic Energy Commission were stopped in the early 1960's. The
Author also received the Alaska Library Association's 1994
Outstanding Alaskana Award. ISBN0312110863. LC94-2830.
Oakes, Jill E. (Jill Elizabeth), and Rick Riewe. Our
Boots : an Inuit Art
(Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c1995). 224 p.,
ISBN 1550541951, $50.00cn, 1615 Venables St., Vancouver, BC V5L
2H1, CANADA. cn95-910359.
Oakley, Barbara A. Hair of the Dog : Tales from Aboard a
Russian Trawler (Pullman, WA :
Washington State University Press, 1996), 190 p., cloth, $35.00,
ISBN087422134X; paper, $19.95, ISBN0874221358 (PO Box 645910,
Pullman, WA 99164-5910). LC96-853. Serving as a translator aboard
the Russian processing ships where Russian and American fishermen
worked together during a joint fishing venture in the 1980s.
Oleksa, Father Michael; June Hall; Richard Dauenhauer; and
Kathy Ruddy. The First One Hundred Years: St.
Nicholas Orthodox Church
One Hundred Years
(Juneau: Friends of St. Nicholas, 1994), 36 p., paper,
$7.95 plus postage, order from Hearthside Books, 254 Front
Street, Juneau, AK 99801. The story of the church in Juneau.
Olson, Wallace M. A History of Fort Durham - Hudson's
Bay Company Trading Post located in Taku Harbor 1840-1843 within
the boundaries of present day Juneau, Alaska
(Auke Bay: Heritage Research, 1994), 77 p., paper,
$13.50, Box 210961, Auke Bay, AK 99821. wln95-10269.
Olthuis, Diane. Goldpan, Trapline & Camera: The Harry
A. Johnson Album (Hope, AK: Timbers, Tails & Yarns,
1997), 46 pp., paper, $8.95 plus postage, order from Cook Inlet
Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Album
of Harry Johnson photographs with biographical notes on the
Olthuis, Diane. Historic Building Survey Report : Hope,
Alaska (Hope : Hope and Sunrise Historical Society, 1999) 129
pp., comb-bound, Hope and Sunrise Historical Society, Box 88,
Hope AK 99605. An illustrated survey of the buildings in this
small Turnagain Arm community.
Orekhov, Aleksandr A. An Early Culture of the Northwest
Bering Sea, translated by Richard L. Bland (Anchorage :
National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program, 1999)
216 pp., paper, request from 2525 Gambell St., Room 107,
Anchorage AK 99503-2892. In a translation of the original 1987
Russian edition, the author examines archeological evidence of
the Kerek, a maritime hunting people of the Russian Bering Sea
coast between Cape Oliutorskii and the Gulf of Anadyr.
Orr, Eliza Cingarkaq. Ellangellemni: When I Became
Aware (Fairbanks; Lower Kuskokwim School District and Alaska
Native Language Center, 1997), 630 pp., paper, ISBN 155500614,
219 Eielson, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99701.
Yup'ik stories as told by the elders of Tununak, a village on the
Bering Sea. Told in Yup'ik with English translations, illustrated
with black and white photographs.
Ostrowitz, Judith. Privileging the Past : Reconstructing
History in Northwest Coast Art (Seattle; Vancouver :
University of Washington Press; UBC Press, 1999) 201 pp., cloth,
$35.00 + postage, ISBN 0295978147, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. Approaches questions of authenticity and tradition in
Northwest Coast art through a careful consideration of replicas,
reproductions, and creative translations of past forms of
Northwest Coast dances, ceremonies, masks, painted screens, and
Oswalt, Wendell H. Eskimos and Explorers, 2nd
edition (Linclon, Neb. : University of Nebraska Press, 1999)
341 pp., paper, $19.95 + postage, ISBN 0803286139, University of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln NE 68588-0484. This second edition of the
1979 classic has been fully updated and features the most recent
information on the cultures and histories of Native peoples in
Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland.
Ott, Riki. Alaska's Copper River Delta
(Seattle, Artists for Nature Foundation in association with the
University of Washington Press, 1998), 160 pp., paperback,
$29.95, ISBN0295977434, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096.
The largest wetland on the Pacific coast of North America is
depicted by 22 artists from 11 countries.
Out among the wolves; contemporary writings on the wolf
/ edited by John A. Murray / Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books,
1993. 247 p. This anthology "gathers some of the best writings
on the wolf over the past half-century from well-know scientists,
naturalists, and authors, including Adolph Murie, John Haines,
Roger A. Caras, and Richard Nelson." ISBN0882404393.
LC93-10971. $14.95.
Parr, Charles H. Backwoods Broadway : Theatre in Fairbanks,
Alaska, 1905-1997 ([Fairbanks] : Inkworks, c2000), 285 pp.,
cloth, $49.95, or paper, $29.95 plus $6.00 shipping, order from
Karen Parr, 909 John Kalinas Road, Fairbanks, AK 99712. History
of the performing arts in Fairbanks includes a listing of all
known theatre productions.
Patten, Edith P. Skimming the Top of the World : Traveling
among Peoples of the Far North / photography, Caroline
Canafax (Seattle, WA : Hara Pub., c2000), 244 pp., paper, $15.95
plus $3.50 shipping, ISBN 1883697980, P.O. Box 19732, Seattle, WA
98109. Writer and photographer recount their visits to Alaska (11
trips in all) between 1976 and 1990.
Paulsen, Gary. Winterdance : the fine madness of running
the Iditarod/ New York : Harcourt Brace, 1994. 256 p.
Splendidly written account of grueling race (1180 miles from
Anchorage to Nome) which the author ran in 1983 and 1985.
ISBN0151262276. LC93-42096. $21.95.
Pels, Jacquelin Ruth Benson. Unga Island Girl [Ruth's
Book] (Walnut Creek: Hardscratch
Press, 1996), 312 p., paper, ISBN0962542970, $24.50 plus postage
(2358 Banbury Place, Walnut Creek, CA 94598). "A daughter's
adaptation of letters, photographs, and research into her
mother's life."
Pennington, Estill Curtis. Frontier Sublime: Alaskan Art
from the Juneau Empire Collection (Augusta, GA: Morris Museum
of Art, 1997), 112 pp., cloth, ISBN 1890021008. wln97189929.
Color reproductions with commentary on original art by Alaskans
owned and exhibited by the newspaper, the Juneau
Perrin, Robert Keith. A Rabid Wolf : a Story
About Three Ordinary Men (Anchorage : A.T. Printing &
Publishing, 1998), 168 pp., paperback, $13.95, ISBN0966420004,
Ke-Ko Alaska Sales, Inc., P.O. Box 142507, Anchorage, AK 99514.
True stories relating personal experiences of the author and his
Phebus, George, Jr., Alaskan Eskimo Life in the 1890s as
Sketched by Native Artists
, reprint of 1972 edition, (Fairbanks: University of
Alaska Press, 1995), 168 p., paper, ISBN 091200679X, $18.95 plus
$3.00 postage, P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240.
Drawings and paintings by Eskimos of northwest Alaska, depicting
arctic terrain and everyday activities, collected in the 1890s
and rediscovered in a Smithsonian storage unit in 1967. LC
Phillips, Carol A., editor, A Century of Faith:
1895-Centennial Commemorative-- 1985, Episcopal Diocese of Alaska
(Fairbanks: Centennial Press, 1995), 215 p., cloth ISBN
0-9645828-5, paper, ISBN O-9645828-1-3, $24.95, order from
Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, 1205 Denali Way, Anchorage, AK
99701. LC 95-067397.
Pielou, E.C. A naturalist's guide to the Arctic /
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994. 327 p. Describes
the natural history of the Arctic; covers the climate and
atmosphere, sky, terrain, seas (and ice), plant life, birds,
mammals, fish and insects. The book is written as a compact
source of information about the Arctic's natural resources.
ISBN0226668134, ISBN022668142. LC94-2555. $19.95pbk.
Piper, Ernest. The Exxon Valdez oil spill : final report,
state of Alaska response / Anchorage, AK : Alaska Department
of Environment Conservation, 1993. 184p. A summing
up of the Exxon Valdez spill, explains the state activities--the
organization, technology, clean-up--and results--legal,
regulatory, and administrative changes and restoration.
Polar Tourism : Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic
, edited by Colin Michael Hall & Margaret E.
Johnston (Chichester {England} ; New York : Wiley, c1995.), 329
p., ISBN 0471949213, cloth, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West
Sussex, PO19 IUD, England. Essays on tourism issues:
environmental concerns, social impacts on indigenous peoples, and
search for management solutions in both the Arctic and the
Antarctic regions. LC 94-32093.
Politics and Government in Alaska's Past: Papers
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society,
Juneau, Alaska, October 4-7, 1995
(Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1995), 190
p., ISBN 0940521067, comb-bound, $17.00 for members, $20.00 for
non-members plus $1.50 postage, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK
99510-0299. Twelve papers presented at the conference.
Pollen, Sally McMahan. Papa was a Bush Pilot (Palmer,
Alaska : S.M. Pollen, 2000), 120 pp., paper, $22.00 plus postage,
HC 01 Box 6005D, Palmer, AK 99645. Chronicle of a family's
adventures during half a century in Alaska.
Porsild, Charlene. Gamblers and Dreamers: Women,
Men, and Community in the Klondike (Vancouver : UBC Press,
1998), 250 pp., paper, $18.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0774806516,
order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501. A social study of turn-of-the-century Dawson
Potterfield, Peter. In the Zone : Epic Survival Stories
from the Mountaineering World
(Seattle, WA : Mountaineers, c1996), 270 p. cloth, $22.95, ISBN
0898864828 (The Mountaineers, 1001 SW Klickitat Way, Seattle, WA
98134). LC96-25476. Stories of climbers who narrowly escaped
death on some of the world's most renowned peaks; one of the
three accounts is that of Colby Coombs' experience on Mount
Foraker in the Alaska Range.
Powell, Addison. Trailing and Camping in Alaska
(Valdez: Prince William Sound Books, 1997), 240 pp., paper,
$19.95 plus postage, ISBN 1-87900-06-0, P.O. Box 1313, Valdez, AK
99686. Wln97-343644. Reprint of a 1909 classic by an Army
surveyor in the Valdez and Copper River area, with new preface by
Jim and Nancy Lethcoe.
Poynor, A. E. Of Moose and Men : A Skewed Look at Life in
Alaska (Nikiski,, Alaska : OMM Books, 1999) 208 pp., paper,
$12.95 + postage, ISBN 0966791509, P. O. Box 7397, Nikiski AK
99635. A collection of humorous columns originally appearing in
the Peninsula Clarion.
Prevention, response, and oversight five years after the
Exxon Valdez oil spill : Proceedings of an International
Conference, March 23-25, 1994, Anchorage, Alaska
. (Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Sea Grant College Program,
1995), 392 p., paper, ISBN 1566120330, $15.00, P.O. Box 755040,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040. Participants included university researchers, agency
staff, as well as members of the Coast Guard and citizens'
advisory groups.Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No.
95-02. wln95-157101.
Price, Robert E. Bibliography of Literature on Alaska
Native History from 1741-1867
(Juneau: Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 1995), 53 p.,
paper, $10.00 + postage, P.O. Box 34871, Juneau, AK 99803.
Annotated list of primary and secondary source material, arranged
by original language of publication. wln95-71091.
Proenneke, Richard. One Man's Wilderness : An Alaskan
Odyssey, 26th anniversary edition (Anchorage :
Alaska Northwest Books, 1999) 223 pp., paper, $14.95 + postage,
ISBN 0882405136, available from Graphic Arts Center Publishing
Company, P.O. Box 10306, Portland OR 97296-0306. Brought back
into print after over twenty years, Sam Keith compiled this
tribute from Proenneke's journals.
Qanemcikarluni Tekitnarqelartuq : One Must Arrive with a
Story to Tell
: Traditional Narratives by the Elders of Tununak,
Alaska, edited by Eliza Cingarkaq and Ben Orr (Bethel, AK
: Lower Kuskokwim School District and Fairbanks, AK : Alaska
Native Language Center, 1995), 378 p., ISBN 1555000525, $16.00,
Lower Kuskokwim School District, P.O. Box 305, Bethel, AK 99559
or Alaska Native Language Center, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK
99775-7680. Folklore and texts of Yupik Eskimos, with
Central Yupik and English on opposite pages. LC 95-2303.
Quinn, Alfred O. Iron Rails to Alaskan Copper; The Epic
Triumph of Erastus Corning Hawkins
(Wilmington, NY: D'Aloquin Publishing Company, 1995),
195 p., ISBN 0964666901, $24.95 plus $3.50 postage, order from
Quaker Mountain, Wilmington, NY 12997. Story of the work of the
chief engineer for the White Pass & Yukon Railway and the
Copper River and Northwestern Railroad; over 100 photographs and
maps. wln96-051260.
Raban, Jonathan. Passage to Juneau : A Sea and Its
Meaning (New York : Pantheon Books; Random House, 1999) 435
pp., cloth, $26.50 + postage, ISBN 0679442626, or paper, $15.00 +
postage, ISBN 0679776141, 1-800-726-0600. "[Raban] has taken the
travel book as the chosen vehicle of his imagination, the form
through which he can best express himself and explore the process
of his own life's unfolding."
Ragsdale, Rose, editor. Anchorage 2000 : Millennium at the
Top (Anchorage : Morris Communications, 2000), 119 pp.,
cloth, $39.95 plus postage, ISBN 1892154072, or paper, $19.95
plus postage, ISBN 1892154064, order from Cook Inlet Book
Company, 415 West 5th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. "A pictorial
journey of Anchorage to the new millennium and beyond," this
mixture of historic and contemporary photographs tells the
history of Anchorage. Profiles of eight Alaskan businesses are
Rasmuson, Elmer E., and Terrence Dole. Banking On
Alaska : the Story of the National Bank of Alaska-Volume I,
by Terrence Cole and Elmer E. Rasmuson, A History of NBA;
Volume II, by Elmer E. Rasmuson, Elmer's Memoirs : Anecdotes
and Vignettes of My 90 Years (Anchorage : National Bank of
Alaska, 2000), volume I, 523 pp., volume II, 403 pp., cloth. Now
available from University of Alaska Press, paper, two-volume set,
$25.00, vol.1: ISBN 1880063275 and vol.2: ISBN 1889963283.
Telling the story of Alaska's early banking history and the
consolidation that resulted in Alaska's largest bank, volume one
is a corporate history. Volume two tells the story of the
Rasmuson family's long connections to Alaska and includes the
texts of many speeches, and a biographical section featuring over
60 prominent individuals and businesses.
Rasmussen, Greg. Kayaking in Paradise : Journeys from
Alaska through the Inside Passage (North Vancouver, BC :
Whitecap Books, 1997), 118 pp., cloth, $29.95, ISBN1551106337,
351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C4. cn97-910655. Sea
kayak tour from Petersburg, Alaska, through Canada to
Washington's San Juan Islands, with color photographs.
Rasmussen, Knud. Across Arctic America : Narrative of the
Fifth Thule Expedition (Fairbanks: University of Alaska
Press, 1999) 415 pp., cloth, $35.95 + $3.50 postage, ISBN
0912006935, or paper, $24.95 + postage, ISBN 0912006943, P.O. Box
756240, Fairbanks AK 99775-6240. Reprint of the 1927 classic tale
of the trek from Greenland to Siberia, 1921-1924, with a new
introduction by editor Terrence Cole.
Ravage, John W. Black Pioneers : Images of the
Black Experience on the North American Frontier (Salt Lake
City : University of Utah Press, 1997), 224 pp., cloth, $24.95,
ISBN0874805465, 1795 E. South Campus Dr., Suite 101, Salt Lake
City, UT, 84112-9402, 800-773-6672. Descriptions (including
photographs) and evaluations of black experiences on the American
frontier, Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii in the areas of housing,
employment, politics, education, economics, and social
Ray, Dorothy Jean. A Legacy of Arctic Art, foreword by Aldona Jonaitis ; photographs
by Barry McWayne (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Museum, 1996),
196 p., cloth, $40.00 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN0295975075 (order
from University of Washington Press, PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096). LC95-36452. Ray describes her collection of nearly
100 Eskimo artifacts that are now part of the UAF Museum.
Rearden, Jim. Alaska's Wolf Man: The
1915-55 Wilderness Adventures of Frank Glaser (Missoula :
Pictorial Histories Publishing, 1998), 330 pp., paper, $17.95
plus postage, ISBN157510-0479, 713 South Third Street West,
Missoula, MT 59801. From the Interior to the Arctic, Frank Glaser
made a living as market hunter, roadhouse operator, trapper, and
government wolf hunter.
Rearden, Jim. Koga's Zero: The Fighter that Changed
World War II
(Missoula: Pictorial Histories Publishing, 1995), 114
p., paper, ISBN 0929521560, $10.95 + postage, 713 South Third
West, Missoula, MT 59801. History of the Japanese fighter plane
shot down in the Aleutians during World War II. "This book was
first published by Stackpole Books in 1990, in slightly different
form, under the title Cracking the Zero Mystery." LC
Reckoning with the dead: the Larsen Bay repatriation and
the Smithsonian Institution / edited by Tamara L. Bray and
Thomas W. Killion / Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
Press, 1994. 194p. Presentations on the case that is
considered a turning point in the history of American
anthropology and museum relations with Native Americans.
ISBN1560983655 pbk. wln94-002652. $29.95.
Redman, Earl, and Ken Maas. An Index to Mining-Related
Articles in Ketchikan Newspapers, 1901-1936 (Juneau: Alaska
State Library, 1997), 34 pp., paper, $5.00, PO Box 110571,
Juneau, AK 99811-0571. LC97-134919. Lists citations to local
newpaper articles by location and name of mine.
Reid, Bill. Solitary Raven : Selected Writing of Bill
Reid (Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2000 and
Vancouver, BC : Douglas & McIntyre), 250 pp., cloth, $35.00
plus postage, ISBN 029598080X, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA
98145-5096. Collection of important writings on Northwest Coast
art and the role of the native artist by renowned Haida
Reid, Harry. American Ethos in 19th Century
Alaska : The Letters of Rev. Clarence Thwing, M.D.
(1892-1895) (Rohnert Park, CA : Sonoma State University,
1999) 316 pp., paper, contact the author for availability: Harry
Reid, 1734 E. Cotati Avenue, Penngrove CA 94951. Reid's Master's
thesis focuses on the transcription and annotation of a copy book
of Clarence Thwing, a Presbyterian medical missionary sent to
convert the Tlingits at Fort Wrangel, Alaska at the end of the
19th century.
Remick, Scott, and Cathy Cook. Klondike Gold Rush : an
Educator's Guide to America's "Last Grand Adventure"
(Skagway, AK : Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park,
1997?), 32 pp. Kondike Gold Rush NHP, PO Box 517, Skagway, AK
99840. wln97172345. Student handbook designed to give an overview
of the Gold Rush, 1897-1898.
Rennick, Penny, ed. "The Alaska Peninsula," vol. 21, no. 1,
Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska Geographic
Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 96p. Describes
community life from the Katmai-Iliamna area to Isanotski Strait
in the Aleutians. ISBN1566610184. $19.95.
Rennick, Penny, editor, The Aleutian
, Volume 22, No. 2, Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1995), 112 p., paper,
$19.95 plus $2.00 postage, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509.
Rennick, Penny, editor. The Best of Alaska Geographic : Our
First 100 Issues, Volume 27, Number 1 of Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage : Alaska Geographic Society, 2000), 144 pp., paper,
$24.95 plus $5.00 postage, ISBN 1566610494, P.O. Box 93370,
Anchorage, AK 99509-3370. Illustrated excerpts from the first 26
years of this quarterly publication.
Rennick, Penny, editor,
, Volume 22, No. 1, Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage:Alaska Geographic Society, 1995), 96 p., paper,
$19.95 plus $2.00 postage, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509.
Rennick, Penny, ed. "The Kenai Peninsula," vol. 21, no. 2,
Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska Geographic
Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 128p. This
issue concentrates on the resources, prehistory, wildlife and
recreation in the communities of the Kenai Peninsula.
ISBN1566610206. $19.95.
Rennick, Penny, ed. "People of Alaska," vol. 21, no. 3,
Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska Geographic
Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 96p. Short
biographies and conversations with some interesting Alaskans.
ISBN1566610222. $19.95.
Rennick, Penny, ed. "Prehistoric Alaska," vol. 21,
no. 4, Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska
Geographic Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 116p.
Exceptional issue details prehistory of the land, animals and
people of Alaska. Explores Alaska from the formation of the land,
through the ages of dinosaurs and woolly mammoths up to the
arrival of the first humans via the Bering Land Bridge. With
geologic timeline. ISBN1566610249. $19.95.
Rennick, Penny, editor. Rich Earth: Alaska's Mineral
, Volume 22, No. 3, Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1995), 96 p., paper,
$19.95 plus $2.00 postage, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509.
Rennick, Penny, editor, Russian America, Volume 26,
Number 4 of Alaska Geographic (Anchorage : Alaska Geographic
Society, 1999) 96 pp., paper, $21.95 + $4 postage, P.O. Box
93370, Anchorage AK 99509-3370. History and culture of Alaska
before 1867, focusing especially on the Russian American Company
and the Russian Orthodox Church.
Rennick, Penny, editor. Seals, Sea Lions and Sea
Otters, Volume 27, Number 2 of Alaska Geographic (Anchorage :
Alaska Geographic Society, 2000), 96 pp., paper, $21.95 plus
$5.00 postage, ISBN 1566610524, P. O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK
99509-3370. Mostly descriptive, but includes sidebars on species'
interactions with humans through prehistory and history.
Rennick, Penny, and L.J. Campbell. Sitka
(Anchorage : Alaska Geographic Society, c1995), 144 p.,
ISBN 156661029X, $15.95, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509. LC
Rennick, Penny, editor. World War II in Alaska
, Volume 22, No. 4, Alaska Geographic (Anchorage:
Alaska Geographic Society, 1995), 96 p., paper, $19.95 plus $2.00
postage, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509. wln96-090999.
Reuse, Willem J. Siberian Yupik Eskimo : the language and
its contacts with Chukchi / Salt Lake City : University of
Utah Press, 1994. 424p. Detailed historical and linguistic
study of language common to Alaska's St. Lawrence Island and the
Siberian mainland. Based on author's PhD thesis.
ISBN0874803977. LC9350808. $50.00
Reynolds, Stephen. Beyond the Killing Tree : Journey of
Discovery (Fairbanks : Epicenter
Press, 1995), 191 p., cloth, $19.95, ISBN 0945397429 (Box 60529,
Fairbanks, AK 99706, dist. By Graphic Arts Center Publishing, PO
Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306). LC 95-22083. A game warden
for 26 years, the author relates stories of his work in New
Mexico and Alaska and reflects on man's place in the natural
Rice, Elbert Floyd. Building in the North /
4th edition (Anchorage,
AK : Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, 1996), 93 p.,
paper, (complimentary copies available from 4500
Diplomacy Drive, Suite 515, Anchorage, AK 99508-5918).
wln96-339449. Selection of articles that originally appeared in
Northern Engineer, updated and enhanced in this fourth edition. A
basic information source.
Richards, Rhys. United States Trade with China,
, special supplement to The American Neptune,
volume 54, (Salem: Peabody Museum of Salem and Essex Institute,
1994), 76 p., paper, $10.00 + $3.00 postage, order from P.O. Box
756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240.
Comprehensive list of American vessels engaged in trade with
China during this period. wln95-200780.
Richardson, Elizabeth, editor. The Alaskan, November
1885-March 1887: Newspaper Excerpts of Genealogical and
Historical Interest (Ward Cove, AK: The Author, 1997), 152
pp., paper, $16.00 plus $3.50 postage, P.O. Box 662, Ward Cove,
AK 99928. Wln98-019802. Articles from a weekly Sitka newspaper,
with an added name index covering 1,500 entries.
Richardson, Tim, and Dave Cline, editors. Kodiak Bears
& the Exxon Valdez (Kodiak : Kodiak Brown Bear Trust,
2000), 170 pp., paper, $14.95 plus postage, ISBN 0970602103, 1390
Buskin River Road, Kodiak, AK 99615. Conservation saga of the oil
spill and its aftermath in Kodiak Archipelago.
Ricks, Byron. Homelands : Kayaking the Inside Passage
(New York : Bard, 1999), 370 pp., paper, $13.50 + postage, ISBN
0380809184, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New
York NY 10022. The true story of a remarkable adventure: an
extraordinary trip by kayak that began in April in Alaska's
Glacier Bay and concluded five months later in the southern Puget
Riffenburgh, Beau. The Myth of the Explorer: The
Press, Sensationalism, and Geographical Discovery
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 226 p.,
paper, ISBN 019285299X, $10.00 plus postage, 198 Madison Avenue,
New York, NY 10016-4314. Focusing on the years 1855-1910, shows
how the press created the explorer as hero; includes DeLong,
Peary, and Cook. LC 94-09382.
Rinaldo, Peter M. The Great Reindeer Caper: The Missionary
and the Miners (Briarcliff Manor, NY : DorPete Press, 1997),
120 pp., cloth, $14.95, ISBN 1890849006, P.O. Box 238, Briarcliff
Manor, NY 10510. LC97-66799. Account of a gold rush fiasco, a
government sponsored relief expedition to send reindeer to
starving gold miners who were actually doing just fine; includes
excerpts from an unpublished manuscript of Rinaldo's ancestor
Peter Trout, who prospected in the Yukon valley before 1897.
Ritchey, Brenda. Know the Happy Face : Biography of Oliver
Amouak, World Famous Eskimo (Auburn, Wash. : Alaska Lines and
Stories Kept Alive [A.L.A.S.K.A.], 1997) 216 pp., paper, $17.95 +
$5 postage, ISBN 096605301, P. O. Box 1256, Auburn WA
98071-1256.The granddaughter of the face behind the Alaska
Airlines logo reveals the family's identity, traditions, and
legacy through the story of her grandfather's life.
Roberts, Ann D. Alaska Gardening Guide
(Anchorage : Publication Consultants, c2000), 352 pp., paper,
$19.95, ISBN 1888125543, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Volume one is on
vegetables for northern climates; detailed and authoritative,
from planting basics to in-depth section dealing with specific
Roberts, Bruce and Ray Jones. Pacific Northwest
Lighthouses : Oregon to the Aleutians (Old Saybrook, Conn. :
The Globe Pequot Press, 1997), 88 pp., paperback, $19.95,
ISBN0762700823, P.O. Box 833, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. A
collection of photographs and textual descriptions of the
lighthouses, with some historical ones sprinkled throughout.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth
Robins, 1900, edited with an introduction by Victoria Joan
Moessner and Joanne E. Gates (Fairbanks : University of Alaska
Press, 1999) 370 pp., paper, $22.95 + $4 postage, ISBN
0912006994, P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks AK 99775-6240. Joining the
rush to Nome, London actress Elizabeth Robins looked for her
brothers and recorded much about the transformation of the
Robinson, Michael P. Sea Otter Chiefs
(Calgary : Bayeaux Arts Incorporated, 1996), 96 pp., cloth,
$24.95 plus postage, ISBN1896209181, P.O. Box 586, 1 Holway
Point, Machias, ME 04654. Life histories of three great Northwest
Coast chiefs-from the Kiusta, Yuquot, and Metlakahtla tribes--who
masterminded the development of the sea otter pelt trade with the
first seagoing capitalists from the West. The chief's villages
ranged from Queen Charlotte Island to Vancouver Island.
Robinson, Richard W. Fairbanks Cabbies (Bryn Mawr, PA :
Buy Books on the, 2000), 152 pp., paper, $13.95 plus
postage, ISBN 0741403595, order from Cook Inlet Book Co., 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Biographies of colorful
characters who made their living driving taxis.
Robson, John. Captain Cook's World : Maps of the Life and
Voyages of James Cook
R. N. (Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2000), 212
pp., cloth, $40.00 plus postage, ISBN 0295980192, P.O. Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5094. An atlas, chronology and biography of the
life and voyages of the famous explorer, told with 128 new
Roderick, John R. Crude Dreams: a Personal History of Oil
& Politics in Alaska (Fairbanks, AK : Epicenter Press,
1997), 446 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 0945397607. wln97-318896.
History of Alaska's petroleum industry through the late 1970s,
told by one who observed and reported the development of oil
production and the people who made it happen.
Romano-Lax, Andromeda. How to Rent a Public Cabin in
Southcentral Alaska : Access and Adventures for Hikers, Kayakers,
Anglers, and More (Berkeley, Calif. : Wilderness Press, 1999)
pp., paper, $15.95 + postage, ISBN 0899972276, available from
Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau AK 99801,
1-800-478-1000. Half of the cabins described in this book weren't
available to the public ten years ago. A public cabin provides a
rustic and affordable, private base camp and ensures a safe, dry,
and comfortable shelter between jaunts.
Romig, Ella Mae Ervin. When the Geese Come: the Journals of
a Moravian Missionary Ella Mae Ervin Romig 1898-1905, Southwest
Alaska / edited with an introduction by Phyllis Demuth Movius
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1997), 254 pp., paper,
$20.00 plus $3.50 postage, ISBN0912006897, PO Box 756240,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99702. LC96-51588. "Her
candid observations of a time long gone reveal a growing
affection and understanding for the wild country where they lived
and labored, and for the Yup'ik people with whom they worked."
Roppel, Patricia. An Historical Guide to Revillagigedo
and Gravina Islands, Alaska
(Wrangell: Farwest Research, 1995), 313 p.,
spiral-bound, $35.00 postpaid, P.O. Box 1998, Wrangell, AK 99929.
History and natural history of two southeast Alaska islands.
Roppel, Patricia. Land of Mists : Misty
Fjords (publisher information unavailable),268 pp.,
spiral-bound, $35.00 plus postage, ISBN119901723X, order from
Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK
99501. A guide to Revillagigedo and Gravina Islands and Misty
Fjords -- the most comprehensive book on the area.
Roppel, Patricia. Misty Fiords National Monument
Wilderness, Alaska (Wrangell : Farwest Research, 2000), 240
pp., $15.95 plus postage, ISBN 15783331250, P. O. Box 1998,
Wrangell, AK 99929. History, natural history, and place name
information about this southeast Alaskan wilderness area.
Ross, M. J. Polar pioneers : John Ross and James Clark
Ross / McGill-Queens University Press, 1994. John Ross and
his nephew James were British naval officers who sought the
Northwest Passage in the Eastern Arctic during the early part of
the 19th century. James also explored the Antarctic. Biography
reveals the personalities and scientific and other contributions
to world exploration. ISBN773512349. cn940900427-8.
Rourke, Norman E. War Comes to Alaska : the Dutch Harbor
Attack, June 3-4, 1942. (Shippensburg, PA : Burd Street
Press, 1997), 166 pp., paper, $12.95 plus $4.00 postage,
ISBN1572490284, available from White Mane Publishing Co., Inc.,
PO Box 152, Shippensburg, PA 17257. LC96-053353. Story of the
battle on North American soil, from the American and Japanese
points of view.
Rozell, Ned. Walking my Dog, Jane : From Valdez to Prudhoe
Bay along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (Pittsburgh : Duquesne
University Press, 2000), 342 pp., cloth, $24.95 plus postage,
ISBN 082073141, 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15282. With his
chocolate lab, Jane, the author walks the length of the pipeline,
describing the wildlife, scenery and people along the way.
Ruby, Robert H., and John A. Brown. Indian slavery in the
Pacific Northwest / Spokane : A. H. Clark, 1993. 336p.
Slavery within Native cultures from Alaska south to
California. ISBN087062250. LC93-31861. $37.50.
Ruotsala, Jim. Pilots of the Panhandle (Juneau, Alaska
: Seadrome Press, c1997), 120 pp., paper, $29.95 plus $4.00
postage, ISBN 0965883000, available from Hearthside Books, 8745
Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801. LC97-091980. Volume one of
projected series on history of aviation in southeast Alaska from
1920 to 1935.
Rutherford, Kay M. Sweet Stew : An Alaskan Tale (Coon
Valley, WI : Aavery Press, c1997), 94 pp., paper, $9.95, ISBN
0965274217. LC96-095425. Short memoir of a woman and her
biologist husband who lived on Unimak Island for two years and
then for two more in Kaktovik in the 1970s and 1980s.
Rutledge, Gene. Prudhoe Bay-Discovery to
Recovery! (Anchorage : Wolfe Business Services, 1998), 144
pp., paperback, ISBN0932571034,6930 Oakwood, Anchorage, AK 99507.
Energy scientist and former project leader of Governor Hammond's
effort to address Alaska's energy resources, operations and
issues compiles the story of the people and organizations who
made the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System possible, from the
discovery of resources to its 20th anniversary.
Rychetnik, Joe. Alaska's Sky Follies: The Funny Side of
Flying in the Far North
(Fairbanks, AK: Epicenter Press, 1995), 160 p., paper, $13.95
plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 0945397445 (Box 60529, Fairbanks, AK
99706, dist. By Graphic Arts Center Publishing, PO Box 10306,
Portland, OR 97296-0306). LC95-031122. Aviation tales collected
by a former state trooper.
Sabella, John. Troll King : Glimpses of a Unique Southeast
Alaska Lifestyle (Seattle, WA : John Sabella &
Associates, 1997), 143 pp., paper, $15.95, ISBN0925720190, po Box
17392, Seattle, WA 98107. wln97128434. Profiles Keane Gau who
stalked salmon with hook and line in the wilds of Southeast
Saleeby, Becky M. The Quest for Gold : an Overview of the
National Park Service Cultural Resources Mining Inventory and
Monitoring Program (CRMIM) (Anchorage : National Park Service
Alaska Region, 2000), 546 pp., paper, request from 2525 Gambell
Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK 99503-2892. Archeological results
from ten years of cultural resource inventories conducted in nine
of Alaska's national parks and preserves; includes a chapter
describing mining technology as adapted to Alaskan
Sawatsky, Don. Ghost Towns and Trails of the Yukon (Whitehorse: Northbush
Publications, 1994), 126 p., paper, $9.95 plus postage, ISBN
1896079016 (order from Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street,
Whitehorse, YT, Canada YlA 2B2). cn94-910335. Reprint of 1975
title Ghost Town Trails of the Yukon.
Schwanke, Wilton. Unto the Northernmost Part of the
World; Taking God's Word to Alaska
(Milwaukie, OR: The Author, 1994), 252 p., paper,
$13.95, 12109 S.E. Beckman, Milwaukie, OR 97229. Memories of a
Moravian missionary who served for 25 years in Southwest Alaska.
Schwantes, Carlos A., editor. Encounters with a Distant
Land: Exploration and the Great Northwest
(Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1994), 220 p., cloth
ISBN 0893011657, $31.95 plus $4.00 postage, 16 Brink Hall,
Moscow, ID 83844-1107. Collection of fourteen essays, including
one by Stephen Haycox of the University of Alaska Anchorage on
the increase in Alaska history research and publication over the
past twenty years. LC 93-018483.
Schwatka, Frederick, 1849-1892. Schwatka's Last Search : New-York Ledger Expedition through
Unknown Alaska and British America : including the Journal of
Charles Willard Hayes, 1891 /
with an introduction and annotation by Arland S. Harris
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1996) 278 p., paper,
$20.00, ISBN 0912006870 (PO Box 756240, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240). LC96-038514. Schwatka's
narrative of his 1891 exploration in Alaska, initially published
in the New-York Ledger magazine as a series of installments in
1892, appears in book format for the first time, thanks to the
research of Arland Harris.
Science and Technology in Alaska's Past: Papers Presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Anchorage, Alaska, November
29-December 2,1990 (Anchorage:
Alaska Historical Society, 1996),194 p., comb-bound, $17.00 for
members, $20.00 for non-members, plus $2.00 postage, ISBN0940521
(PO Box 100299, Anchorage, AK 99510-0299).
Scott, Anne Theberge. The White Foam Flew:
Perils in the Gulf of Alaska, 1947 to 1962 (Tacoma: Quiveir
Press, 1998), 144 pp., paper, $15.95 plus $1.75 postage,
ISBN0966124707, 702 Court A, Tacoma, WA 98402. A 97-year-old
woman remembers her years of crewing on her son's fishing
Scott, Elva R. Jewel on the Yukon: Eagle City (Eagle:
Eagle Historical Society & Museums, 1997), 184 pp., paper,
$19.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 0965718808. LC 97-224830. A
collection of essays on this Yukon River city.
Scully, Julia. Outside Passage: Memoir of
an Alaskan Childhood (New York: Random House, 1998), 240 pp.,
cloth, $23.00 plus postage, ISBN0375500839, order from 400 Hahn
Road, Westminster, MD 21157. A New York magazine editor remembers
life with her sister and widowed mother in Nome and Fairbanks
before and during World War II.
Seidelman, Harold. The Inuit imagination : Arctic myth and
sculpture / New York : Thames and Hudson, 1994. 224p.
Describes how contemporary sculpture reflects Inuit heritage
and way of life. Combines art pieces with sections of traditional
legends and songs to illustrate. Includes bibliographical
references and index. ISBN0500016038. LC93-060706.
Selkregg, Jr., Fred M. The Intrepid Selkreggs
Beat the Alcan-October 1958 ([Anchorage: The Author, 1997?]),
55 pp., comb-bound. The Selkregg family leaves Illinois in a
Buick Roadmaster pulling an enormous trailer, drives the Alcan
Highway, and finds a new home in Anchorage.
Servid, Carolyn. Of Landscape and Longing : Finding a Home
at Water's Edge (Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2000), 192
pp., paper, $14.95 plus postage, ISBN 1571312382, 1001 Washington
Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415. Essays describe
author's personal outlook and perspectives formed while living in
Shadbolt, Doris. Bill Reid (Vancouver, B.C. ; Seattle,
Wash. : Douglas & McIntyre; University of Washington Press,
1998) 216 pp., cloth, $45.00 + postage, ISBN 0295977507, P.O. Box
50096, Seattle WA 98145-5096. Updates the 1986 edition to include
the last 12 years of Northwest Coast artist Bill Reid's amazingly
productive life, which ended with his ceremonial Haida burial in
Shape, William. Faith of Fools: A Journal of the
Klondike Gold Rush (Pullman: Washington State University,
1998), 120 pp., paper, $24.95 plus $2.50 postage, ISBN0874221609,
P.O. Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910. Previously unpublished
journal and photographs from 1897-98.
Shearar, Cheryl. Understanding Northwest Coast Art : a
Guide to Crests, Beings, and Symbols (Vancouver, B.C. Seattle
: Douglas & McIntyre ; University of Washington Press,
c2000), 143 pp., paper, $17.95, ISBN 0295979739, P.O. Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Dictionary-style with illustrations,
guide to identifying and understanding the symbols, crests, and
beings depicted in Northwest Coast Native American works of art
such as totem poles, masks, and prints.
Sheldon, Roberta. Heritage of Talkeetna
(Talkeetna: Talkeetna Editions, 1995), 185 p., paper,
$19.95 plus postage, Box 292, Talkeetna, AK 99676. History of
this southcentral Alaskan town told by a lifelong Alaskan who has
lived there for thirty years. LC 96-144782.
Shelford, Cyril. From War to Wilderness (Victoria,
B.C.: Shelford Pub., 1997), 250 pp., hardbound, $19.95,
ISBN1550565338, 4210 Kincaid Street, Victoria, BC V8X4K6.
cn97-9107121. Letters of the author's father relate his early
life in which he fought in the Boer War and then came to America,
arriving in Alaska in 1904 where he stayed for six years-trapping
and building--before settling in British Columbia.
Sherman, Len. Arctic Odyssey : Dove III Masters the
Northwest Passage (Anacortes, Wash. : Fine Edge Productions,
1999) 204 pp., paper, $24.95 plus postage, ISBN 0938665634, 13589
Clayton Lane, Anacortes Washington 98221. Three Canadian friends
put $400 into a food kitty and sail off from Vancouver in a
27-foot homemade boat to Baffin Island.
Sherwonit, Bill, editor. Denali : a Literary Anthology
(Seattle, WA : Mountaineers Books, 2000), 267 pp., paper, $18.95,
ISBN 089886710X, 1001 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 201, Seattle, WA
98134. Selection from 100 years of writings related to Alaska's
highest mountain, including native sacred stories, early
explorations, mountaineering, natural history, and modern
Sherwonit, Bill. Alaska's Bears :
Grizzlies, Black Bears, and Polar Bears / photographs by Tom
Walker (Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1998), 94 pp.,
paperback, $12.95, ISBN0882404997, order from Graphic Arts Center
Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306,
1-800-452-3032. Pocket-sized guidebook includes color photos,
general natural history for each species, sites for bear-viewing,
detailed maps, reading list, and index.
Sherwonit, Bill. To the Top of Denali : Climbing Adventures
on North America's Highest Peak (Anchorage : Alaska Northwest
Books, c. 1990, 2000), 368 pp., $14.95 plus postage, ISBN
0882405322, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, P.O. Box
10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306. Tenth anniversary edition of
classic anthology of McKinley stories.
Short, Wayne. Albie and Billy, the sky pilot and other
stories / Petersburg, Alaska: Devil's Thumb Press (Box 1136,
Petersburg AK 99833), 1994. 184p. Autobiographical stories of
life and commercial fishing in Southeast Alaska in the 1940's and
1950's. wln94-331170. $13.95.
Simeone, William E. Rifles, Blankets, and Beads:
Identity, History, and the Northern Athapaskan Potlatch
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995), 224 p.,
cloth, ISBN 0806127139, $24.95 + postage, P.O. Box 787, Norman,
OK 73070-0787. A study of possessions and culture in the lives of
Northern Athapaskans in Tanacross, Alaska. LC 94-48470.
Simmerman, Nancy Lange. Wild Alaska : The Complete Guide to
Parks, Preserves, Wildlife Refuges, and Other Public Lands,
2nd edition (Seattle : The Mountaineers, 1999) 348
pp., paper, $19.95 + postage, ISBN 0898865832, 1001 S.W.
Klickitat Way, Suite 201, Seattle WA 98134. An updated edition of
the nearly 20-year-old Alaska's Parklands. The editor, Tricia
Brown, includes a reorganization of state and federal parklands
into regional sections, updates on acreage and access, changes in
status, and adds more information on activities, flora, and
Simon, Alvah. North to the Night : A Year in the Arctic
Ice (Camden, Maine : McGraw-Hill/International Marine, 1999)
328 pp., cloth, $24.95 + postage, ISBN 0070580529, or paper,
$13.00 + postage, ISBN 076790446X, P.O. Box 182607, Columbus OH
43218-2607, 1-800-262-4729. The author and his wife begin an
Arctic adventure together, circumstances lead to their being
separated, and he must spend the Arctic night alone in the Baffin
Bay area.
Simpson, Sherry. The Way Winter Comes : Alaska
Stories (Seattle : Sasquatch Books, 1998), 164 pp., cloth,
$19.95, ISBN1570611467, 615 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. The
Chinook Literary Award winner's essays relate true stories of her
life in the great northern place with compelling clarity.
Sims, Grant. Leaving Alaska / New York : Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1994. 315p. Following the lives of a dozen
Alaskans over a period of five years, that include the spill of
the Exxon Valdez, Sims describes the Alaska environment
and the lives it shapes from remote Native villages and fishing
hamlets, to urban centers and oil fields, and out to the
wildlands. ISBN0871134764. LC93-43126. $22.00.
Sitka Community Schools. Seniors and Sitka Sound Youth (SASSY)
Program. Sitka at War : World War II stories shared by
Sitka's elders (1994) and Conservations with Sitka
Conservations with Sitka Elders (1993). Students in
freshman English class record experiences of Sitka's pioneers in
these 2 slim volumes.
Skillman, Don. Adventure Kayaking : Trips in
Glacier Bay (Berkeley, Calif. : Wilderness Press, 1998), 152
pp., paperback, $12.95, ISBN089997225X, 2440 Bancroft Way,
Berkeley, CA 94704, 1-800-443-7227. Covers all major inlets and
bays with tips, checklists, detailed descriptions, and accurate
Skinner, Ramona Ellen. Alaska Native Policy in the
Twentieth Century (New York : Garland Publishing, 1997), 143
pp., cloth, $40.00, ISBN0815329083, LC9740756. One of series
entitled Native Americans; Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Historical review of United States role in Alaska Native
governments with recommendations on ways to strengthen tribal
powers so that the culture is preserved.
Smelcer, John E. In the Shadows of Mountains: Ahtna Stories
from the Copper River
(Glennallen, AK : Ahtna Heritage Foundation, c1997), 101 p.,
paper, $10.00, ISBN0-9656310-0-1 (PO Box 213, Glennallen, AK 99588).
wln97-172442. Myths, tales, and teachings of the Ahtna
culture. Includes a foreword by poet Gary Snyder.
Smith, Barbara Sweetland, David J. Goa, Dennis G. Bell.
Heaven on earth : orthodox treasures of Siberia and North
America / Anchorage, AK: Anchorage Museum of History and Art
(121 West 7th Ave., Anchorage AK 99501), 1994. 115p. 1994
exhibition catalog of Russian Orthodox Church icons and sacred
objects. ISBN1885267002. wln94-258734. $11.95.
Smith, Barbara Sweetland. A sure foundation: Aleut churches
in World War II / Anchorage, Alaska: The Aleutian/Pribilof
Islands Association (401 E. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503),
1994. 70p. "History of ten Aleut churches and their
communities before and during World War II, and subsequent
efforts to restore church artifacts and structures; includes many
historic and contemporary photographs and profiles of the
communities." ISBN0960930825. wln94-302473. $11.95.
Smith, Barbara Sweetland. Science Under Sail : Russia's
Great Voyages to America, 1728-1867 (Anchorage : Anchorage
Museum of History and Art, 2000), 40 pp., paper, $12.95 plus
postage, ISBN 1885267029, Anchorage Museum of History and Art
Gift Shop, 121 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Catalog for
an exhibit that documents the history of scientific discovery in
the North Pacific during Alaska's Russian period.
Smith, Blake W. Warplanes to Alaska (Blaine,
WA: Hancock House, 1998), 256 pp., cloth, $39.95 plus postage,
order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue,
Anchorage, AK 99501. Unofficial WWII history of a wilderness
airway from Montana to Nome that linked remote communities and
brought fortune seekers and entrepreneurs to the Yukon and
Alaska, illustrated with historical photographs.
Snaith, Skip. Umiak: An Illustrated Guide (Eastsound,
WA: Walrose & Hyde, 1997), 185 pp., paper, $24.95 plus
postage, ISBN 0965872599, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. LC97-090473. Introduction
to umiaks-Arctic open-skin boats--and umiak design and building,
with illustrations for each step in the process.
Solka, Paul, Jr. The lost gold mine of the upper Tanana
/ Fairbanks : Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and Pioneers of Alaska
Igloo #4 Foundation, Inc., 1994. 50p. Although its exact
location has remained a mystery since 1903, the author recounts
the stories that surround this lost lode. wln94-264047.
Soos, Frank, and Kesler Woodward, editors. Under Northern
Lights : Writers and Artists View the Alaskan Landscape
(Seattle : Published for the University of Alaska Museum by
University of Washington Press, c2000), 317 pp., paper, $39.95
plus postage, ISBN 0295979240. Sixteen essays by Alaskan writers
juxtaposed with works of visual art drawn from the collection of
the University of Alaska Museum.
Spence, Clark C. The Northern Gold Fleet. Twentieth-Century
Gold Dredging in Alaska (Urbana
: University of Illinois Press, 1996), 302 p., cloth, $45.00 plus
postage, ISBN0252022181 (1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL
Springer, Susan Woodward. Seldovia Alaska: an Historical
Portrait of Life in Zaliv Seldevoe-Herring Bay (Littleton, CO
: Blue Willow, 1997), 240 pp., paperbound, $24.95,
ISBN1889796034, PO Box 6212227, Littleton, CO 80162. LC97-074728.
Highly readable, extensive history using many documents and
Spufford, Francis. I May be Some Time : Ice and the English
Imagination (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997), 372 p.,
cloth, $26.95, ISBN 031217442X. LC97-032084. Cultural history of
the obsession with ice, Eskimos, and polar exploration: how the
myth of the poles were perceived and imagined in nineteenth and
twentieth century England.
Stedman, Bill. The Book by the Goose Pilot
(Petersburg : Pilot Publishing, Inc., 1998), 58 pp., paperback,
$11.95, ISBN0964276348, P.O. Box 930, Petersburg, AK 99833. A
pilot reflects on his family, Southeast Alaska, and flying.
Steele, Peter. Atlin's Gold (Prince George, B.C.:
Caitlin Press, 1995), 239 pp., paper, $12.95 plus $4.00 postage,
ISBN 0920576478. LC96-150259. The story of the Steele family's
travels to Atlin, British Columbia; interspersed with the history
of the Atlin area. Includes b&w photographs.
Steltzer, Lilli, and Robert Davidson. Eagle transforming :
the art of Robert Davidson / Vancouver : Douglas &
McIntyre ; Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1994. 164p.
Davidson is a major contemporary Canadian artist. This book
combines pictures of his work and him at work, with biographical
information and a text by Davidson, musing about his work, life,
training and himself. A fine book. ISBN0295973714. LC94-6768.
Steltzer, Ulli. The Spirit of Haida Gwaii : Bill Reid's
Masterpiece (Seattle, WA : University of Washington Press,
1997), 61 pp., paper, $12.95, ISBN0295976241 (PO Box 50096,
Seattle, WA 98145-5096). LC98-51836, cn96-910846-C. Story of the
sculpture, a 20 foot long canoe filled with creatures of Haida
mythology, and its creator, the artist Bill Reid.
Stewart, Hilary. Stone, Bone, Antler, and Shell : Artifacts
of the Northwest Coast
(Vancouver ; Seattle : Douglas & McIntyre ; University of
Washington Press, 1996), cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0295975369.
LC96012279. Second, revised edition (original U.S. title:
Indian Artifacts of the Northwest Coast) of this basic
work that explains and illustrates the tools, weapons, hunting
and fishing gear, household and ceremonial items and ornaments
that reveal much about a people's way of life. Includes Tlingit,
Tsimshian, and Haida.
Stoll, William M. Hunting for Gold in Alaska's Talkeetna
Mountains, 1897-1951: With a Background Sketch of Alaska's Great
Gold-Lode Camps (Ligonier, PA: The Author, 1997), 301 pp.,
paper, $24.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 0-9656212-0-0, order from
Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK
99501. LC96-092743. History of the mines and miners in the
Talkeetna gold belt illustrated with maps, diagrams, and
Stoops, Gary and Noel Grunwaldt. Interviews with
Alaskans (Anchorage : Anchorage School District, 1998), 131
pp. A gathering of interviews from some of the people who shaped
and contributed to the formation of the city of Anchorage and the
state of Alaska.
Stolt, William, and Lilian Stolt. Bill and Lily: Two
Alaskans (Anchorage: Publication Consultants, 1997), 272 pp.,
cloth, $29.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 1888125144. wln97-281702.
Life stories of Anchorage residents who have been here since the
founding of the town in 1915.
Stoltenberg, Loretta. Road System Guide to Kodiak Island
World War II Sites (Kodiak : Alaska State Parks, Kodiak
District Office, 1997), 28 pp., paper, request from Fort
Abercrombie, 1400 Abercrombie Drive, Kodiak, AK 99615.
Specialized guide for those interested in Kodiak and/or World War
Stone, Ted. Alaska and Yukon History Along the Highway
(Red Deer, Alberta : Red Deer College Press, 1997), 223 pp.,
paper, $14.95 plus postage, ISBN 0889951454, order from Cook
Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK
Stoops, James G., ed. The Hillside - a history : a
compilation of interviews with original homesteaders : as
recorded by Mr. Stoops' six grade enrichment class /
Anchorage, AK : J.G. Stoops (Anchorage School District, POB.
196614, Anchorage, AK 99519-6614), 1993. 96 p. Cover title
reads: " the homesteaders, stories of the early homesteaders of
the south Anchorage hillside." LC94-140228.
Straley, Janice M. and Christine M. Gabriele.
Humpback Whales of Southeastern Alaska : a Catalog of
Photographs (Sitka : University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka
Campus, 1998), various pagings, paperback, 1332 Seward Avenue,
Sitka, AK 99835. Classified set of photographs of identifying
marks on tails of individual whales to develop sighting histories
to track their movements.
Strobridge, Truman R. and Dennis L. Noble, Alaska and the
U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, 1867-1915 (Annapolis : Naval
Institute Press, 1999) 223 pp., cloth, $32.95 + postage, ISBN
1557508453, 291 Wood Road, Annapolis MD 21402-5034. History of
the Coast Guard's predecessor.
Swalling, Al. "Oh, To Be Twenty Again-And Twins!"
(Anchorage : A & M Publishing, 1999) 262 pp., cloth, $29.95 +
postage, ISBN 0967123003, P.O. Box 1039, Anchorage AK 99510.
Autobiography of an Alaskan builder who came to the territory in
the 1920s to work in Cordova, and has been involved in
construction every since.
Sweeney, Mary Ann. The Machine Shop at Kennecott : a
Collection Plan (Copper Center, AK : Wrangell-St. Elias
National Park/Preserve, 2000), 219 pp., spiral-bound, request
from P.O. Box 439, Copper Center, AK 99573. A study of industrial
artifacts found in the machine shop at the Kennecott copper mine,
which was abruptly abandoned in 1938.
Swensen, Evan. One Last Cast : from Alaska Outdoors Radio
Magazine (Anchorage : Publication Consultants, 2000), 272
pp., paper, $14.95 plus postage, ISBN 1888125802, P.O. Box
221974, Anchorage, AK 99522-1974. Collection of stories first
heard on author's radio program.
Tangen, J.P., editor. D(2), Part 2 : a Report to the People
of Alaska on the Land Promises in ANILCA : 20 Years Later
(Anchorage : Alaska Miners Assn., c2000), 96 pp., paper, $9.95
plus postage, ISBN 0944780145, 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 202,
Anchorage, AK 99503; also available on website, "In reality, ANILCA has proven not
to be the last act in the struggle over Alaska's resources, but a
starting point from which all further attempts to lock up more of
Alaska begin."
Taylor, Alan. The Strangest Town in Alaska : the History of
Whittier, Alaska and the Portage Valley (Seattle : Kokogiak
Media, 2000), 114 pp., paper, $16.95 plus postage, ISBN
0967786002, 9457 Phinney Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103.
Consisting primarily of a Cold War era skyscraper at the end of a
two-mile tunnel, Whittier probably is the "strangest town in
Tempelman-Kluit, Anne. A Klondike
Christmas: Celebrating the Season in a Northern Frontier
(Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1998), 160 pp., cloth, $14.95 plus
postage, ISBN1551107708, 351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7J
2C4. An anthology of Christmas narratives taken from books,
diaries, letters, and newpaper articles from the period 1882 to
Tempelman-Kluit, Anne. A West Coast Christmas : Celebrating
the Season on the Edge of the Pacific (Vancouver, B.C. :
Whitecap Books, 1999) 143 pp., cloth, $16.95 + postage, ISBN
1551109565, available from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy,
Juneau AK 99801, 1-800-478-1000. Journal entries, articles,
recipes, and archival photographs provide a nostalgic look at
holiday celebrations in the second half of the 19th
century in Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska.
Tenakee Times: An Informational Booklet on Tenakee
Springs, Alaska
(Tenakee Springs: no publisher, 1995), 90 p., paper,
order from Hearthside Books 254 Front Street, Juneau, AK 99801.
Illustrated anecdotes about a southeast Alaskan town.
Terra Pacifica : People and Place in the
Northwest States and Western Canada, edited by Paul W. Hirt
(Pullman, Wash. : WAS Press, 1998), 223 pp., cloth, $35.00,
ISBN0874221633, or paperback, $18.95, ISBN0874221625, Washington
State University Press, P.O. Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910,
1-800-354-7360. Ten widely recognized historians from the United
States and Canada present thought-provoking insights about
society, culture, and change in the great, resource-laden
Theodoratus, Dorothea J. Sitka Tribe of Alaska Historic
Preservation Plan (Washington,
DC : US Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, 1995), 124
p., paper, (free from Alaska Regional Office, National Park
Service, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage, AK
99503-2892). LC96-203471. Contains much on Tlingit history of
this southeast Alaska town.
Three Northern Wartime Projects / edited by Bob Hesketh (Edmonton : Canadian
Circumpolar Institute : Edmonton and District Historical Society,
c1996), 249 p., $24.95, ISBN 1896445004 (CCI, University of
Alberta, Third Floor, 8820-112th St., Edmonton, AL,
CANADA T6G 2E2). cn96-910185. Papers from the Alaska Highway
50th Anniversary Commemorative Symposium, held in June
1992 in Edmonton; WWII: Canol Project, Alaska Highway, NW Staging
Time-Life, People of
the Ice and Snow
(Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1994), 192 p., ISBN
0809495624(trade), ISBN 0809495635 (, cloth, 777 Duke
Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Heavily-illustrated overview of
traditional northern cultures; Alaskan Rosita Worl, now of the
Smithsonian Institution, was a general consultant for the book.
LC 94-016653.
Tower, Elizabeth. Anchorage : From Its Humble Origins as a
Railroad Construction Camp (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press,
1999) 222 pp., paper, $14.95 + postage, ISBN 0945397739, Box
82368, Kenmore WA 98028. Part of the publisher's "City History
Tower, Elizabeth A. Icebound Empire: Industry and Politics
on the Last Frontier, 1898-1938
(Anchorage: The Author, 1996), 302 p., paper, $19.95 plus $4.00
postage, ISBN1888125055 (order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501). wln96-268614. Story of
three men whose Alaska Syndicate developed the Copper River and
Northwestern Railway and the Kennecott Copper Company.
Townsend, Leroy S. The Alaska Gold Rush Letters and
Photographs of Leroy S. Townsend, 1898-1899, edited by Peggy
Jean Townsend, Patricia Roppel and Art Petersen, (Juneau :
Klondike Research, 1999) 166 pp., cloth, $34.95 + postage, ISBN
0965793850, or paper, $16.95 + postage, ISBN 0965793842, P.O. Box
210174, Auke Bay AK 99821. A collection of previously unpublished
photographs and letters from a medical doctor on the
scurvy-ridden Valdez Trail.
Townsend, Leroy Stewart. The Gold Rush Letters
of Leroy Stewart Townsend, 1898-1899: The Valdez and Copper
Valley, Alaska, edited by Peggy Jean Townsend, Patricia
Roppel, and Art Petersen, (Auke Bay: Klondike Research, 1998),
166 pp., cloth, $34.95 plus postage, ISBN0965793850, or paper,
$16.95 plus postage, ISBN0965793842, P.O. Box 210174, Auke Bay,
AK 99821. A collection of previously unpublished photographs and
letters from a medical doctor on the scurvy-ridden Valdez
Trade and Commerce in Alaska's Past: Papers Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Kodiak,
Alaska, November 3-5,1994
(Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1994), 66 p.,
ISBN 0940521032, comb-bound, $10.00 for members, $12.00 for
non-members plus $1.50 postage, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK
99510-0299. Five papers presented at the conference.
Treadwell, Timothy, and Jewel Palovak. Among Grizzlies :
Living with Wild Bears in Alaska (New York : HarperCollins,
1997), 199 pp., cloth, $24.00, ISBN0060173939, LC96-53501. For eight summers, the
author has lived alone with the grizzlies of Alaska, observing
their social structure and here shares his observations of their
day-to-day lives.
True, J. D. It Happened on the White Pass: The Life and
Times of a Narrow-Gage Railway Engineer (Whitehorse: Northbush Publications), 107
p., paper, CN$9.95 plus CN$6.00, ISBN 1896079024 (order from
Mac's Fireweed Books, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT, Canada YlA
2B2). wln97-53880. Memories of forty years on the White Pass and
Yukon Route.
Turley, Barbara. Journal of an Arctic Odyssey, 1996 / Auke Bay, AK : AK Productions,
c1996, 27p, $6.00 (Box 21-1134, Auke Bay 99821-1134).
wln97-047278. The Turleys tell how they planned for and then
hiked from the Arctic Ocean to the Brooks range through the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Turner, Edith L. B. The Hands Feel It : Healing and Spirit
Presence among a Northern Alaskan People (DeKalb, Ill. : Northern Illinois University
Press, 1996), 260 p., $38.00, ISBN0875802125 (cloth);
ISBN0875805736 (pbk.) (320 A Williston Hall, Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb, IL 60115). LC95-026638. The author's
experiences with Inupiat spirituality and healing during a year
of life in a village on Alaska's north slope.
Turner, Morris, III. America's Black Towns and Settlements
: A Historical Reference Guide, Volume 1 (Rohnert Park,
Calif. : Missing Pages Productions, 1998) 176 pp., paper, $16.95
+ postage, ISBN 0966828801, 6585-E Commerce Blvd., Suite 211,
Rohnert Park CA 94928. Guide to more than 200 independent
communities established by African Americans. Includes three
pages on Dempsey, Alaska, including a portrait of an African
American mother and daughter dressed in fur parkas.
Turner, Nancy J. Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples
(Vancouver : UBC Press : Royal British Columbia Museum,
1995), 164 p., paper, ISBN07748053391, University of British
Columbia, 6344 Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2. First
published in 1975 under title: Food Plants of British Columbia
Indian. Traditional uses of indigenous plants found in
British Columbia and neighboring coasts of Washington and Alaska.
Truett, Joe C., and Stephen R. Johnson, editors. The
Natural History of an Arctic Oil Field : Development and the
Biota (San Diego : Academic Press, c2000), 422 pp.,
hardbound, $69.95, ISBN 0127012354, 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San
Diego, CA 92101-4495. Impacts of oil development in the Arctic
over the past 30 years.
Tyone, Mary. Ttheek'adn Ut'iin Yaaniida' Qonign' = Old-time
stories of the Scottie Creek people : stories told in Upper
Tanana Athabaskan transcribed and edited by James Kari.
(Fairbanks : Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, 1996), 87 p., paper, ISBN1555000592 (PO
Box757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680). wln96-269397. Oral history
and folklore of the Scottie Creek Athapaskans in the original
language with English translation.
Ublasaun = First Light : Inupiaq hunters and herders in the
Early Twentieth Century, Northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska
prepared by the Alaska System Support Office, U.S. Department of
the Interior, National Park Service, Alaska Field Area, Shared Beringian Heritage Program / Anchorage : National Park Service,
Alaska System Support Office, Shared Beringian Heritage Program,
1996 / 143 p. paper, ISBN094155502X. wln97181510. Archaeological
site between Shishmaref and Cape Espenberg is focal point of a
long-term, integrated study of the human ecology, ethnohistory,
ethnoarchaeology, and historic architecture of early twentieth
century Inupiaq reindeer herders.
United States. National Archives and Record Administration.
Alaska Region. Guide to the Holdings of the National Archives
: Alaska Region (Anchorage, AK :
National Archives - Alaska Region, 1996), 124 p., paper, (654 West 3rd Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501).
wln96-268445. Draft guide to records that have been formally
accessioned into the legal custody of the Archives and are, with
a few exceptions, open to all researchers. Each entry describes
the agency that produced the records and the Alaska activities
that created the records, the scope of the records, the finding
aids available, and related records and microfilm. Includes an
index to Alaskan villages that have substantial information found
in the record groups. A final publication is due out in early
Van Zyle, Jon. Jon Van Zyle's Iditarod Memories : 25 years
of Poster Art from the Last Great Race / [art by Jon Van
Zyle] ; stories by Jona Van Zyle ([Seattle, WA ; Fairbanks, AK] :
Epicenter Press, c2000), 64 pp., cloth, $16.95 plus postage, ISBN
0945397887, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Creator of annual
Iditarod posters reflects on meaning of Iditarod and his
involvement of 25 years.
Vandercook, Marcia. A Guide to Alaska's Criminal Justice
System. (Anchorage, AK : Alaska Judicial Council, 1995), 57
p., paper, free, 1029 West Third Avenue, Suite 202, Anchorage, AK
99501-1981. "This guide describes Alaska's criminal
justice system from the time someone commits a crime to the
offender's release from state supervision." A resource directory
is included. wln95-171002.
VanStone, James W. The Cherry Collection of Deg Hitan
(Ingalik) Material Culture. (Chicago: Field Museum of Natural
History, 1996), 58 pp., paper, order from Library Publications
Division, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL
60605-2498. wln96-274058. Description of over a hundred objects
collected at Anvik on the lower Yukon River in 1890-92 by Marcus
O. Cherry.
Van Zyle, Jon. Jon van Zyle's Alaska Sketchbook
: Four Seasons in the Far North. (Fairbanks : Epicenter Press,
1998), 64 pp., cloth, $16.95 + $5.00 shipping, ISBN0945397658,
P.O. Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. More than forty paintings,
sketches, drawings, notes, diary entries, and personal stories
offer an intimate look at a year in Alaska through the artist's
Vaughan, Richard. The Arctic : a history / Phoenix
Mill, Dover, NH : A. Sutton, 1994. 340p. Good, comprehenisive
review of historical through present-day issues and reoccuring
themes of the circumpolar Arctic. ISBN0750901772.
Vincet, Timothy L. Finns, Swedes and Norwegians in the
Alaska World War I Draft Registrations, 1917-1918 (Salt Lake
City : The Author, 2000), 334 pp., $35.00 plus $4.00 postage,
P.O. Box 526163, Salt Lake City, UT 84152. A compilation of 4500
entries which includes all information from each draft
Von der Heydt, James A. Alaska : the Short and Long of
It (Publication Consultants, 2000), 208 pp., $16.95, paper,
ISBN 1888125721, available from Autobiographical
sketches by long-time Alaskan.
Waddell, James I. C.S.S. Shenandoah: The Memoirs of
Lieutenant Commanding James I. Waddell, edited by James D.
Horan, (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996), 208 pp., paper,
$13.95 plus postage, ISBN 1557503680, 2062 Generals Highway,
Annapolis, MD 21401. LC95-038811. Reprint of 1960 ed. Waddell
commanded a Confederate cruiser that sank and captured dozens of
ships, many of them in the Bering Sea after the Civil War had
Waddell, James I. C.S.S. Shenandoah : the
Memoirs of Lieutenant Commanding James I Waddell, edited by James D. Horan
(Annapolis, Md. : Bluejacket Books : Naval Institute Press, 1996 1960), 200 pp.,
paperback, $13.95, ISBN1557503680, U.S. Naval Institute, 291 Wood Road,
Annapolis, MD 21402. The last armed Confederate cruiser sent to sea, doing
significant damage to Union commerce, including the capture of dozens of whaling
vessels and their crews in the Bering Sea. Reprint of the 1960 edition.
Walker, Harry M. Boats of Alaska (Kenmore, WA ;
Fairbanks, AK ; Portland, OR : Epicenter Press, c2000), 64 pp.,
$16.95 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN 094539781X, Box 82368, Kenmore,
WA 98028. Photographic tour of boats and boat owners of the
49th state.
Walker, Harry M. Log Cabins of Alaska (Fairbanks :
Epicenter Press, 1999) 64 pp., cloth, $16.95 + postage, ISBN
0945397712, Box 82368, Kenmore WA 98028. A gift book consisting
mainly of color photographs of various log structures in Alaska,
including an espresso stand and dog kennels.
Walker, Spike. Nights of Ice: True Stories of Disaster and
Survival on Alaska's High Seas (New York : St. Martin's
Press), 206 pp., cloth, $20.95, ISBN0312156111. LC97-6207. Eight
true stories recount ordeals of fishermen who encounter
shipwrecks and other perils in the oceans around Alaska.
Walker, Tom. Building the Alaska Log Home.
(Anchorage : Alaska Northwest Books, 1998), 178 pp., paperback, $29.95,
ISBN088240511X, order from Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10306,
Portland, OR 97296-0306, 1-800-452-3032. The author/photographer offers useful
text, color drawings and photographs in describing every step in building with
logs. Essentially a reprint of the 1984 edition.
Walker, Tom. Caribou : Wanderer of the Tundra
(Portland, Or. : Graphic Arts Center Pub., c2000), 76 pp., paper,
$16.95 plus postage, ISBN 1558685243, Graphic Arts Center
Publishing Company, P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306.
Color photographs and general information on caribou in
Warbelow, Marvin. Head winds / Tok, Alaska : Main
Street Alaska Pub., 1994. 147p. Rev. edition of 1987
publication on bush pilots in Alaska. wln95036575.
Ward, Kennan. Denali : Reflections of a Naturalist
(Minnetonka, MN : NorthWord Press, 2000), 160 pp., cloth, $24.95,
ISBN 1559717165, order from Cook Inlet Book Company. Large format
book with 100 color images taken by photographer who has visited
Denali again and again over the past 20-some years.
Wardwell, Allen. Tangible Visions: Northwest Coast Indian
Shamanism and Its Art (New York:
Monacelli/Corvus Press, 1996), 336 p., cloth, $85.00 plus
postage, ISBN 1-885254-16-4, (10 East 92nd Street, New
York, NY 10128). LC95-024157. Shamanic art of the Haida, Tlingit
and Tsimshian peoples; over 500 photographs.
Washburn, Tahoe Talbot. Under Polaris : An Arctic Quest
(Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1999) 247 pp., cloth,
$27.50 + postage, ISBN 0295977612, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA
98145-5096. First visiting the Arctic in 1938 with her graduate
student husband, the author kept journals of their adventures
over the next three years, writing in tents and snow houses, at
missions and Hudson's Bay Company posts.
Waterman, Jonathan. In the shadow of Denali : life and
death on Alaska's Mount McKinley / New York : Dell Pub, 1994.
246p. Various stories of climbers, guides, and rescuers who
experienced "The High One." ISBN0385312458. wln94-222643.
Wayburn, Peggy. Adventuring in Alaska : the ultimate travel
guide to the great land / San Francisco: Sierra Club Books,
1994. 387p. Checklist of mammals, scientific and common names,
birds checklist; helpful lists in back--zip codes, International
Youth Hostels, Alaska Native Regional Corporations, short
bibliography. ISBN0871564726 pbk wln94-226851. $14.00.
Wendt, Ron. Gold, Ghost Towns & Grizzlies : Treasure
Hunting in Alaska (Wasilla, AK :
Goldstream Publications, 1996), 72 p., paper, $9.95,
ISBN1886574014 (PO Box 870624, Wasilla, AK 99687). wln96-042762.
Stories of gold prospecting and tales, some of which may be true
of treasures lost and/or waiting to be discovered.
Wendt, Ron. Strange, Amazing! True Tales of Alaska
(Wasilla : Goldstream Publications, 1995), 64 p., ISBN
1886574103, paper, P.O. Box 870624, Wasilla, AK 99687. Many short
stories from the Russian period to the present. LC 95-081491.
Wendt, Ron. Where to Prospect for Gold in Alaska without
Getting Shot! (Wasilla, AK :
Goldstream Publications, 1996), 64 p., paper, $9.95.
ISBN188657412X (PO Box 870624, Wasilla, AK 99687). wln97-075653.
"Comprehensive guide on where recreational gold prospectors can
look for gold around Alaska with no hassle."
Weschenfelder, Ernest. Pioneering in Alaska: a true
account / Anchorage AK: Vintage Print Co. (7312 Huntsmen Cr.,
Anchorage AK 99518), 1993. Boyhood in Douglas and Spuhn
Island, Alaska - includes fishing, hunting and fox farming.
wln94-329399. $11.95.
West, Frederick Hadleigh, editor. American Beginnings: The
Prehistory and Palaeoecology of Beringia (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1996), 576 pp., cloth, $75.00, ISBN
0-226-893995, LC96-011719. Compilation of 56 articles represent
key archaeological discoveries in Siberia and Alaska that reveal
the environmental and human evidence of this important region,
also known as the Bering Land Bridge.
Wheeler, Gerald E. Kinkaid of the Seventh Fleet: A
Biography of Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, U.S. Navy (Annapolis:
Naval Institute Press, 1996), 552 pp., cloth, $39.95 plus
postage, ISBN 1557509360, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, MD
21401. Kinkaid's 46-year naval career included command of the
Kiska and Attu invasions in the Aleutian Islands during World War
White, Alan L. Alaska Behind Blue Eyes : a
Police Officer Discovers Life, Love and Law Enforcement on the
Last Frontier (Clare, Mich. : Dark River, 1998), 225 pp.,
cloth, $21.95, ISBN0966320115, P.O. Box 436, Clare, MI 48617.
Former Skagway officer relates his experiences as a police
officer and a twenty-something single man new to Alaska.
White, Ken Wayne. World in peril : the origin, mission and
scientific finds of the 46th/72nd Reconnaissance Squadron /
Elkhart, IN : the Author (POB 1446, Elkhart, IN 46515), 1992.
Includes some Alaska operations, Project Nanook and B-29
maneuvers in 1940s and 1950s. ISBN1883218101. wln95-52813.
White, Paul J. Cultural Landscape Report : Bremner Historic
District, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve,
Alaska (Copper Center, AK : Wrangell-St. Elias National
Park/Preserve, 2000), 218 pp., paper, request from P.O. Box 439,
Copper Center, AK 99573. History of activities and inventory of
structures and artifacts in this remote region southwest of
Whitekeys, Mr., Mr. Whitekeys' Alaska Bizarre: Direct
from the Whale Fat Follies Revue in Anchorage
(Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books, 1995), 144 p., ISBN
0882404709, $19.95, 2208 NW Market St., Suite 300, Seattle, WA
98107. Nightclub owner's view of Alaska. LC 95-34812.
Whitman, Claudia. Frontiers of Justice, Volume
I: The Death Penalty (Brunswick: Biddle Publishing, 1998),
270 pp., paper, $15.95 plus $2.00 postage, ISBN1879418266, P.O.
Box 1305, #103, Brunswick, ME 04011. An anthology about capital
punishment which includes an essay by John Gaffney who witnessed
a 1939 hanging in Juneau.
Whyard, Flo, editor, Martha Black: Her Story
from the Dawson Gold Fields to the Halls of Parliament
(Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books, 1998), 190 pp., paper, $8.95
plus postage, ISBN088240508X, order from Graphic Arts Center
Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10306, Portland, OR 97296-0306,
1-800-452-3032. With the addition of a new 24-page photographic
"Portfolio", this is a reissue of the editor's 1976 book My
Ninety Years, itself a revision of Martha Black's 1938
classic, My Seventy Years. Unhappily married, pregnant and
thirty-two, Chicago socialite Martha Black joined the Klondike
gold rush alone, settled in Dawson, and later represented the
Yukon in Canada's Parliament.
Wickersham, James. James Wickersham, U. S. District Judge
of Alaska : Transcripts of Diaries 1-13, January 1, 1900-February
13, 1908, transcribed by Mary Anne Slemmons, (Juneau : Alaska
State Library, 2000), 382 pp., unbound, P. O. Box 110571, Juneau,
AK 99811-0571. No longer available. Transcribed from original
diaries held in the Alaska Historical Collections, these are the
first thirteen of 47 diaries recording the life and career of
Alaska's first District Judge. Included are his attempt to scale
Mount McKinley and other adventures described in his 1938 book
Old Yukon : Tales-Trails-and Trials.
Wilbanks, William. Forgotten Heroes : Police Officers
Killed in Alaska, 1850-1997 (Paducah, Kent. : Turner
Publications, 1999) $24.95 + $6 postage, ISBN 1563115115, P.O.
Box 3101, Paducah KY 42001. Following a brief history of Alaskan
law enforcement, the author discusses the deaths of forty-six
peace officers, the earliest being a United States marshal killed
in 1897 and the most recent a Fairbanks officer killed in 1998
(regardless of title).
Wilder, Edna. Secrets of Eskimo Skin Sewing
(Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1998 1976), 131 pp.,
paperback, $12.95, ISBN1889963127, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. The
paperback reissue of the original 1976 publication makes this
classic work available to even more people who want to learn
about the traditional techniques for working with fur and hides
as well as the culture they come from.
Willard, Carrie M. Carrie M. Willard Among the Tlingits:
The Letters of 1881-1883, edited by Borg Hendrickson, (Sitka: Mountain Meadow
Press, 1995), 240 p., paper, ISBN 0945519206, $12.95 + postage,
P.O. Box 318, Sitka, AK 99835-0318. Letters by a Presbyterian
missionary wife, written from Fort Wrangell, Sitka, and Haines.
LC 95-75342.
Williams, Wilma. Alaska Sea Escapes /
illustrated by Rhonda Shelford Jansen (Homer : Wizard Works,
1998), 126 pp., paperback, $14.95, ISBN189069200X, P.O. Box 1125,
Homer, AK 99603. A collection of stories of the adventures of men
and women who spend their lives going down to the sea in
Williams, Wilma. If You've Got it to Do (Homer, AK : Wizard Works, 1996), 184 p.,
paper, ISBN0962154385, PO Box 1125, Homer, AK 99603.
wln97-167207. Homer pioneer tells about her life in Alaska.
Williams, Wilma. This is Coffee Point : Go Ahead : a
Mother's Story of Fishing & Survival at Alaska's Bristol Bay
(Anchorage, AK : Alaska Press, 1995), 168 p., paper,
ISBN1886921032, $15.95, P.O. Box 90565, Anchorage, AK
99509-0565.Memories of an Alaskan woman and her seven children in
the 1960s and 1970s. wln96-097423.
Wilson, Graham. The Klondike Gold Rush: Photographs from
1896-1899 (Whitehorse: Wolf Creek Books, 1997), 112 pp.,
paper, $9.95 plus $4.00 postage, ISBN 0968195504. cn97-900361. A
selection of 125 black and white historical images.
Wilson, Graham. Paddlewheelers of Alaska and the Yukon
(Whitehorse, Yukon : Wolf Creek Books, Inc., 1999) 112 pp.,
paper, $9.95 + postage, ISBN 0968195555, Box 31275, Whitehorse,
YT Y1A 5P7 Canada. A keepsake book of historical photographs of
paddlewheel steamboats on the Yukon River.
Wilson, Graham. Southeast Alaska : Early Photographs of the
Great Land (Whitehorse: Wolf Creek Books, 1999) 128 pp.,
paper, $12.95 + postage, ISBN 0968195547, Box 31275, Whitehorse,
YT Y1A 5P7 Canada. A keepsake book of 125 familiar and unfamiliar
historical photographs taken up through the 1920s.
Wilson, Graham. The White Pass and Yukon Route
Railway (Portland: Graphic Arts Center Publishing, 1998), 112
pp., paper, $9.95 plus postage, ISBN0968195520, P. O. Box 10306,
Portland, OR 97210. An album of 125 historic black and white
Wilson, Ian, and Sally Wilson. Gold Rush : North to Alaska
and the Klondike (West
Vancouver, B.C. ; Seattle : Gordon Soules Book Publishers, 1996),
246 p., paper, $16.95, ISBN 0919574602 (#620 - 1916 Pike Place,
Seattle, WA 98101). LC9619680. For one year, the authors relived
the adventure of the great gold stampede.
Wilson, Rodman. Tordrillo : Pioneer Climbs and Flights in
the Tordrillo Mountains of Alaska, 1957-1997 (Anchorage :
Todd Communications, 1999) 220 pp., cloth, $30.00 + postage,
ISBN: 1578330939, available from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415
West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. A compendium of tales of
exploration, pioneer flights and climbs and of the people who
made them--splashed liberally with pictures. A reference or
source book for anyone who becomes intrigued with this
little-known, yet not remote, domain of rock and ice, located
across Cook Inlet from Anchorage.
Wilson, Sally. Klondikers : Gold Rush Portfolio illustrations by Sally Wilson ; text by Ian
Wilson. (West Vancouver, BC ; Seattle : Gordon Soules Book
Publishers, 1996?), 31 p., $6.95, ISBN0920641407 (#620 - 1916
Pike Place, Seattle, WA 98101). wln97213784.
Wilson, Shawn Stanley. Gwich'in Native Elders : Not Just
Knowledge, but a Way of Looking at the World (Fairbanks, AK :
Alaska Native Knowledge Network, University of Alaska Fairbanks,
1996), 62 pp., University of Alaska Fairbanks, Harper Building,
PO Box 756730, Fairbanks, AK 99775. wln98039946. First of series
entitled "Native pathways to Education," this study examines the
role, characteristics, and needs of elders of Fort Yukon.
Wing, Robert C. Joseph Baker: Lieutenant on the Vancouver
Expedition, British Naval Officer for whom Mt. Baker was Named (Seattle: Gray Beard, 1992), 120
p., cloth, ISBN 0933686021, $39.95 plus postage (available from
the author at 2217 142nd Ave., KPS, Lakebay, WA
98349). LC92-07372.
Wolfe, Art. Alaska / text by Nick Jans
(Seattle : Sasquatch Books, c2000), 159 pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN
1570612161, or cloth, $40.00, ISBN 157061217X, 615 Second Avenue,
Suite 260, Seattle, WA 98104. Coffee table book; one hundred
thirty images in color enhanced by writings of Alaskan author
Nick Jans.
Wolff, Ernest N. Frank Yasuda and the Chandalar
(Fairbanks: The Author, 1997), 66 pp., 875 Crazy Horse Way,
Fairbanks, AK 99712. wln97139775. Account of a Japanese whaler
who jumped ship in Barrow, married an Inupiat woman, and crossed
the Brooks Range to found the village of Beaver on the Yukon
River; illustrated with photographs.
The Wolves of Denali / L. David Mech
… [et al.] (Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 1998),
227 pp., cloth, $29.95, ISBN0816629587, 111 Third Avenue South,
Suite 290, Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520. Explores all aspects of
wolf life, provides important new information for researchers and
general readers.
Women of Alaska : a Compilation of Interviews,
Vol. III and Vol. IV, as conducted by the Athena Project with
Mr. James G. Stoops sixth grade gifted class (Anchorage :
Anchorage School District, 1996-1998), 2 vols.(123 pp., 97 pp.),
O'Malley Elementary School, 11100 Rockridge Drive 99516-1884.
Continuing this series, these present transcripts of taped
interviews with women of achievement who have visited the school.
Wonders, William C. Alaska highway explorer : place names
along the adventure road / Victoria, BC : Horsdal &
Schubart Publishers, 1994. Geographic names and history along
the Alaska highway. ISBN0920663281. cn94-910302. $8.95.
Wood, Diane Ford. The Dawg's Tale: The Story of the
Salty Dawg Saloon, the Homer Spit & the Town of Homer, Alaska
(Anchorage: Alaska Press, 1995), 224 p., paper, ISBN
945519206, $15.95 + postage, P.O. Box 90565, Anchorage, AK
99509-0565. wln95-192621.
Woodman, David C. Strangers Among Us. (Montreal; Buffalo : McGill-Queen's
University Press, 1995). cloth, 166 p., ISBN 0773513485, $29.95.
wln96-57549, cn95-900539. Although discredited at the time,
author Woodman re-evaluates the importance of Inuit oral
traditions and the interviews of American Explorer Charles
Francis Hall in 1865-69 in his search to reconstruct the events
surrounding Sir John Franklin's tragic 1845 expedition and argues
that the stories may indeed refer to survivors of the expedition
on the Melville Peninsula. Author of Unraveling the Franklin
Mystery : Inuit Testimony.
Woodman, Lyman L. Duty Station Northwest : U.S. Army in
Alaska and Western Canada, 1867-1987 (Anchorage, AK : Alaska Historical Society,
1996), 376p., cloth, $75.00, ISBN0940521040 (P. O. Box 100299,
Anchorage, AK 99510-0299). LC96-083273. Volume one covers the
period 1867-1917. Very thorough; a definitive work of military
and Alaskan history.
Woodman, Lyman L. Duty Station Northwest: The
U.S. Army in Alaska and Western Canada, 1867-1987. Volume Two,
1918-1945 (Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1997), 400
pp., cloth, $75.00 plus $3.00 postage, ISBN0940521059, P.O. Box
100299, Anchorage, AK 99510-0299. Second of a three-volume
Woodman, Lyman L. Duty Station Northwest : The U.S. Army in
Alaska and Western Canada, 1867-1987, Volume Three, 1945-1987
(Anchorage : Alaska Historical Society, 1999) 304 pp., cloth,
$65.00 + $3 postage, ISBN 0940521121, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage
AK 99510-0299. Third in a three-volume set.
Woodward, Kesler. Spirit of the North: The Art
of Eustace Paul Ziegler (Augusta, GA: Morris Communications
with the Anchorage Museum of History and Art and the Morris
Museum of Art, 1998), 120 pp., paper, $22.95 plus postage,
ISBN1890021059, 725 Broad Street, Augusta, GA 30901. Catalog for
an exhibit of the painter's work. He was active as a lay
missionary and artist in Alaska from 1909 until 1924, continuing
to paint Alaskan subject matter from his Seattle home until his
death in 1969.
Woodward, Kesler E. Painting Alaska, Volume
27, Number 3 of Alaska Geographic (Anchorage : Alaska Geographic
Society, 2000), 112 pp., paper, $21.95 plus $5.00 postage, ISBN
1566610516, P.O. Box 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509-3370. A panorama
of Alaskan pictorial art through the years.
Wright, Sam. Edge of Tomorrow : An Arctic Year
(Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University Press, 1998) 177
pp., paper, $14.95 + postage, ISBN0874221625, P.O. Box 645910,
Pullman WA 99164-5910. Living in a hand-built, twelve-by-twelve
cabin, Wright records seasonal changes and his own thoughts as he
and his wife spend a year in isolation and contemplation in the
Brooks Range.
Wyatt, Gary. Mythic Beings : Spirit Art of the
Northwest Coast (Seattle : University of Washington Press;
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, 1999) 144 pp., paper, $22.95
+ postage, ISBN 0295977981, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA
98145-5096. Presents an outstanding collection of 75 compelling
works in color by 34 of the best First Nations artists working on
the Northwest Coast today. The mythic beings depicted in these
works belong to the undersea, sky, mortal, and spirit worlds.
Yamada, Takako and Takashi Irimoto. Circumpolar Animism and
Shamanism (Sapporo, Japan : Hokkaido University Press, 1997)
336 pp., $148.87 (depending on exchange rate) + postage, cloth,
ISBN 4832902520, order from Nishi 8 Kita 9 Kita-Ku, Sapporo,
Hokkaido 060-0009. Resulting from the Second International
Conference of the Northern Studies Association in 1995, a
multinational group of scholars redefine and explore the nature
of animism and shamanism in the north in a general
anthropological framework.
Yardley, Joyce. Crazy cooks and gold miners / Surrey,
B.C.: Hancock House, 1993. 224 p. Experiences in the Yukon in
the Thirties, Forties and Fifties in Ben-My-Cree, Atlin,
Carcross, Dezadeesh and Whitehorse. ISBN088839294X.
cn92091782. $22.95cdn.
Yardley, Joyce. Yukon Riverboat Days (Blaine, WA: Hancock House Publishers,
1996), 192 p., paper, $12.95 plus postage, ISBN0888393865 (PO Box
959, Blaine, WA 98231-0959). LC97-113868. Memories of paddlewheel
steamboats on the Yukon River.
The Yukon River in Alaska's History: Papers Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Fairbanks,
Alaska, October 7-9, 1993
(Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1995), 230 p.,
ISBN 0940521024, comb-bound, $18.00 for members, $21.00 for
non-members plus $1.50 postage, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK
99510-0299. Nineteen papers presented at the conference.
Zimmerly, David W. QAYAQ : Kayaks of Alaska and
Siberia, Paul Gardinier, kayak exhibit coordinator (Fairbanks
: University of Alaska Press, 2000), 103 pp., paper, $16.95 plus
postage, ISBN 1889963100, P.O Box 756340, Fairbanks, AK
99775-6240. Second edition of exhibit catalog; the kayak in the
original edition has been changed to the Yupik spelling most
commonly seen in Alaska.
Zimmerman, Jenny. A naturalist's guide to Chugach State
Park / Anchorage, Alaska: A.T. Publishing and Printing, 1993.
258p. Complete guide to the history, geology, fauna and flora
of the state park closest to Alaska's largest city. Includes
advice on trails, bear encounters, avalanches, and various
wilderness hazards. ISBN0963730908. wln94-27970. $14.95.
Zuehlke, Mark. The B.C. Fact Book : Everything You Ever
Wanted to Know About British Columbia (North Vancouver,
BC : Whitecap Books, 1995), 253 p., paper, $12.95, ISBN
1551102773, 351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C4.
Alphabetical listing of subjects that include factual information
about the province's landscape, wildlife, peoples, history,
culture, and economic and social conditions. cn94-910960-6.
Zuehlke, Mark. The Yukon Fact Book : Everything
You Ever Wanted to Know About the Yukon (Vancouver, B.C. :
Whitecap Books, 1998), 220 pp., paperback, US$14.95,
ISBN1551107163, 351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C4.
Essential factual information for residents and visitors
reflecting the territory's unique heritage, from agriculture to
woolly mammoth.

Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 200 East Northern Lights Blvd,
Anchorage AK, 99503 USA / Tel: 907-279-7323 / Fax:
Borders Books and Music, 1100 E. Dimond Blvd, Anchorage, AK
99515 USA / Tel: 907-344-4099/ Fax:: 907-344-6912 / e-mail:
Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK
99501 / Tel: 907-258-4544/ Fax: 907-258-4491
Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801 / Tel:
907-789-2750 or 1-800-478-1000/ Fax: 907-789-7480/ e-mail:
Mac's Fireweed, 203 Main Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, CANADA Y1A
2B2/ Tel: 867-668-6104 or 800-661-0508/ FAX: 867-668-5548/
Old Harbor Books, 201 Lincoln Street, Sitka, AK 99835 / Tel:
907-747-8808 /e-mail: